這部值得打卡的《攀登者》, 外媒是怎麼評價的丨Weekend Movies

電影快訊 1722℃

For most mountaineers, to conquer the peak of Mount Qomolangma —known in the West as Mount Everest —is a lifelong dream.


In 1960 Chinese mountaineers ascended the peak of Qomolangma, marking the first time in history a group ascended the world's highest peak via its treacherous North Slope. The original route was revisited by China's national expedition team in 1975, who again climbed the peak. The story was recreated in the recent hit movie The Climbers .

1960年,中國人第一次登上珠穆朗瑪峰,這也是世界登山史上首次由險峻異常的北坡登頂; 1975年,中國又再次以國家隊的力量重現這一輝煌。 這段歷史,相信最近因為電影《攀登者》的熱映,讓不少觀眾得以重溫。

這部值得打卡的《攀登者》, 外媒是怎麼評價的丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧

The crew of The Climbers —including producer Ren Zhonglun, actors Wu Jing, Zhang Yi and Hu Ge —attended a screening event at Peking University in Beijing on Oct 11 night. Joining them was Sangzhu, a mountaineer who was a member of the Chinese expedition team in 1975.


Facing the enthusiastic students of Peking University, the straightforward Wu said: "Recently, we heard a lot of voices, some being a bit complicated and controversial. But I still want to hear more views. Peking University — which has its own mountaineering association 'shanying she'(mountain eagle club) —has a tradition to be open to different views. So we have come here to expect more comments on our film."

面對北大學子,吳京坦言: “最近《攀登者》聽到了很多的聲音,很複雜。 但我還是想聽一聽更多的聲音,北大是思想碰撞的地方,而且聽說還有登山的山鷹社,我們《攀登者》劇組也來北大學習一場。 ”

As one of the biggest blockbusters during the competitive National Day holiday, The Climbers was perhaps the most underestimated film. I watched an IMAX version before the holiday and was impressed by the spectacular scenes of avalanches and the hardship of mountaineering. Despite some flaws, the movie is worth watching in theaters as such a theme is rarely seen in China.

作為國慶檔“三大片”之一,《攀登者》有些可惜,似乎是其中最被低估的一部影片。 我在國慶前就看了《攀登者》的IMAX版,當時對其中展現雪崩和攀登艱險的場面印象深刻。 總體來說,我覺得這還是國內少見的題材。 雖然有些不足,但還是值得打卡。

Interestingly, The Climbers was also released in the United Kingdom and North America. According to box office tracking website Box Office Mojo, the movie has grossed more than $325,000 from 102 cinemas in the United States and Canada. Some foreign media outlets also reviewed the movie.

有趣的是,《攀登者》也在英國和北美上映。 根據票房統計網站Box Office Mojo的數據,在美國和加拿大102家影院上映的《攀登者》,獲得了32.5萬美元的票房。 有些外媒也為這部影片撰寫了影評,來看看他們是怎麼看待這部影片的。

這部值得打卡的《攀登者》, 外媒是怎麼評價的丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧

Hollywood Reporter

The Hollywood Reporter commented: "Anchored by The Wandering Earth and Wolf Warrior 2 star Wu Jing, The Climbers goes heavy on bombast and heart-pounding peril (so many storms) in detailing the …north face ascent of Qomolangm in 1975 to the glory of China… with Wu in the lead, the film could prove a modest hit with overseas action fans."

美國雜誌《好萊塢報道》評論: “由《流浪地球》和《戰狼2》男主角吳京領銜主演的影片《攀登者》,側重於慷慨陳詞和展現大量令人驚心動魄的危險場面(如許多次風暴場景),以此詳細描述了1975年中國為了國家榮譽從北坡登頂珠穆朗瑪峰的故事……有吳京來領銜主演,這部電影可能會在海外動作片迷中引起一定反響。 ”

這部值得打卡的《攀登者》, 外媒是怎麼評價的丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧

South China Morning Post

The South China Morning Post: " The Climbers is at its most thrilling when it focuses on the pure adrenaline of holding ground in a vicious snowstorm. Less convincing is Lee's indulgence in Wu's action credentials, with the Wolf Warrior 2 star occasionally launching into death-defying heroics that feel comically out of character with the largely realistic adventure drama."

《南華早報》的影評說: “《攀登者》最吸引人之處,是一場惡劣的暴風雪來襲時,鏡頭專註於營造讓人腎上腺素狂飆的動作場面。 但是導演李仁港太執着於展現吳京的動作戲。 這位《戰狼2》的男星時不時表現其無畏生死的英雄主義場面,反倒讓人覺得和這部冒險題材影片的現實主義特性有些格格不入,令觀影者齣戲。 ”

這部值得打卡的《攀登者》, 外媒是怎麼評價的丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧

The Wrap

The Wrap said: "Daniel Lee and his colleagues deliver a less flamboyant but equally nationalistic mountain-climbing answer to Top Gun ,one that's mostly focused on the camaraderie and heartbreak that the (predominantly male) National Mountaineering Team faces whenever their stubborn but resourceful leaders Wuzhou Fang (Jing Wu, Wolf Warrior II ) and Qu Songlin (Zhang Yi) press on in the face of avalanches, snow drifts, and other killer weather conditions."

好萊塢熱門網站The Wrap的影評則將《攀登者》和阿湯哥的早期作品《壯志凌雲》(Top Gun)做對比,在影評中介紹到: “李仁港和他團隊拍攝的這部不太花里胡哨但全面展現愛國情懷的影片,可以算是‘登山版’《壯志凌雲》。 其主題集中在展現友情以及中國國家登山隊所面臨的一些心碎時刻,後者主要通過他們執拗但經驗豐富的領隊方五洲(吳京飾,《戰狼2》)和曲松林(張譯飾)面對雪崩、風暴引發的雪堆滾落和其他致命天氣情況時來表現。 ”

這部值得打卡的《攀登者》, 外媒是怎麼評價的丨Weekend Movies - 陸劇吧

親愛的讀者們,你們是否看了《攀登者》? 歡迎一起來加入討論。 談談你心目中珠穆朗瑪峰登山片該有的模樣。

Weekend Movies


♥ 電影記者一枚,熱愛自己的工作。

♥ 儘管常年奔波在路上,也時不時深夜挑燈碼字兒,但也能有機會看到還沒上映的大片。

♥ 希望能分享最新佳片,也會努力為China Daily的粉絲們謀福利哦。

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