Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Qin | Miao Zhengqing's headshot | Interviewee provided Huxiu Note: As a former novel author and screenwriter, and now an independent Internet developer, Zhao Chun wanted to create Zeng Chongshang The top three apps on A

produced | Huxiu Technology Group

author | Wang Qin

editor | Miao Zhengqing

head picture | Respondent provided

Huxiu Note: As a former novel author and screenwriter, and now an independent Internet developer, Zhao Chunxiang He created an application that once ranked among the top three paid food apps on Apple - Book of Stomach, an AI application that does not emphasize AI but emphasizes UI design. It was launched in May this year and currently has 60,000 users. In Zhao Chunxiang's view, if you make an application specifically for AI, it is like making dumplings for vinegar. What is important is the user's usage scenarios and needs, not AI.

Zhao Chunxiang is pessimistic about the overall future of AI: text is a simplification of the world, and AI is a simplification of the existing simplified system. Lagging models can always extract answers from advanced models, and advanced models cannot create business barriers.

Zhao Chunxiang has independently developed more than 20 apps, one of the few that is profitable, and one of the few profitable cases in the overall AI application market. His next step is an AI game, a dream that requires heavier operations and bigger funds than the trickling Stomach Book. Zhao Chunxiang, an independent developer of

, was once a screenwriter and novel author.

From 2019 to 2020, he starred in a short film written by himself as a writer who could not sell the copyright of his novel. He asked his girlfriend who had traveled back from five years later: "Am I still writing novels in five years?"

Five years later, in 2024, he was already a full-stack independent developer. Because of his AI food recording app "Book of Stomach", he became popular in the AI ​​industry, and many investors came to talk to him.

ai application "Book of Stomach" has a food recording function.

"Book of Stomach" is not very AI. It does not use the ability to generate large AI models, but the ability to summarize.

But it is beautiful enough: the UI interface is in black and white ink to highlight the color of food, and the art design has various ink and meticulous paintings: sesame grinder, rock sugar stewed snow pear, beetles... The first glance when opening the book of stomach is accompanied by grinding The animation of Sesame is a vibration, as if a stone grinder is grinding food in your hands.

The picture of the ramen chef in "Book of Stomach"

The classic "ramen chef" picture in the interface of this AI application actually comes from his early novel "Lanzhou Salsa":

In the 1970s, local ramen restaurants in Lanzhou would After the customer chooses the type of ramen, ask the chef to shout loudly, "Large bowl! Second fine!" and pass it to the kitchen. "First, let the guest feel that you can clearly hear the thickness of the bowl of noodles he wants. The second is to let the guests feel that the chef is very motivated and sincere.”

’s energy, which is like shouting for ramen, is also passed on to his software design concept: assuming that the user only opens the application once in his life, you will. What do you want users to experience? Therefore, the UI of the software must be beautiful and ultimate.

From AI food to AI games

Zhao Chunxiang missed two investment intentions, one for 1.5 million and one for 2 million.

In June of this year, Zhao Chunxiang attracted the attention of the industry because of his argument of "pure ideas without doing anything" at a road show. He chatted with investors and the media every day, but he felt that if he didn't write code every day, he would be lost. I don’t know what to do with the next version.

"Even if you take money, money can't help me think about it. (I told investors) Wait for me, wait until I figure out the next development plan, and then take the money."

After that, he thought about it. A step forward, but investment is also temporarily on hold. Before

, as a food recording software, some people felt that the ceiling of commercial value was not high. Zhao Chun’s next step for Stomach Book is to become the Douban Rating of the food industry, a literary version of Dianping. Users will rate milk tea, potato chips and other snack brands, and when the platform is up and running, “let them feel the commercial value.” "

Compared with Douban, which uses a lot of operations and code to review ratings, Zhao Chunxiang plans to use an AI agent as a referee in Wei Zhishu to judge whether the ratings are written by humans, whether there are a lot of duplicate IPs, and whether there is water. military participation.

Zhao Chunxiang said that the current number of users is enough to cold start the rating function.

