二戰電影台詞, 感受那戰火紛飛

1、We all have orders, and we have to follow'em. That superseds everything, including your mothers.我們都是軍人,我們都要執行任務,它取代了任何事,包括你的媽媽。——《拯救大兵瑞恩》

2、All these men here know they're going to die. So, each night when they make it back, it's a bonus. So, every cup of tea, every cigarette is like a little celebration. You just have to accept that.這兒所有人都知道他們遲早是必死無疑。所以,每天晚上能夠活着回來,就是一種獎勵。所以,每一杯茶水,每一支香煙都像是一個小小的慶祝。你只是需要接受這一點。


You just make sure and come back for the both of us,all right ?一定要為我們倆活着回來!