Recently, the fourth season of the emotional observation reality show "Goodbye Lover" created exclusively by Mango Channel continues to be highly discussed. The "daddy-like" Yang Zi, who "squandered his wife's million-dollar dowry", kept a few hands, and then Together with "Queen

Recently, the fourth season of the emotional observation reality show "Goodbye Lover" created exclusively by Mango Channel has continued to be highly discussed. Yang Zi, who is "full of daddy", "squandered his wife's million-dollar dowry". Coupled with the "Queen of PUA" Mai Lin, the three of them came together and directly broke the record of the highest popularity since the show. It can be seen from this that when doing variety shows, you still have to watch Mango Channel.

Finally, before the official announcement of the list of "Lang Jie 6", who will come and who will not come is still up for debate and cannot be completely determined. After all, there have been many lists of kings and queens joining in the past few seasons, but the results are different from those on the Internet. The passing lists don’t quite match up. Nowadays, the list released in "Lang Jie 6" is most likely half-true and half-false. Some people appear on it just to gain attention.