Currently, Stomach Book relies on its existing food recording function and a paid subscription system to achieve stable monthly revenue of approximately US$12,000. The Book of Stomach ranked third on the Apple App Store’s best-selling food and drink list in May.

Stomach Book’s revenue is a steady stream. “With two people writing (code) non-stop, we can live till the end of the world.”

Zhao Chun wanted to imagine that if Stomach Book goes abroad and earns US dollars, the revenue can easily double. Several times, it can compete with in the same track, an AI software that records dietary calories (monthly revenue reaches 400,000 US dollars).

But if it goes overseas, it will require a lot of manpower for translation and localization. Currently, the only developers of the Stomach Book are him and another programmer.

Why don't you look for investment? I asked.

"What I want to do is too big, and the book of stomach can't support it. To be honest, I don't need 2 million, I need 20 million to do other things." Zhao Chun wanted to say.

The next big thing he wants to do is games.

Zhao Chunxiang is developing a Chinese medicine card game

Zhao Chunxiang is developing a Chinese medicine card game called "I am not the God of Medicine". In the game cards with Chinese meticulous style, a Chinese medicine stew is combined: ginseng increases the medicine prescription by 3 healing points, and astragalus increases health energy by 3 points...

"I think this game is a hundred times more profitable than the Book of Stomach. app. The world is cruel, and the competition is whether the demand exists. Games are very tolerant, and the demand for games definitely exists. It depends on whether you are fun or not. "

Today's entrepreneurs often need to build in public and start a business at the same time. Share the process on social platforms to attract more resources. The same goes for

Zhao Chunxiang. He is an active user of major platforms at home and abroad, such as Bilibili, Xiaohongshu, Douyin, X, and YouTube. As long as users post on Xiaohongshu to recommend the Book of Wei, Zhao Chunxiang will give him a one-month membership. The popularity of Xiaohongshu and media reports have boosted the growth of the Book of Wei.

Now he is "fishing" for game art among fans on major platforms: "Are there any of the 60,000 users of Book of Stomach who study art?"

Zhao Chun wanted to develop the art design of the traditional Chinese medicine card game

So, he recruited Three Central American graduates and two art designers from major companies, all users of Book of Stomach, came to do the art for his Chinese medicine card game. Users of the previous application feed back the next application.

Zhao Chun wanted to make the Book of Stomach not because he loves food, but because he chose note-taking software from the product category of "AI creation, human consumption" that the workload can be completed independently.

Now, he plays Chinese medicine card games not because he likes Chinese medicine, but because of his logical reasoning:

First of all, it can attract media traffic and people's attention. "Chinese people will definitely be interested in independently developing games with Chinese medicine themes. What's the point of making a lot of two-dimensional beautiful girl cards?"

In addition, traditional culture, body and mind are growing, and Chinese medicine is also Very consistent with traditional culture.

In Zhao Chunxiang’s view, it is not important whether it is an AI application, but what is important is to explore the needs of users. AI is only an auxiliary, because users will not give you time specifically because it is an AI application. AI applications must compete with traditional applications for users' time.

, a traditional Chinese medicine card game, uses the generation function of AI to create NPC characters. Each time the NPC character will generate different emotional lines to interact with the user, such as "This card is really bad" and "You are so bad." Play your cards like this." Unlike previous NPCs with written lines, the AI ​​version of NPC characters can provide higher emotional value.

ai can only train outdated slices

Zhao Chunxiang does not want to emphasize the AI ​​elements in the application. The original name of the Book of the Stomach was "The Book of the Stomach ai", but later the word "ai" was removed.

Zhao Chunxiang is pessimistic about the future of AI. In addition to the "Three Don'ts" circulated in the media (no applications that are highly dependent on the user's prompt word level, no pan-functional AI products that allow users to freely create agents, and no applications that place product value on AI elements), What's more is his pessimism about the principles of AI mechanism.

Some people believe that at the current stage of AI development, it should not focus on the underlying large model, but on data annotation.

Zhao Chunxiang thinks that volume data annotation is useless.

