The charm of "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" is that it looks like most of us

movie 287℃

Author | Cat Uncle

In 2011, Chopsticks Brothers sang in "Old Boy", "Dreams are always out of reach, shouldn’t you give up? It’s another season of flowers blooming, where are you in spring..."

2019, Tencent The exclusive online movie "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" not only tells you where spring is, but also waits for you in spring. The dreams and emotions that

saw in "Old Boy" can also be felt in "I'm Waiting for You in Spring", and it's more surging.

The charm of 'I'm Waiting for You in Spring' is that it looks like most of us - Lujuba

has no big scenes, no gorgeous shots and cool special effects, no so-called "Internet genes", and the subject matter is not the "mainstream" of the Internet, but "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" has become a major online movie. Qingliu".

Among the many online movies in 2019, "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" may not be the most eye-catching one, but it is definitely worth turning to the online movie page and marking it with a red pen. .

The charm of "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" is that it looks like most of us

If you want to summarize two key words for "I'm Waiting for You in Spring", one must be "nostalgic" and the other must be " dream".

Pop old songs, neon lights, tapes, tape recorders, retro posters...From modeling to scenes to background music, "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" opens with various nostalgic elements, making people overwhelmed.

Of course, all the "nostalgia" finally focused on the "Spring Song and Dance Hall" that Uncle Bo has been running for 30 years.

You must know that the song and dance halls of the 1990s can be said to be the forefront of Chinese entertainment and the fertile ground for training Chinese artists. Yang Yuying, Mao Ning, Wu Xiubo, Huang Bo, Chen Chusheng, Pang Long, Legend of Phoenix...Many celebrities have had intersections with dance halls.

With the rise of game halls, nightclubs, KTV and more forms of entertainment, song and dance halls have gradually become a legend of feasting and feasting, and eventually become the most representative symbol of an era, carrying the youth and dreams of that era.

"I'm Waiting for You in Spring" tells that in order to protect the "Spring Song and Dance Hall", which has been in business for 30 years, from closing down, the old neighborhoods formed a strange six-member Latin dance troupe "Spring Song and Dance Ensemble", which is in the audition. Realize the story of counterattack.

In this "spring song and dance troupe", there are down-and-coming Latin dancers, trainees who have never been on stage, uncle Bo who is struggling to maintain a business, and a hairdresser lady who is obsessed with her first love, and Housewife and van driver. On the one hand,

is the current vulgar and almost unchanging real life, on the other hand, the nostalgia for the beautiful past and the remembrance of dreams, and this nostalgia itself contains a strong denial of reality.

When "the beauty of the past" and "the mediocrity of reality" cruelly collide, there is Uncle Bo’s mantra "Don’t recognize counseling, just do it", and Lin Yu’s experience from "liar" agent to Latin dancer return.

At the moment when Sister Hua put down her firewood, rice, oil and salt and stood on the stage, this not beautiful housewife seemed to be radiating her whole body. When Zhang Yiqing finally plucked up the courage to put on the costume that she had never dared to wear, she jumped again and again. When jumping, I believe that all those with dreams will burst into tears.

almost every character in it represents a certain group of people. For older people, "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" is a spiritual journey back to memory, and for young people in the urban jungle, it is also a rare spiritual comfort.

So the biggest charm of "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" is that it looks like most of us. Although dreams may be different, everyone's pursuit of dreams is similar.

Youth and passion, friendship and dreams, from hostility to friendship, from running-in to tacit understanding between teammates, and finally supporting each other and relying on the kind of honor that makes everyone feel the same.

When Uncle Bo turned and left the door, the last light suddenly disappeared, and the screen instantly turned to pitch black. Everyone's heart tightened. Where is the closed door? It is everyone's dream! At the end of

, when the goddess Yang Yuying appeared, she said "Long time no see", as if to bring the audience back to the past, and the memory of that era came again.

has experienced a lot of ups and downs, maybe the "Spring Song and Dance Troupe"The ending was a bit smoother, but so what? The past is worth looking back, but the future is not going to be, it is good.

Perhaps this is also the most touching part of "I'm Waiting for You in Spring". Even if they are no longer young, they never grow old. Perhaps the reality is ordinary after all, but the dream never fades. The turning point of

has come: from the Internet to the reality

Although the policy is calling and the platform is guiding, it has to be admitted that the realistic theme of "I am waiting for you in spring" is not an online market." Mainstream" theme.

However, in the eyes of Liu Jiaji, the chief producer of "I'm Waiting for You in Spring", the general manager of Guangdong Zhuying Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., and film and television producer, the audience is cultivated, not data analysis. Whether it is policy-oriented, platform tendencies, or audience tastes, it indicates that the market has reached an inflection point. How to tell stories and tell China stories well is the future of our industry.

"I'm Waiting for You in Spring" Chief Producer, General Manager of Zhuying Film and Television Production Company, and Film and Television Producer Liu Jiazhen

Network film creation should have a wide range of types and subject matter, but in fact the development of the industry in recent years has shown In response to the extremely unbalanced trend, ancient costume fantasy rampant, public IP dominance, theme cloning, content homogenization, plot routines, and lack of innovation in online movies have become the biggest dilemma facing the entire industry.

