Recently, domestic entertainment has been wrapped up by Huang Xiaoming's love and hatred, and the new sister-in-law Ye Ke has become an important point of view for most entertainment people. Last week, Yang wrote about the history of Ye Ke's changing face. This week, the highly r

Recently, domestic entertainment has been wrapped up by Huang Xiaoming's love and hatred. The new sister-in-law Ye Ke has become an important point of view for most entertainment people.

Last week Yang wrote about the history of Ye Ke's changing face, this week added the highly requested special program "Ke Xue" 👏

let's learn more! 👇

Enter "Ke" learning 🥥

Representatives of each subject have their own special code names, Wan Wan is 🥣, and Ye Ke is 🥥 (a homophone for coconut shell).

Regarding Ye Ke, Baidu Encyclopedia defines her as a female entrepreneur. She was born in Shenzhen, Guangdong in 1992 and once served as a radio host.

If you only look at qualifications, 🥥 is a strong female character, but if you study Kexue carefully, you will find that her qualifications are like a lie.

The popularity of Kexue originated from a video: "Basque Cake Teaching"

If you want to delve into Kexue, this teaching is the most basic introductory courseware.

First of all, from the sound point of view, the essence of Ke Xue is to use her unique Cantonese accent plus a Taiwanese accent similar to Sister Zhiling, and finally put it together 😉

Secondly, when describing the product, you must master it seems very Content is actually nonsense 's ability.

When this fragrant smell permeates the mouth and nasal cavity, the spectators need to imagine the cranial cavity, brain cavity and pelvic cavity, and the urge to shoot her.

At the same time, "too much flavor" must be translated into advanced "the aroma of milk and light milk goes straight to the palate" . The difference between the two is similar to that of Lu Xun and Zhou Shuren, tomatoes and tomatoes.

Although this is the first time I heard that eating cakes requires demonstration, it is also the first time I feel the vicious care of "Let girls stock up on cakes with a shelf life of three days and eat a bite at any time in the middle of the night" .

As soon as this teaching came out, scientists came to learn and imitate it one after another, striving to become model students.

In addition to the slightly artificial posture, the outstanding experts also grasped the tone of 🥥 himself very accurately.

But after reading countless homework assignments on the Internet, Yang found that 99% of Ke experts have ignored one point: They did not draw the failed line carving marks on their faces👇

And the reason why Ye Ke has recently It goes beyond 🥣 because she has language skills that can make both "late scholars" and "Han linguists" who have seen the storms and waves change their expressions at the same time.

Courseware 2: Ye Ke called her husband in the live broadcast room

I don’t know if the person opposite is Brother Xiaoming, if so -

Wanzui CP is purely for love, while Ke Ming CP has reached the level of " dissolves in oil" oil "The effect👍My sister's "Sorry" in the last few seconds has not even caught up...

Hot knowledge: You can turn off the microphone in the live broadcast room when you answer the phone during the live broadcast!

At that time, the scandal between the two of them was very popular. Isn't it true that these "Husband, I love you" seven or eight times in a row were not meant for us to hear?

Sister later came to add that she was playing Truth or Dare🤭, but netizens only cared about: Why didn’t Sister apply foundation on her hands? do"👇

Regarding whether what I said is 40% or 4%, many people on the Internet are arguing now...

Is 40% considered a micro do, or 4% is very credible🧐

Oh, by the way, 🥥occasionally in the live broadcast room It will also reveal the hatred for the husband’s ex. Courseware 4: dior does not maintain its value👇

. I am laughing to death. The Dior endorsed by the baby does not maintain its value?

Then the question comes: Will the Huang Xiaoming that the baby dumped keep its value?

The courseware introducing skirts is even more classic, 🥥 was "whooshing" the whole time.

Little S got angry when he saw it: "Try to make that kind of unattractive sound for me again!" ! !

The essence of Keyanke language is to talk nonsense seriously.

For example, "I don't use beauty, that is, I use 15 to slim my face."

Then the window above her head...👇

and the wine glass twisting under the slow motion camera👇

Excellent experts must learn to restore 🥥Sent News: One yoga class, a lifetime of yoga love, let's stretch our toes! 👇

mo? Some passers-by say that Ke scholars are just looking for trouble?

Some details of "windows become doors", heehee👇

There is a more shocking courseware these days -

Sister Ke said that she is a sadomasochistic personality , and she cannot pursue a career when she is in love. Because they will love each other until they shed tears👇

🥥Forget it about sadomasochism, Brother Xiaoming, who is almost 50 years old, loves her to death all day long and sheds tears. What on earth are he doing? Think about it. It’s scary to think about it...