In his view, the essence of data is human perspective (people establish spiritual cognition and judgment of real things). When

labels data, there are three traffic lights in a picture, and the annotator is asked to mark which one is the traffic light. Hundreds of years from now, humans' understanding of what a traffic light is may be completely different from today's.

" Human beings have many cultural memes. When humans see the word 'chicken', they will think of something. What do you ask AI to do? Even if the word 'chicken' is tagged at this moment, it will be replaced with 'chicken' a hundred years later." The word "duck" has a meaning. The essence of the meaning is people's opinions. With the evolution of human beings, opinions are constantly changing. It is useless to mark this era, but you cannot mark the next era. . "

In his view, cultural memes spread among humans because humans have the Internet, and opinions can be distributed in large quantities among people and change during the distribution. However, large models are trained once based on a set of databases and then settle there. The cost of training is still very high. If the semantics of the data changes, the training has to be started from scratch.

"Every training result of each model is a slice of human semantics at a specific point in time. This slice is outdated the moment it is born, unless you cut and train it once every day." Zhao Chun wanted to say .

Compared with AI games, Zhao Chun thinks that the bigger things in his mind are making movies and writing novels. He once signed a contract with Han Han's one app and published two novel collections "Bad One Bad" and "Life is Brilliant".

When Zhao Chunxiang (right) was working as a screenwriter, he was rehearsing a play with other actors.

Five years ago, he asked in a movie he wrote: "Am I still writing novels in five years?"

Five years later, in addition to Having developed more than 20 application software, Zhao Chunxiang is still revising the novel "Optical Valley Square" he wrote in his early years, and he is obsessed with this one. The first draft was in 2017 and the final draft was in 2024. It was almost written again. "After I read Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", I found that what I wrote was still rubbish, so I scrapped the first draft without leaving a word. It could only be revised to be worthy of Dostoevsky's I can only recognize him when he is a hair of Fitzgerald.”

Zhao Chunxiang is good at connecting concepts in different fields. For example, the rigorously structured code has the same beautiful rhythm as "Crime and Punishment". He would liken the Taoist "knowing the spirit" (the acquired experience wrapped up in people's intuitive nature) to the cache of a computer.

He said that he first embarked on the road of Internet application development to make money and make movies.

In 2019, when the battlefield of mobile Internet was coming to an end, he started an Internet business. "Around 2015, China's mobile Internet was saturated and there was no chance for it. But when I switched from the art industry to this industry, I had no idea about it. I still thought it was a hot land."

He made an offline social application space chat , has entered multiple offline stores in Shanghai. Customers who pay with mobile phones in the store can join the same group. He received an investment of 1 million.

Zhao Chunxiang started his entrepreneurial project space chat in 2019 to connect offline in-store visitors online

In 2019, he was also beginning to spend six months of his weekend time with a group of friends to rehearse short films written by himself. "A Brief History of Spring". In the

play, the male protagonist he played was depressed that his novel could not be published, and told the publisher, "We must create something for this era that can slow people down." Off-screen, he is an image that follows the trend of the times. He switched to the Internet, took investment to start a business, and then fell after expansion. Six months after

received the investment, one million was burned and the business failed. He lay in a dark and moldy rented room all day long, facing the white wall where he wrote down his business ideas, which later turned out to be marks of failure. symbol, look in the mirror every day before going to bed and try not to commit suicide. Later, after coming into contact with Chinese philosophy, he found himself again. He released a series of videos of programmers explaining Chinese philosophy on station B, and also released iOS development courses.

If we say that he initially started an Internet business to make money and make movies, but his passion for writing code and making applications drove him to complete more than 20 applications.

In 2023, he quit his job as a programmer for Party B and developed the "Zhuanshan" app, which is a software that focuses on daily tasks. He compared completing tasks every day and making a pawn every day to the "Zhuanshan" activity of Tibetan pilgrims. . After his grandfather passed away, he developed the "Naduo" software, an Internet memorial platform to create a life memory library for the deceased relatives.

He has developed more than 20 applications, of which a dozen are on the shelves, and only five are profitable. Before Weishu, the applications he developed were all stand-alone versions (he only started to learn to write server code last year), which was difficult to operate.