Therefore, although Internet movies have been born for 5 years, they have always been regarded as fast-food pastime culture in the competent authorities and mainstream review systems, and they are shallow and have no artistic value.

The gratifying thing is that the "turning point" that Liu Jiajia said has actually arrived.

A large number of realistic themes such as "I'm Waiting for You in Spring", "Great Earthquake", "My Grandpa Is Called Jianguo", "Donkey on the Tree" and "My Himalaya" appeared on the market this year, and presented an unprecedented aesthetic level. And value standards. As the homogeneity is becoming more and more serious,

is willing to abandon popular themes and try new ones, and work hard on "unpleasant" themes. This in itself seems commendable.

is also an attempt such as "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" that continuously introduces the old and brings forth the new, which supports the diversification and diversity of online movies. The

industry is always advancing in trial and innovation. If in the past few years, everyone’s attention to online movies has remained focused on conceptual discussions and genre concerns, it is gratifying that in 2019, online movies have entered the evaluation system, the discovery of value, and the construction of a good industry order. Level of specification.

"I'm Waiting for You in Spring" is the return of online movies after the baptism of marketization. It no longer blindly pursues popular themes and visual excitement, no longer just pursues online clicks and box office accounting, but restores the true nature of the movie and returns to The film creation itself. Although it is an online movie, it is based on reality and finally returns to reality.

As Liu Jiajia said, “It is the stories and emotions that move the audience, not the visual effects.”

Driven by more and more films like "I’m Waiting for You in Spring", an obvious trend is that the online film industry is establishing a set of judgment standards and value systems that conform to the laws of online creation and mainstream values. The era of industry self-discipline in which efficiency is the first priority is coming.

reshuffle acceleration: how to grasp key opportunities? After

ran blindfolded for several years, the update speed of online movies has obviously not kept up with the improvement of the audience’s viewing taste, which has led to a strange temporary stagnation in the development of online movies, and the entire industry has entered A new "adjustment period."

Netvision Internet (ID: wxs360) learned that in 2018, 362 online film companies were temporarily or permanently eliminated. None of these companies went online in 2018, but at the same time 321 new companies entered the game. . It can be seen that the Internet market is changing rapidly and frequently, and more and more speculators cannot adapt to the current complex competitive environment of Internet movies.

In particular, after the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television launched the "Key Online Film and TV Drama Recording System" in 2019, the number of online movies has dropped sharply, and it has become the norm for more than a year from booting to online.

But in Liu Jiaji’s opinion, “This is not a bad thing. The transformation and adjustment of the industry is actually an opportunity for professionals who really like this industry.”

In fact, "I’m Waiting for You in Spring" is really efficient. Let peopleSurprised.

started on April 14th and went online on October 21st. From the start of the shooting to the later stage and then to the online, "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" took only 6 months. This efficiency stems from the producer's sufficient sensitivity to the market and policies of Guangdong Nanfang Linghang Film and Television Communication Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Zhuying Film and Television Production Co., Ltd.

In addition, as a local film and television team in Guangdong, "I am waiting for you in the spring" reveals the creators’ deep feelings for Guangdong. The whole film exudes strong Guangdong regional characteristics, and it can almost become a gift to the motherland of Guangdong. A cultural business card.

Liu Jiaji told Netvision Internet (ID: wxs360), “Guangdong is the birthplace of Chinese pop culture. Scenes such as song and dance halls and auditions were once the imprints of our times. There are group memories and national resonance. I hope that through These familiar scenes reflect the inspirational stories of a group of little people, and reflect the positive state of the Chinese people in pursuing a better life." The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of the People's Republic of China requires that online films should pay attention to social reality, participate in the reform trend, and strive to revive the great cause, embracing reality with a high attitude, Acura The great achievements of reform and opening up have written the indomitable will of the Chinese nation with full enthusiasm, and created outstanding works that are full of the breath of the times and fully demonstrate the spirit of the times.

and "I'm Waiting for You in Spring" is just such a film that conforms to the policy and can lead the market.

The current bottleneck in the development of the online movie market is that the main consumer groups are leading the market and the main production groups are adapting to the market.

In other words, audience interest generates demand, demand derives market, and commercial behavior occurs. Everyone is following the big data to cater to the market, but has not yet been able to guide the market, so the homogeneity of themes has become more and more serious.

But in Liu Jiajia’s view, viewers and netizens actually only know what they don’t like, they don’t know what they like. This "like" requires our practitioners to build, guide and develop. The vitality and lifeline of

online movies lies in innovation, and the fundamental driving force of innovation lies in keeping up with the spirit of the times.

This requires more companies like Guangdong Nanfang Linghang Film and Television Communication Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Zhuying Film and Television Production Co., Ltd. to be able to return, settle, not rush, not be trapped by capital, and not be kidnapped by the so-called "market". Have the courage to try new forms, dare to try new themes, tell good stories professionally, and impress the audience with "sincerity".

Tags: movie