Is teasing Ye Ke a misogynist?

Now that the fun is over, let’s talk about something serious.

Regarding Ye Ke, although most people on the Internet are laughing at her, some people think this is too much: Let’s judge her personality from head to toe. Isn’t it a bit too misogynistic?

Before talking about this topic, Yang Yang will give you a peek at Ye Ke.

Ye Ke was born in 1992, and studied broadcasting and hosting at Shenzhen University as an undergraduate. She met her ex-husband while they were in school, and they were still showing affection when they were 18 years old. Ye Ke cheated on her many times during her marriage, which resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars of property being distributed to Ye Ke during the divorce.

So on Ye Ke’s social homepage, you can see her showing off her wealth anytime and anywhere: Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, Hermès...🙏

Originally, Sheep also thought that Ye Ke was a super high-married person, but her husband came out a few days ago. I personally refuted the rumors...

My ex-husband said that although his home is not bad, it is above the average level in Shenzhen. The mining prince is exaggerating.

My ex-husband also said that he has never cheated on his wife. He and his current wife met after the divorce, and the current family member is in the system, and he is not a small Internet celebrity in Hangzhou.

There is also a message revealed between the lines: After the failed marriage in the previous section, , it was the appearance of his current wife who cured him.

We don’t know Ye Ke’s family situation, but even if she married high in her last marriage, according to her ex-husband’s theory, her consumption level is relatively advanced.

If it’s not the huge amount of property from the divorce, is it what you earned?

html In 2018, Ye Ke left the radio station and chose to start a business, setting up a skin beauty spa. After making money, he immediately invested in the catering industry in 2020.

1 He founded his own women's clothing brand in 2021, and established Kexin Jiahe Technology Co., Ltd. in 2022. According to online reports, the company's turnover has reached eight figures one year after its establishment.

On the surface, Ye Ke is indeed the character of a rich woman, but if you continue to tease...

In 2020, the whole world is preventing the epidemic. What kind of business wizard is investing in catering? Questioning that this is a leather bag company 👇

Later, it was revealed that Ye Ke was suspected of having participated in a celebrity training class. The members of this training class basically shared clothes and copywriting, and their styles were generally the same.

The timelines of Ye Ke and Huang Xiaoming were also quickly revealed.

Huang Xiaoming and Baby officially announced their divorce in January 2022. However, in February 2022, it was revealed that they made the same Lantern Festival. Ye Ke immediately deleted Weibo after being discovered by netizens.

Some people may say that this cannot prove anything... But it was revealed that Ye Ke moved to Huang Xiaoming and baby's wedding complex as early as 20 years ago?

It is said that the two had a sweet couple together in 21 years old, using couple avatars and lover photo frames.

Attention, At this time, not only Huang has not divorced, but Ye Ke has not broken up with her ex-husband. , so the two are called the "Double Three" combination by netizens (bushi.

and a comment liked by her ex-husband👇

Having learned so much about Ye Ke, do you still think anyone is truly innocent?

Sheep doesn’t like Ye Ke not because of the pretentious gestures in Ke’s courseware, but because she pretends to be a business person? The persona of a strong woman in the empire does not show the characteristics of a strong woman at all -

The extremely white and thin face + the extremely altruistic figure weakens her subjectivity from head to toe.

She said in the live broadcast room that women should be confident and buy independent women's press releases, but she didn't know how she made so much money even after picking it up.

This rich woman character is actually a bit confusing: has a look that she doesn’t work much but seems to have strong working ability.

Before Huang and the baby were divorced, Ye Ke began to secretly show affection and force her to have a baby. This was too different from the image of a strong woman she created.

There are always side photos and posts showing off wealth on social platforms. There are almost no values, and is full of management and pleasing feelings.

People on the Internet are ridiculing Ye Ke for fulfilling Huang Xiaoming’s dream of being the boss, but in essence, she became a member of the upper class by serving capital.

Of course, this society is quite utilitarian, and sometimes taking a wild path can indeed help people transcend class, but if you take a side path, don't flaunt yourself as innocent.

There is no need to pretend to be independent and make flattering gestures.

There may be thousands of successful Ye Kes in the world, but this kind of success must not be whitewashed as "normal".

It is not easy for women to awaken. Through the path of wealth and power, the priority should be to enhance subjectivity.

Of course, Ye Ke has the same disadvantages as Ye Ke, but this does not mean that Huang Xiaoming can escape the trial, and the baby who came to power by driving away Li Fei'er and participated in the Crazy Horse Show will not be cleared just because of Ye Ke.