I asked him, how did you survive when you were independently developing these unprofitable applications?

"God has never starved me to death anyway." He will receive various projects by chance. For example, a director he met two or three years ago spent 100,000 yuan to buy his copyright. "This can extend his life." 6 months" or suddenly someone asked him to do a small program and earned another 50,000 yuan.

" The Tao Te Ching says that 'people eat their mother', which is to eat the bowl of rice given by God. Some people don't know how to eat the bowl of rice given by God. They think that they have to create all their own rice and go to work to survive. . You can try After lying down for three months, you find that you can still survive. The prerequisite is that you have to do something. What you do may not make money, but you will post it on Moments and show yourself to others. Others will find that you are a very hard-working person. I’ll find a project for you to do,” Zhao Chun wanted to say.

Investors have explicit or implicit concerns about him. In addition to not being from a top college, another important point is that he does not seem focused enough. He does this today and does that tomorrow.

But Zhao Chunxiang’s life creed is to do this and then do that.

"Let's see if what I deliver every time is OK." Zhao Chunxiang said that although he had opened up many pitfalls at the same time, the Book of Stomach was something he wanted to continue doing for a long time. On the 100th day since its launch, the Book of Stomach has accumulated 60,000 users and released 21 versions, with an average of 1.47 versions per week. "Aren't you still focused?" he said.

does not require investment (at least for the time being), but one advantage is freedom. He posted on the social platform about developing a Chinese medicine card AI game, "Now that I think about it, if I were paid, I would never dare to post a tweet like this."

While exploring the limits, he also knew that he was of limited.

He likes to explore the limits. For example, he skipped class in high school and went to the Internet cafe to watch movies one after another. He fell from the key class to the bottom of the ordinary class, and returned to the top two in the class in his senior year. "If I were a second-generation rich man, and I was given a sum of money to make an app, I wouldn't think it was the limit. I would still find it interesting to write it by myself."

But he knew his limitations. When faced with Dostoevsky, he always said that what he wrote was rubbish. But when facing the world, he has a sense of arrogance. He said that when facing some ordinary domestic developers, he was very confident, "I think you must not feed too much shit to users." Behind the arrogance, he set the benchmark in the historical dimension.

Zhao Chunxiang is not the kind of person who keeps his eyes fixed on one spot. His personal passion has always followed the trends and trends of the times. "Anyway, no matter what is popular, I have to see how I can use it.

produced | Huxiu Technology Group

author | Wang Qin

editor | Miao Zhengqing

head picture | Respondent provided

Huxiu Note: As a former novel author and screenwriter, and now an independent Internet developer, Zhao Chunxiang He created an application that once ranked among the top three paid food apps on Apple - Book of Stomach, an AI application that does not emphasize AI but emphasizes UI design. It was launched in May this year and currently has 60,000 users. In Zhao Chunxiang's view, if you make an application specifically for AI, it is like making dumplings for vinegar. What is important is the user's usage scenarios and needs, not AI.

Zhao Chunxiang is pessimistic about the overall future of AI: text is a simplification of the world, and AI is a simplification of the existing simplified system. Lagging models can always extract answers from advanced models, and advanced models cannot create business barriers.

Zhao Chunxiang has independently developed more than 20 apps, one of the few that is profitable, and one of the few profitable cases in the overall AI application market. His next step is an AI game, a dream that requires heavier operations and bigger funds than the trickling Stomach Book. Zhao Chunxiang, an independent developer of

, was once a screenwriter and novel author.

From 2019 to 2020, he starred in a short film written by himself as a writer who could not sell the copyright of his novel. He asked his girlfriend who had traveled back from five years later: "Am I still writing novels in five years?"

Five years later, in 2024, he was already a full-stack independent developer. Because of his AI food recording app "Book of Stomach", he became popular in the AI ​​industry, and many investors came to talk to him.

ai application "Book of Stomach" has a food recording function.

"Book of Stomach" is not very AI. It does not use the ability to generate large AI models, but the ability to summarize.

