【搶票】李安歸來, 《雙子殺手》破好萊塢二十年困局丨Weekend Movies

電影快訊 1870℃

Last time I saw master auteur Ang Lee was around three years ago, when he was promoting the first high-frame-rate film Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk in a Beijing premiere.


【搶票】李安歸來, 《雙子殺手》破好萊塢二十年困局丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧

It was my first time to clearly understand what a film shot in 3D, 4K at 120 frames per second would look like. When I was putting on the glasses, the screen was quite bright, much clearer than a normal 3D movie displays. It felt like I was watching a high-definition live broadcast of a real event, despite the fact that the characters and story are actual fictional.

那也是我第一次親身體驗3D/4K/120幀的電影。 當我戴上眼鏡後,屏幕格外明亮,比平時3D影片的那種暗沉效果好太多。 那種感覺,就好像在看一場真實賽事的現場直播,儘管故事和主人公其實都是虛構的。

【搶票】李安歸來, 《雙子殺手》破好萊塢二十年困局丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧

To diehard fans of the iconic director who won Oscars three times, it makes sense that he has been dabbling in new technology which may revolutionize the world's film industry for at least five years. Now, he again deployed this technology to shoot his latest film, Gemini Man .

對大多數忠實粉絲而言,大概大家都知道,已經三次摘得奧斯卡小金人的李安痴迷於研究這項有可能給整個電影工業帶來革命性變局的新技術,已經至少五年了。 這一次,安叔再次用這項新技術,拍攝了他最新的影片《雙子殺手》。

Even though Billy Lynn didn't perform well at the box office, Lee, now 65 years old, has persisted in experimenting how far he could go in the cinematic world.


【搶票】李安歸來, 《雙子殺手》破好萊塢二十年困局丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧

And this time he has gone further in his new film.


Starring Will Smith, one of Hollywood's highest-paid actors, the tale is about a retiring killer who finds that he is chased by another younger assassin, who turns out to be a clone of himself.

作為好萊塢片酬最高的男星之一,威爾·史密斯主演了這部影片。 故事講述一個退休的殺手身陷追殺,而追殺他的人,竟然是一個他的年輕版克隆人。

The screenplay has a long history in Hollywood. Originally written by Darren Lemke, the tale has been kicking around Hollywood for around 20 years, waiting for the tech to catch up to its biggest challenge: how to convincingly show an aging character and a younger version of him onscreen.

關於這個劇本,在好萊塢有段悠長的歷史。 最初由編劇達倫·萊姆克寫的這個故事,在好萊塢兜兜轉轉約二十年,主要是一直沒有合適的技術能拍出這個故事的精髓: 如何令人信服地在大銀幕上同時呈現出一個年長的角色,和他年輕時候的自己。

At different times, Harrison Ford, Jon Voight and Mel Gibson were expected to star, and Disney did some promising experiments with digital facial technology in the early 2000s before abruptly aborting the project.

在不同時期,從哈里森·福特到喬恩·沃伊特再到梅爾·吉布森,都曾被期待出演這個角色。 本世紀初時,迪士尼也曾為了這個劇本做過一些前沿性的臉部數字化技術實驗,但這個項目卻被突然叫停,戛然而止。

In 2012, director Joe Carnahan shared a trailer he mocked up as a pitch for the job, of Gran Torino -era Clint Eastwood facing off against Dirty Harry -era Clint Eastwood. Even then, the feeling in the visual effects industry was: Not yet.

2012年,導演喬·卡納漢曾在網上發佈了一個預告片,半帶玩笑式地表示他能攬這個高技術活兒。 這哥們選定的男主角是克林特·伊斯特伍德(東木老爺子本人可能不知情),他用了東木在《老爺車》(2008)和《警探哈里》(1971)的視頻素材,混剪出了一個老年版的東木對決年輕版自己的預告片。 雖然哥們挺有才,但可惜的是,這個預告片讓當時的特效圈更覺得打退堂鼓是正確的。 因為拍這個劇本,技術上還是不成熟。

Ang Lee has led the entire project to a quite different direction. After successfully creating CGI animals in Life of Pi and exploring the 120 fps (frame per second) photography, Lee was hooked by the project over the possibility that he could use today's most advanced technology to examine an enduring philosophical question: "What has time done to us?"

當安神出手的時候,這個項目就完全向另一個方向發展了。 此前,安叔已經通過《少年派的奇幻漂流》做出一個「CGI動物世界」,也通過《比利·林恩》完成120幀的革命性跳躍。 儘管安叔對《雙子殺手》這個在克隆人圈略顯老套的故事,其實不是太感冒。 但這個劇本對他而言,最迷人之處是展現了一種可能: 用最新的技術去探問一個經久不衰的哲學問題:「時間對我們做了什麼? 」

So, he created an "actor", literally. It was done in that way. First, Will Smith wore a performance-capture headset and had his neck specked by tracing dots to capture his every nuanced emotion. The visceral action scenarios were performed by stuntmen. Then, just by clicks of the mouse by visual effect artists from Peter Jackson's Weta Digital, a 23-year-old "actor" — combining the face of Smith and body of stuntmen — was born, making him the most expensive ever actorin Hollywood.

因此,李安做出了一個「演員」,真的是「 做 」出來的。 步驟是這樣的。 首先,威爾·史密斯在片場戴上動作捕捉的頭部儀器,脖子上貼滿數字傳感器,以捕捉每一個細微的情緒變化。 驚險的動作場景由特技演員們表演。 通過彼得·傑克遜創辦的維塔數碼公司的視覺特效師的工作,通過鼠標點擊,一個23歲的「演員」——史密斯的臉加特技演員的年輕身體——就此誕生了,他也是好萊塢有史以來最昂貴的演員。

For Lee, he believes the clearer for a shot, the better for a viewer to look into the inner world of a character. This is quite an avant-garde opinion that few has mentioned in the film industry.

對於李安而言,他認為影像越清晰,越有可能看透一個人的內心世界。 如此先鋒的觀點, 在電影圈堪稱石破天驚。

I believe Lee's talent must help him to watch a different world.


But do you believe his theory? Welcome to join our discussion and the readers with the most likes will have the chances to win e-tickets.

你相信李安的理論嗎? 歡迎加入我們的討論,下面是福利時間啦:

【搶票】李安歸來, 《雙子殺手》破好萊塢二十年困局丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧


歡迎大家來討論下安叔的新片。 截至10月21日15:00,留言獲得點贊數最多的前四 名讀者,每人將獲得兩張《雙子殺手》的電影兌換券。 言之有物的留言才會入選哦。 CD君擁有最終解釋權。

Weekend Movies


♥ 電影記者一枚,熱愛自己的工作。

♥ 儘管常年奔波在路上,也時不時深夜挑燈碼字兒,但也能有機會看到還沒上映的大片。

♥ 希望能分享最新佳片,也會努力為China Daily的粉絲們謀福利哦。

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