
娱乐头条 3670℃

我与NICE2035丨老外的“YOUNG”生活 - 陆剧吧


本期让我们一同走近同济大学教授aldo cibic,聆听他与杨浦的故事。

来自意大利的他 打造杨浦“社区”!

姓名 aldo cibic(阿尔多·契比齐)

国籍 意大利

职业 同济大学教授

六年前,在挚友娄永琪教授的邀请下,设计师aldo cibic来到上海杨浦,参与到了一座“未来”社区——nice2035未来生活原型街的打造之中。跟他一起,逛逛nice2035吧!

six years ago, aldo cibic was invited to yangpu district, shanghai by his great friend professor lou yongqi to participate in the design and renovation of nice 2035 community innovation project. let's take a look with him!

在杨浦nice2035未来生活原型街,aldo cibic坐在了自己设计的长凳上。这里阳光充足,每到冬天就格外地受欢迎。除了走走逛逛,在nice2035做一些类似于在这一社区工作之类的事情,令aldo cibic感到非常有趣。

aldo cibic was sitting on a bench designed by himself in the nice2035 in yangpu. it's a sunny place and very popular every winter. apart from walking around, aldo cibic found it interesting to do something like working in this community.

我与NICE2035丨老外的“YOUNG”生活 - 陆剧吧

我与NICE2035丨老外的“YOUNG”生活 - 陆剧吧

何为“nice”?在aldo cibic看来,当这个区域的常住居民,开始与这一由年轻人组成的新社区进行对话时,便意味着新社区与居民社区融为一体。不过,他也认为要让新来的年轻人与退休人员为主的居民群体共存,需要一天一天的发展,不能强求。

what is "nice"? in aldo cibic's opinion, when the people of the areas start a dialogue with the new community of young people, somthing is starting to melt the new community and the resident community. but he also believes that the coexistence of new young people with mostly retired workers needs to evolve day by day and cannot be imposed.

我与NICE2035丨老外的“YOUNG”生活 - 陆剧吧

我与NICE2035丨老外的“YOUNG”生活 - 陆剧吧

aldo cibic说,自己很喜欢杨浦,喜欢这里的社区、社区中的事物,以及非常热情的居民。在他看来,所有生活在社区里的人们都是这座城市的一大资产。而同样生活在这里的他,深深地感受到社区就像一个大家庭。即便不会说中文,他也能感受到温暖的氛围与人们的友善。他认为这种感觉是特别的,在世界上许多城市已经难以找寻了。

aldo cibics has said that he loves yangpu, the communities and the lively residents here. in his opinion, all the humanity living in the community is a great asset to the city. he lives here and feels deeply that the community is like a big family. even though he doesn't speak chinese, he can feel the warm, kindness and politeness of the people. he thinks this feeling, which is hard to find in many cities around the world, is special.

我与NICE2035丨老外的“YOUNG”生活 - 陆剧吧

我与NICE2035丨老外的“YOUNG”生活 - 陆剧吧

我与NICE2035丨老外的“YOUNG”生活 - 陆剧吧

aldo cibic说







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