But it is beautiful enough: the UI interface is in black and white ink to highlight the color of food, and the art design has various ink and meticulous paintings: sesame grinder, rock sugar stewed snow pear, beetles... The first glance when opening the book of stomach is accompanied by grinding The animation of Sesame is a vibration, as if a stone grinder is grinding food in your hands.

The picture of the ramen chef in "Book of Stomach"

The classic "ramen chef" picture in the interface of this AI application actually comes from his early novel "Lanzhou Salsa":

In the 1970s, local ramen restaurants in Lanzhou would After the customer chooses the type of ramen, ask the chef to shout loudly, "Large bowl! Second fine!" and pass it to the kitchen. "First, let the guest feel that you can clearly hear the thickness of the bowl of noodles he wants. The second is to let the guests feel that the chef is very motivated and sincere.”

’s energy, which is like shouting for ramen, is also passed on to his software design concept: assuming that the user only opens the application once in his life, you will. What do you want users to experience? Therefore, the UI of the software must be beautiful and ultimate.

From AI food to AI games

Zhao Chunxiang missed two investment intentions, one for 1.5 million and one for 2 million.

In June of this year, Zhao Chunxiang attracted the attention of the industry because of his argument of "pure ideas without doing anything" at a road show. He chatted with investors and the media every day, but he felt that if he didn't write code every day, he would be lost. I don’t know what to do with the next version.

"Even if you take money, money can't help me think about it. (I told investors) Wait for me, wait until I figure out the next development plan, and then take the money."

After that, he thought about it. A step forward, but investment is also temporarily on hold. Before

, as a food recording software, some people felt that the ceiling of commercial value was not high. Zhao Chun’s next step for Stomach Book is to become the Douban Rating of the food industry, a literary version of Dianping. Users will rate milk tea, potato chips and other snack brands, and when the platform is up and running, “let them feel the commercial value.” "

Compared with Douban, which uses a lot of operations and code to review ratings, Zhao Chunxiang plans to use an AI agent as a referee in Wei Zhishu to judge whether the ratings are written by humans, whether there are a lot of duplicate IPs, and whether there is water. military participation.

Zhao Chunxiang said that the current number of users is enough to cold start the rating function.

Currently, Stomach Book relies on its existing food recording function and a paid subscription system to achieve stable monthly revenue of approximately US$12,000. The Book of Stomach ranked third on the Apple App Store’s best-selling food and drink list in May.

Stomach Book’s revenue is a steady stream. “With two people writing (code) non-stop, we can live till the end of the world.”

Zhao Chun wanted to imagine that if Stomach Book goes abroad and earns US dollars, the revenue can easily double. Several times, it can compete with in the same track, an AI software that records dietary calories (monthly revenue reaches 400,000 US dollars).

But if it goes overseas, it will require a lot of manpower for translation and localization. Currently, the only developers of the Stomach Book are him and another programmer.

Why don't you look for investment? I asked.

"What I want to do is too big, and the book of stomach can't support it. To be honest, I don't need 2 million, I need 20 million to do other things." Zhao Chun wanted to say.

The next big thing he wants to do is games.

Zhao Chunxiang is developing a Chinese medicine card game

Zhao Chunxiang is developing a Chinese medicine card game called "I am not the God of Medicine". In the game cards with Chinese meticulous style, a Chinese medicine stew is combined: ginseng increases the medicine prescription by 3 healing points, and astragalus increases health energy by 3 points...

"I think this game is a hundred times more profitable than the Book of Stomach. app. The world is cruel, and the competition is whether the demand exists. Games are very tolerant, and the demand for games definitely exists. It depends on whether you are fun or not. "

Today's entrepreneurs often need to build in public and start a business at the same time. Share the process on social platforms to attract more resources. The same goes for

Zhao Chunxiang. He is an active user of major platforms at home and abroad, such as Bilibili, Xiaohongshu, Douyin, X, and YouTube. As long as users post on Xiaohongshu to recommend the Book of Wei, Zhao Chunxiang will give him a one-month membership. The popularity of Xiaohongshu and media reports have boosted the growth of the Book of Wei.

