
娱乐头条 3869℃

2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧


as china's film industry gears up for the lucrative week-long national day holiday, starting on oct 1, anticipation is building for a potential box office rebound following a weaker-than-expected summer season.

the holiday slate boasts a mix of genres, ranging from war epic and disaster actioner, to sci-fi thriller, comedy and historical dance drama.


2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧


renowned director chen kaige's war epic sequel "the volunteers: to the war 2",  the second installment of his ambitious trilogy about the chinese people's volunteers army during the war to resist us aggression and aid korea (1950-53), kicked off its nationwide release on monday. 


2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧


the film is centered on the battle in cheorwon, where 25,000 cpv soldiers fought nearly 50,000 unc forces for 12 days and nights.

boasting an all-star cast, the latest installment pays more attention to the fate of individuals in the war, providing a multi-faceted view of the war's brutality and the sacrifices made by the soldiers. 


2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧


因为未知神秘生物的出现,整个城市面临前所未有的危机,一桩被隐藏多年的秘密计划浮出水面。少年马山(王俊凯 饰)被带入749局,进入层层迷宫,开启冒险之旅,并在旅程中完成了成长与救赎。

2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧

lu chuan's sci-fi offering "bureau 749" follows the tale of ma shan, played by wang junkai, as he stands shoulder to shoulder with his companions in bureau 749, bravely confronting a sudden catastrophe to rescue the city.



2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧


exploring the impact of child abduction on parents, "tiger wolf rabbit" follows three individuals on a harrowing journey to search for their lost children and seek revenge.

崔大路(肖央 饰)、李红樱(赵丽颖 饰)、赵子山(刘烨 饰),三位丢了孩子的父母因一桩交易而彼此牵连;他们眼里没魂儿,心中有恨,各怀目的,组局踏上寻子复仇之路,在蛮荒之地上演一场离奇又凶险的绝杀。

2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧



2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧


2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧

一架五星级超豪华a380客机在国际首航途中遭遇暴力劫机,整架飞机被杀意笼罩。机舱内,国际安保专家高皓军(刘德华 饰)正在和疯批悍匪团周旋,他的女儿小军(张子枫 饰)被绑为人质,性命岌岌可危。劫匪头目mike要价35亿人民币,全机乘客沦为他的筹码和玩具。女儿和前妻傅源先后落入魔爪,暴躁杀神高晧军开启极限反杀模式,一场高空追杀就此展开……

"high forces" is also generating buzz. set aboard a double-decker luxury aircraft, it follows a security expert played by andy lau as he faces off against hijackers single-handedly. the movie is praised for its seamless blend of crisis and character emotional development, as well as its impressive special effects. 


2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧


2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧



2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧

出租车司机张北京(葛优 饰)失去了在亲生儿子的婚宴上作为新郎父亲的发言权。备受打击的他与单亲母亲李小琴(李雪琴 饰)不打不相识,机缘巧合之下成为了“网红”,突如其来的爆红让他意外收获了想要的一切。在体验了一番荒诞的名利场沉浮后,张北京最终悟到了烟火人间的暖心真情。

the comedy "the hutong cowboy," starring ge you and li xueqin, delves into the life of taxi driver zhang beijing. devastated at his son's wedding, zhang crosses paths with single mother li xiaoqin. through a stroke of luck, he transitions into an internet influencer, and his newfound stardom surprisingly ushers in all his longed-for desires.

2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧



2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧


2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧

一位现代文物研究员(谢素豪 饰)在《千里江山图》即将展出之际潜心钻研,跨越九百余年时空走入北宋少年画家希孟(张翰 饰)的内心,目睹了希孟呕心沥血忘我创作,与无数劳动者携手,历尽千辛万苦创作出传世画卷的历程。

a unique addition to the lineup is "a tapestry of a legendary land", a historical drama blending elements of dance and music. the film explores the creation of the famous northern song dynasty painting "a thousand miles of rivers and mountains", offering audiences a fresh take on traditional chinese culture.


2024国庆档票房破3亿!你最想看哪一部? - 陆剧吧

可爱的熊猫幼崽(呼呼 饰)被国际功夫巨星jackie(成龙 饰)认养,满心期待开启新生活。然而,呼呼独有的“大小眼”特别基因却被国际犯罪组织盯上了。组织首领不惜悬赏一亿美金发起了一场熊猫抢夺战。万万没想到,这群反派好像不太聪明,一场惊险刺激又荒诞可笑的守“呼”行动就此开启!


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