"Memory Fragments": Nolan peak suspenseful work, 45 memory fragments restore the truth of the murder case of amnesia

movie 838℃

The film "Memory Fragment" brings the audience two narrative perspectives, namely, the perspective of the middleman and the perspective of the bystander.

Under the "person in play perspective", the audience's thinking is controlled by the director and screenwriter. Under normal circumstances, most audiences can accept the normal way of telling the story, and bring some flashbacks and interludes to the plot. understanding. The film

breaks this conventional method and tells the whole story backwards to the audience. The audience’s "person in the game perspective" will appear to have no initiative and be led away.

The audience cannot think about the whole storyline through small fragments, but can only follow Larry's perspective. The result of

is that the audience can't grasp more clues, expecting Larry's performance to lead them out of the fog of the story. As a movie,

will give the audience a certain substitution mechanism, allowing the audience to see the development of the storyline with the protagonist's vision. They become an integral part of the film, which is what a narrative film must face. situation.

is like the movie "Memory Fragment". The audience substitutes themselves as "Larry" one after another, imagining that they suffer from transient amnesia, imagining what they need to do, and imagining how they can find their own "wife" "The criminals and what will happen in the future, and so on, experience Larry's pain and confusion."

But is the truth of the matter really like this? totally not. Inspector

tried to use him to kill drug dealers and swallow stolen money. The wife of drug dealers used him to kill enemies, and more John G died under the protagonist's gun.

When the protagonist knew that John G was already dead, and knew that his beloved wife was not actually killed by criminals, he chose to forget, pay attention, and choose.

because there must be a reason to live, and life must be meaningful.

He engraved some inexplicable details on his body and became another "truth" about the suspect John G. He began a new round of murder and revenge, and this new round of revenge is the story the film tells us.

Although the film only tells a story about the killing of John G, it allows us to want to see many stories about the killing of John G long before and long after. This is probably called the tension of the movie. It is difficult for

to accurately define the term "tension". The philosophical meaning may be more straightforward, that is:

life may be a meaningful or meaningless cycle, in order to live, we reject the truth, we have to deceive ourselves and create one goal after another for ourselves, one after another. Significance... The second perspective of

viewers is their original identity --- "bystander perspective." They are comingThose who appreciate the film are the recipients of the story told by the director.

They use their own ideas to appreciate the film, watch Larry’s role performance, and at the same time examine the entire misty storyline, rack their brains to understand the relationship between the characters, understand the pros and cons, and grasp some Small details to infer the truth and falsity of the characters in the play.

In this way, the audience understands the development of the story on the basis of objective conditions. It can easily cause the audience's mood swings, thereby driving their inner changes, and then promoting the development of the plot.

"Memory Fragment" makes full use of the film montage technique, the editing language of the lens, and the interlacing of black and white images and color images to give film viewers an unprecedented visual effect and visual experience.

Of course, there are also peculiar stories and the in-depth thinking on the philosophical aspects of survival.

In terms of narrative structure, the combination of the two narrative techniques of forward and flashback connects 45 memory fragments and turns it into a complete story. Although this story did not seem to be easily understood by the public before, but Nor can it stop the public from appreciating and perceiving the deep thinking brought about by this story.

From the perspective of story conflicts, the screenwriter fully displays the shallow contradictions, deep contradictions and the inner contradictions of the protagonist, and achieves the order of primary and secondary, and the secondary contradictions also shine, but do not affect the main contradiction ---Larry The entanglement and panic in his heart spread.

extends from the narrative perspective. The director gives the film viewers dual identities, namely, the "intermediate perspective" and the "bystander perspective", allowing the film viewers to wander between the two and experience the changes in their feelings. So as to reach the deep perspective of the story. This is the case with

. Not only did the movie itself win the 2002 Oscars for best original screenplay and best film editing double nominations, it also pushed Christopher Nolan’s film career to the top, and the endless brain-burning in the film penetrated The philosophy of life is still considered by people today.

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