Now he is "fishing" for game art among fans on major platforms: "Are there any of the 60,000 users of Book of Stomach who study art?"

Zhao Chun wanted to develop the art design of the traditional Chinese medicine card game

So, he recruited Three Central American graduates and two art designers from major companies, all users of Book of Stomach, came to do the art for his Chinese medicine card game. Users of the previous application feed back the next application.

Zhao Chun wanted to make the Book of Stomach not because he loves food, but because he chose note-taking software from the product category of "AI creation, human consumption" that the workload can be completed independently.

Now, he plays Chinese medicine card games not because he likes Chinese medicine, but because of his logical reasoning:

First of all, it can attract media traffic and people's attention. "Chinese people will definitely be interested in independently developing games with Chinese medicine themes. What's the point of making a lot of two-dimensional beautiful girl cards?"

In addition, traditional culture, body and mind are growing, and Chinese medicine is also Very consistent with traditional culture.

In Zhao Chunxiang’s view, it is not important whether it is an AI application, but what is important is to explore the needs of users. AI is only an auxiliary, because users will not give you time specifically because it is an AI application. AI applications must compete with traditional applications for users' time.

, a traditional Chinese medicine card game, uses the generation function of AI to create NPC characters. Each time the NPC character will generate different emotional lines to interact with the user, such as "This card is really bad" and "You are so bad." Play your cards like this." Unlike previous NPCs with written lines, the AI ​​version of NPC characters can provide higher emotional value.

ai can only train outdated slices

Zhao Chunxiang does not want to emphasize the AI ​​elements in the application. The original name of the Book of the Stomach was "The Book of the Stomach ai", but later the word "ai" was removed.

Zhao Chunxiang is pessimistic about the future of AI. In addition to the "Three Don'ts" circulated in the media (no applications that are highly dependent on the user's prompt word level, no pan-functional AI products that allow users to freely create agents, and no applications that place product value on AI elements), What's more is his pessimism about the principles of AI mechanism.

Some people believe that at the current stage of AI development, it should not focus on the underlying large model, but on data annotation.

Zhao Chunxiang thinks that volume data annotation is useless.

In his view, the essence of data is human perspective (people establish spiritual cognition and judgment of real things). When

labels data, there are three traffic lights in a picture, and the annotator is asked to mark which one is the traffic light. Hundreds of years from now, humans' understanding of what a traffic light is may be completely different from today's.

" Human beings have many cultural memes. When humans see the word 'chicken', they will think of something. What do you ask AI to do? Even if the word 'chicken' is tagged at this moment, it will be replaced with 'chicken' a hundred years later." The word "duck" has a meaning. The essence of the meaning is people's opinions. With the evolution of human beings, opinions are constantly changing. It is useless to mark this era, but you cannot mark the next era. . "

In his view, cultural memes spread among humans because humans have the Internet, and opinions can be distributed in large quantities among people and change during the distribution. However, large models are trained once based on a set of databases and then settle there. The cost of training is still very high. If the semantics of the data changes, the training has to be started from scratch.

"Every training result of each model is a slice of human semantics at a specific point in time. This slice is outdated the moment it is born, unless you cut and train it once every day." Zhao Chun wanted to say .

Compared with AI games, Zhao Chun thinks that the bigger things in his mind are making movies and writing novels. He once signed a contract with Han Han's one app and published two novel collections "Bad One Bad" and "Life is Brilliant".

When Zhao Chunxiang (right) was working as a screenwriter, he was rehearsing a play with other actors.

Five years ago, he asked in a movie he wrote: "Am I still writing novels in five years?"

Five years later, in addition to Having developed more than 20 application software, Zhao Chunxiang is still revising the novel "Optical Valley Square" he wrote in his early years, and he is obsessed with this one. The first draft was in 2017 and the final draft was in 2024. It was almost written again. "After I read Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", I found that what I wrote was still rubbish, so I scrapped the first draft without leaving a word. It could only be revised to be worthy of Dostoevsky's I can only recognize him when he is a hair of Fitzgerald.”