In this Kexue carnival that has lasted for a week, what we are mocking is the lack of morality . There is no need to compare who is worse than who.

Recently, domestic entertainment has been wrapped up by Huang Xiaoming's love and hatred. The new sister-in-law Ye Ke has become an important point of view for most entertainment people.

Last week Yang wrote about the history of Ye Ke's changing face, this week added the highly requested special program "Ke Xue" 👏

let's learn more! 👇

Enter "Ke" learning 🥥

Representatives of each subject have their own special code names, Wan Wan is 🥣, and Ye Ke is 🥥 (a homophone for coconut shell).

Regarding Ye Ke, Baidu Encyclopedia defines her as a female entrepreneur. She was born in Shenzhen, Guangdong in 1992 and once served as a radio host.

If you only look at qualifications, 🥥 is a strong female character, but if you study Kexue carefully, you will find that her qualifications are like a lie.

The popularity of Kexue originated from a video: "Basque Cake Teaching"

If you want to delve into Kexue, this teaching is the most basic introductory courseware.

First of all, from the sound point of view, the essence of Ke Xue is to use her unique Cantonese accent plus a Taiwanese accent similar to Sister Zhiling, and finally put it together 😉

Secondly, when describing the product, you must master it seems very Content is actually nonsense 's ability.

When this fragrant smell permeates the mouth and nasal cavity, the spectators need to imagine the cranial cavity, brain cavity and pelvic cavity, and the urge to shoot her.

At the same time, "too much flavor" must be translated into advanced "the aroma of milk and light milk goes straight to the palate" . The difference between the two is similar to that of Lu Xun and Zhou Shuren, tomatoes and tomatoes.

Although this is the first time I heard that eating cakes requires demonstration, it is also the first time I feel the vicious care of "Let girls stock up on cakes with a shelf life of three days and eat a bite at any time in the middle of the night" .

As soon as this teaching came out, scientists came to learn and imitate it one after another, striving to become model students.

In addition to the slightly artificial posture, the outstanding experts also grasped the tone of 🥥 himself very accurately.

But after reading countless homework assignments on the Internet, Yang found that 99% of Ke experts have ignored one point: They did not draw the failed line carving marks on their faces👇

And the reason why Ye Ke has recently It goes beyond 🥣 because she has language skills that can make both "late scholars" and "Han linguists" who have seen the storms and waves change their expressions at the same time.

Courseware 2: Ye Ke called her husband in the live broadcast room

I don’t know if the person opposite is Brother Xiaoming, if so -

Wanzui CP is purely for love, while Ke Ming CP has reached the level of " dissolves in oil" oil "The effect👍My sister's "Sorry" in the last few seconds has not even caught up...

Hot knowledge: You can turn off the microphone in the live broadcast room when you answer the phone during the live broadcast!

At that time, the scandal between the two of them was very popular. Isn't it true that these "Husband, I love you" seven or eight times in a row were not meant for us to hear?

Sister later came to add that she was playing Truth or Dare🤭, but netizens only cared about: Why didn’t Sister apply foundation on her hands? do"👇

Regarding whether what I said is 40% or 4%, many people on the Internet are arguing now...

Is 40% considered a micro do, or 4% is very credible🧐

Oh, by the way, 🥥occasionally in the live broadcast room It will also reveal the hatred for the husband’s ex. Courseware 4: dior does not maintain its value👇

. I am laughing to death. The Dior endorsed by the baby does not maintain its value?

Then the question comes: Will the Huang Xiaoming that the baby dumped keep its value?

The courseware introducing skirts is even more classic, 🥥 was "whooshing" the whole time.

Little S got angry when he saw it: "Try to make that kind of unattractive sound for me again!" ! !

The essence of Keyanke language is to talk nonsense seriously.

For example, "I don't use beauty, that is, I use 15 to slim my face."

Then the window above her head...👇

and the wine glass twisting under the slow motion camera👇

Excellent experts must learn to restore 🥥Sent News: One yoga class, a lifetime of yoga love, let's stretch our toes! 👇

mo? Some passers-by say that Ke scholars are just looking for trouble?

Some details of "windows become doors", heehee👇

There is a more shocking courseware these days -

Sister Ke said that she is a sadomasochistic personality , and she cannot pursue a career when she is in love. Because they will love each other until they shed tears👇

🥥Forget it about sadomasochism, Brother Xiaoming, who is almost 50 years old, loves her to death all day long and sheds tears. What on earth are he doing? Think about it. It’s scary to think about it...

Is teasing Ye Ke a misogynist?

Now that the fun is over, let’s talk about something serious.

