A drama that has been backlogged for 9 years is about to be aired! This drama is the period romance drama "Flowers Bloom Like a Dream" starring Zhang Jiayi, Dong Jie and others. It is scheduled to be released on October 3, which is the day after tomorrow. The platform is iQiyi +

A drama that has been backlogged for 9 years is about to be aired!

This drama is the period romance drama " Flowers Bloom Like a Dream " starring Zhang Jiayi , Dong Jie , etc. The schedule is October 3, which is the day after tomorrow, and the platform is iQiyi + Sohu Broadcast.

The play was filmed in 2015 and is adapted from Su Tong's novel "Women's Life". The cast includes: Zhang Jiayi, Dong Jie, Zhang Luyi , Wang Lin , Chen Xiaoyi , Xi Meijuan , etc. The plot of

mainly tells the story of love and marriage between two generations of women in a family. ​​​​​​

From the lineup point of view, this is the star configuration. I really don’t know why the backlog has been so long.

chose online broadcast after such a long time. Is it because there is no satellite TV? Or is it for other reasons?

has never been optimistic about backlog dramas, except for those because of limited subject matter.

As far as this drama is concerned, fortunately it is a period drama, so the impact of the backlog may not be too big. If it is a modern or ancient puppet, then it is really basically unwatchable.

"Flowers Bloom Like a Dream" spans from the 1930s to the 1950s, and the emotional experiences of the mother and daughter reflect the changes of the times.

Period dramas are a genre with a large audience, and there are many great works on the screen, and the stories are very resonant.

Popular themes plus the cast of this drama, I’m looking forward to it!