The screen CP of Jin Gaoyin and Ding Haiyin, let us see how romantic the love of ordinary people can be

movie 1851℃

is safe and enjoys the world.

writes calmly, sighing the joys and sorrows in my heart.

The screen CP of Jin Gaoyin and Ding Haiyin, let us see how romantic the love of ordinary people can be - Lujuba

Picture: The movie "Liu Lie's Music Album"

is written on the front.

Hello everyone, I am Sheng Sheng.

In the cold winter, all warmth has become the direction of the heart.

Those heart-warming, romantic, and quiet stories can always give people comfort.

In this state of mind, "Liu Lie's Music Album" is like a cup of hot coffee. After a touch of bitterness, it is mellow and sweet.

The screen CP of Jin Gaoyin and Ding Haiyin, let us see how romantic the love of ordinary people can be - Lujuba

, the movie starring Kim Go-eun and Ding Hae-in, dominated the box office chart once it was released in South Korea. It won the box office championship for 7 consecutive days, beating the "Fast and Furious: Special Operations" and "Clown's Eternal Soul 2" released in the same period. ". The story line of

is not complicated. The love between the two protagonists does not have much dramatic tension, but it just relies on the narrative rhythm and the details of the heart to make the audience smile unconsciously.

The screen CP of Jin Gaoyin and Ding Haiyin, let us see how romantic the love of ordinary people can be - Lujuba

I think the director Jeong Ji-woo must be a gentle-hearted person.

he used an extremely tactful way to let us slowly realize in the movie:

turns out that it is not because of good love that makes us better people.

It is because we work hard enough to meet good love in the process of continuous improvement.

People who live a serious life will certainly take their love seriously.


When we were in embarrassment, we were unable to love each other.

The film began on the early morning of October 1, 1994.

19-year-old Xianyu walked into an unopened bakery.

In the morning light, Xianyu looks at the busy Meixiu in the bakery and knows that he has met love.

But at that time, he had just been released on bail from the juvenile house, so he didn't dare and deserve to confess to her.

then missed.

met again, three years later.

In 1997, affected by the economic crisis, Mi Show's bakery was forced to close down. After

graduated from the Chinese Department, she couldn't find a job in a large company, so she had to lower her requirements and become a female printing factory worker.

And Xianyu has just passed the university self-examination and will be enlisted the next day.

Everything in life is undecided, they only had time to gently hold each other's hands and give each other an electrocuted kiss.

Regarding the future, one dare not ask, the other dare not give.

then separated again.

In 2000, the lives of both of them fell to the bottom, and the joy of contacting again was only enough for a short day.

Xianyu missed an appointment because of an accident.

He deleted and changed the email, but he didn't know how to speak, but accidentally received an email from Meixiu.

Meixiu said:

I am not in a state where I can reunite with you after a long absence, talking and laughing.

Please contact us when something good happens.

Two embarrassed young people, no one has the courage to face each other.

and so on, it's 2005.

Mi-soo finally left her annoying job and became a publishing house editor responsible for publishing books. She also made it to the sixth best-selling list in one fell swoop.

Xianyu started a business with his senior, opened a studio, made videos, and finally no longer had to work part-time.

Life has improved, and the love line between the two has made substantial progress at this time.

They go shopping together, cook together, and read comics together. They are so sweet as to make up for their past regrets.

​​Seeing this, I wonder if you will also feel emotional:

, even a literary film, cannot escape the shackles of reality.

If two people want to be together, love is not enough.

It has nothing to do with vanity or snobbery, but helplessness.

In August Changan wrote in "The Best of Us":

at that time was the best him, and later I was the best me.

is the best between us, separated a whole youth.

How many tears did Geng Geng and Yu Huai miss?

How many people's hopes have been pinned on their reunion?

Those feelings that were helplessly missed when they were young, if they can continue their relationship in the future, it should be a gift from heaven.

z1Fortunately, 21z

has a good ending in the end.

A gentle and affectionate person, worthy of such an ending.


knows how to cherish, love lasts forever

Although the film did not start to sprinkle sugar until the second half of the film, before that, everyone could see:

they really like each other, and they will be together sooner or later. The unspeakable love of

is hidden in the eyes and movements. On Christmas Eve when

was 19 years old, Meixiu looked at the decorated Christmas tree and said with satisfaction:

is so beautiful.

And Xianyu secretly looked at Meixiu's profile, and responded in a low voice:

Well, it's so pretty.

reunited for the first time, Mi-soo happily took Xianyu's arm and walked all the way. After

separated, Xianyu's entire arm was stiff, he turned his back, moved around carefully, and smiled shyly.

was chatting all night for the first time. Mi-soo stepped on the bench to fetch him a quilt. Hyun Woo walked over in silence, not daring to touch her, but firmly supported the narrow bench.

's newly changed pajamas are a bit tangled, Mi Soo uses a lighter to help him deal with the thread, while Hyun Woo is tight and afraid to move, and the corners of her mouth turn up unconsciously.


