
電影快訊 1481℃

1.《亡靈》The Revenant (2009)

盤點值得一看的30部從頭到尾一路精彩的經典電影 - 陸劇吧

2.《衝浪男人》Chasing Mavericks (2012)

盤點值得一看的30部從頭到尾一路精彩的經典電影 - 陸劇吧

3.《無敵破壞王》Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

盤點值得一看的30部從頭到尾一路精彩的經典電影 - 陸劇吧

4.《萬能鑰匙》The Skeleton Key

5.《致命急件》Premium Rush (2012)

6.《雙寶斗惡魔》Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)

7.《我愛你莫里斯》 I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)

8.《突襲》The Raid (2011)

9.《夜魔》The Collector (2009)

10.《藏品》The Collection (2012)

11.《無畏之心》Kahaani (2012)

12.《全面回憶》Total Recall (2012)

13.《怦然心動》Flipped (2010)

14.《別惹佐漢》You Don't Mess with the Zohan

15.《獨裁者》The Dictator (2012)

17.《波拉特》 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)

18.《布魯諾》Brüno (2009)

19.《3星大廚》The Chef (2012)

20.《卑鄙的我》Despicable Me (2010)

21.《好好先生》Yes Man (2008)

22.《午夜巴黎》Midnight In Paris (2011)

23.《無法觸碰》Intouchables (2011)

24.《超級大壞蛋》Megamind (2010)

25.《熱血警探》Hot Fuzz (2007)

26.《殭屍肖恩》Shaun of the Dead (2004)

27.《保羅》Paul (2011)

28.《宿醉》The Hangover (2009)

29.《宿醉2》The Hangover Part II (2011)

30.《變臉》Face/Off (1997)

標籤: 電影快訊