Regarding Ye Ke, although most people on the Internet are laughing at her, some people think this is too much: Let’s judge her personality from head to toe. Isn’t it a bit too misogynistic?

Before talking about this topic, Yang Yang will give you a peek at Ye Ke.

Ye Ke was born in 1992, and studied broadcasting and hosting at Shenzhen University as an undergraduate. She met her ex-husband while they were in school, and they were still showing affection when they were 18 years old. Ye Ke cheated on her many times during her marriage, which resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars of property being distributed to Ye Ke during the divorce.

So on Ye Ke’s social homepage, you can see her showing off her wealth anytime and anywhere: Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, Hermès...🙏

Originally, Sheep also thought that Ye Ke was a super high-married person, but her husband came out a few days ago. I personally refuted the rumors...

My ex-husband said that although his home is not bad, it is above the average level in Shenzhen. The mining prince is exaggerating.

My ex-husband also said that he has never cheated on his wife. He and his current wife met after the divorce, and the current family member is in the system, and he is not a small Internet celebrity in Hangzhou.

There is also a message revealed between the lines: After the failed marriage in the previous section, , it was the appearance of his current wife who cured him.

We don’t know Ye Ke’s family situation, but even if she married high in her last marriage, according to her ex-husband’s theory, her consumption level is relatively advanced.

If it’s not the huge amount of property from the divorce, is it what you earned?

html In 2018, Ye Ke left the radio station and chose to start a business, setting up a skin beauty spa. After making money, he immediately invested in the catering industry in 2020.

1 He founded his own women's clothing brand in 2021, and established Kexin Jiahe Technology Co., Ltd. in 2022. According to online reports, the company's turnover has reached eight figures one year after its establishment.

On the surface, Ye Ke is indeed the character of a rich woman, but if you continue to tease...

In 2020, the whole world is preventing the epidemic. What kind of business wizard is investing in catering? Questioning that this is a leather bag company 👇

Later, it was revealed that Ye Ke was suspected of having participated in a celebrity training class. The members of this training class basically shared clothes and copywriting, and their styles were generally the same.

The timelines of Ye Ke and Huang Xiaoming were also quickly revealed.

Huang Xiaoming and Baby officially announced their divorce in January 2022. However, in February 2022, it was revealed that they made the same Lantern Festival. Ye Ke immediately deleted Weibo after being discovered by netizens.

Some people may say that this cannot prove anything... But it was revealed that Ye Ke moved to Huang Xiaoming and baby's wedding complex as early as 20 years ago?

It is said that the two had a sweet couple together in 21 years old, using couple avatars and lover photo frames.

Attention, At this time, not only Huang has not divorced, but Ye Ke has not broken up with her ex-husband. , so the two are called the "Double Three" combination by netizens (bushi.

and a comment liked by her ex-husband👇

Having learned so much about Ye Ke, do you still think anyone is truly innocent?

Sheep doesn’t like Ye Ke not because of the pretentious gestures in Ke’s courseware, but because she pretends to be a business person? The persona of a strong woman in the empire does not show the characteristics of a strong woman at all -

The extremely white and thin face + the extremely altruistic figure weakens her subjectivity from head to toe.

She said in the live broadcast room that women should be confident and buy independent women's press releases, but she didn't know how she made so much money even after picking it up.

This rich woman character is actually a bit confusing: has a look that she doesn’t work much but seems to have strong working ability.

Before Huang and the baby were divorced, Ye Ke began to secretly show affection and force her to have a baby. This was too different from the image of a strong woman she created.

There are always side photos and posts showing off wealth on social platforms. There are almost no values, and is full of management and pleasing feelings.

People on the Internet are ridiculing Ye Ke for fulfilling Huang Xiaoming’s dream of being the boss, but in essence, she became a member of the upper class by serving capital.

Of course, this society is quite utilitarian, and sometimes taking a wild path can indeed help people transcend class, but if you take a side path, don't flaunt yourself as innocent.

There is no need to pretend to be independent and make flattering gestures.

There may be thousands of successful Ye Kes in the world, but this kind of success must not be whitewashed as "normal".

It is not easy for women to awaken. Through the path of wealth and power, the priority should be to enhance subjectivity.

Of course, Ye Ke has the same disadvantages as Ye Ke, but this does not mean that Huang Xiaoming can escape the trial, and the baby who came to power by driving away Li Fei'er and participated in the Crazy Horse Show will not be cleared just because of Ye Ke.

In this Kexue carnival that has lasted for a week, what we are mocking is the lack of morality . There is no need to compare who is worse than who.