Meixiu and Xianyu have always existed like treasures.

So he rented the house where she lived, posted her picture where he could see it, worked hard, in order to have a better life, but also to give her a better life.

For a long time, he has been charged with unreasonable charges, scolded, misunderstood, and detained in the juvenile prison, while Mi-soo's appearance, like a light, drives away the haze above his head.

this light, he silently followed for 11 years.

For Mi-soo, Hyun Woo is the touch of sweetness that supports her through hardship.

The email address that forgot to give the password, she wrote down three years of thoughts.

By her side, it's not that there has been no one else, who is more successful than Xianyu, and sunny than Xianyu, and even wants to buy her a bakery that has been on hold for many years.

But she knows that it can only be called gratitude at best, no, it cannot be love.

She has always been the boy with a warm smile, gentle and brave.

so she is waiting.

waited for each of them to become better people, waited until fate was unbearable and time was helpless, arranged for them to meet again.

As long as one of them doesn't cherish enough, the spark of love that has gone through many twists and turns has long been extinguished.

is like Tim in "Time and Space Love and People". He originally wanted to use his superpowers to make his crush fall in love with him, but accidentally met the girl who made him truly heartwarming, and then hurriedly missed it.

If Tim does not cherish a girl incomparably, travels through time and space again and again, and "ran into" with her again and again, in the end, he will only miss his true love.

So, it's not luck that makes us meet the right person, but we cherish each other and make each other the right person.


Don’t give up, the story will have an ending.

After Hyun Woo and Mi Soo were together, they had a fierce quarrel with friend Tae Sung.

He didn't know if Taixing deliberately exposed his past to Xiu Mei easily. The gloomy

past, which made him unable to lift his head and was wronged. During the

​​quarrel, Taesung said bitterly to Xianyu:

we seem to have made a mistake together, but we feel that only you are forgiven. The implication of

is that Xianyu shouldn't live "like a look".

He should be the same as them, confused, looking for a casual job, mixing a little temporary money, and going through the day as a day.

Because "no one who comes out of the junior management can live a good life."

Why can Xianyu lead a normal life?

Why can't Xianyu be like them and be willing to be a gangster?

This is Taixing's anger, but also his jealousy.

But he didn't see that Xianyu, who just came out of the juvenile management office, worked several jobs at the same time to make a living, and also used his spare time to study and was admitted to an adult university.

He didn’t see. When they were thinking about how to get a little more salary from the boss, Xianyu was alreadyThe owner of the working bookstore regards it as half of his family, and can rest assured that he will carry his elderly mother home.

He did not see how Xian Yu worked tirelessly to start a business with his senior for the love of his heart.

is not that Xianyu was favored by fate, but that even if he silently accepted the criticism, he never gave up his desire for beauty.

So 11 years have passed, Taixing and the others are still the same, and Hyun Woo has a stable job and sweet love. The same is true for


graduated from university, forced to make a living, she became a female printing factory worker, repeating boring work day by day in a noisy environment.

But she never gave up her yearning for literature. On the bus

commuting to get off work, she raced against time to read and study, and when she returned home, she would also write fragments.

​​She was crushed by life and she couldn't stop crying, but she knew that the only way out was herself.

So later, she can leave the printing house and go to the publishing house she dreams of becoming a literary editor.

Her bad luck, she lost her mother at a young age, and her father has never been mentioned by her. She lives with the apprentice sister she has known for many years, and guards the bakery left by her mother.

However, due to the economic winter in 1997, the bakery was unsustainable, and she had to close her business until she finally could not reopen it.

Xianyu and Xiumei are burdened with their own sufferings and their own imperfections.

They did not choose to hug at the trough, but they agreed, willing to work hard for that unknown hope.

People who live seriously, how can they not cherish the hard-won love?


The best promise I can give you is to be responsible for myself first. On the night of the first reunion of

, she slept on the bed and he slept on the floor.

No one said "I like you", but silently stretched out his hand in the air, held it, and shook it gently.

No one spoke, no one let go.

At that time, they were not good enough, but they were willing not to be overthrown by life, and did their best to become a better self.

is for life and love. How many people in

use reality as an excuse to easily lose love? How many people are there in

, because they are not loved enough, they are easily torn apart by life?

When you read the story of Xianyu and Xiumei, you will understand that love has always been there, never changed, never stayed away.

has become popular.

In the 1990s, communications were not developed enough, and the two of them separated accidentally.

But their hearts are together, love will not get lost.

Today, we live in a huge social network world, and we can easily find someone.

lost love.

After watching the movie, I hope you, like me, can slow down and calm down in the delicate presentation of the movie, and think about the name that you can't forget.

If TA is still waiting, take the initiative to reach out and don't let the love break. If

is a thing of the past, I wish you all live with your heart and live well.

Cherish yourself and cherish the people in front of you.

[About the author]

Shengsheng is not sung, a literary water bottle girl, with a warm heart, earning a living and seeking love.

Tags: movie