Zhao Chunxiang is good at connecting concepts in different fields. For example, the rigorously structured code has the same beautiful rhythm as "Crime and Punishment". He would liken the Taoist "knowing the spirit" (the acquired experience wrapped up in people's intuitive nature) to the cache of a computer.

He said that he first embarked on the road of Internet application development to make money and make movies.

In 2019, when the battlefield of mobile Internet was coming to an end, he started an Internet business. "Around 2015, China's mobile Internet was saturated and there was no chance for it. But when I switched from the art industry to this industry, I had no idea about it. I still thought it was a hot land."

He made an offline social application space chat , has entered multiple offline stores in Shanghai. Customers who pay with mobile phones in the store can join the same group. He received an investment of 1 million.

Zhao Chunxiang started his entrepreneurial project space chat in 2019 to connect offline in-store visitors online

In 2019, he was also beginning to spend six months of his weekend time with a group of friends to rehearse short films written by himself. "A Brief History of Spring". In the

play, the male protagonist he played was depressed that his novel could not be published, and told the publisher, "We must create something for this era that can slow people down." Off-screen, he is an image that follows the trend of the times. He switched to the Internet, took investment to start a business, and then fell after expansion. Six months after

received the investment, one million was burned and the business failed. He lay in a dark and moldy rented room all day long, facing the white wall where he wrote down his business ideas, which later turned out to be marks of failure. symbol, look in the mirror every day before going to bed and try not to commit suicide. Later, after coming into contact with Chinese philosophy, he found himself again. He released a series of videos of programmers explaining Chinese philosophy on station B, and also released iOS development courses.

If we say that he initially started an Internet business to make money and make movies, but his passion for writing code and making applications drove him to complete more than 20 applications.

In 2023, he quit his job as a programmer for Party B and developed the "Zhuanshan" app, which is a software that focuses on daily tasks. He compared completing tasks every day and making a pawn every day to the "Zhuanshan" activity of Tibetan pilgrims. . After his grandfather passed away, he developed the "Naduo" software, an Internet memorial platform to create a life memory library for the deceased relatives.

He has developed more than 20 applications, of which a dozen are on the shelves, and only five are profitable. Before Weishu, the applications he developed were all stand-alone versions (he only started to learn to write server code last year), which was difficult to operate.

I asked him, how did you survive when you were independently developing these unprofitable applications?

"God has never starved me to death anyway." He will receive various projects by chance. For example, a director he met two or three years ago spent 100,000 yuan to buy his copyright. "This can extend his life." 6 months" or suddenly someone asked him to do a small program and earned another 50,000 yuan.

" The Tao Te Ching says that 'people eat their mother', which is to eat the bowl of rice given by God. Some people don't know how to eat the bowl of rice given by God. They think that they have to create all their own rice and go to work to survive. . You can try After lying down for three months, you find that you can still survive. The prerequisite is that you have to do something. What you do may not make money, but you will post it on Moments and show yourself to others. Others will find that you are a very hard-working person. I’ll find a project for you to do,” Zhao Chun wanted to say.

Investors have explicit or implicit concerns about him. In addition to not being from a top college, another important point is that he does not seem focused enough. He does this today and does that tomorrow.

But Zhao Chunxiang’s life creed is to do this and then do that.

"Let's see if what I deliver every time is OK." Zhao Chunxiang said that although he had opened up many pitfalls at the same time, the Book of Stomach was something he wanted to continue doing for a long time. On the 100th day since its launch, the Book of Stomach has accumulated 60,000 users and released 21 versions, with an average of 1.47 versions per week. "Aren't you still focused?" he said.

does not require investment (at least for the time being), but one advantage is freedom. He posted on the social platform about developing a Chinese medicine card AI game, "Now that I think about it, if I were paid, I would never dare to post a tweet like this."

While exploring the limits, he also knew that he was of limited.

He likes to explore the limits. For example, he skipped class in high school and went to the Internet cafe to watch movies one after another. He fell from the key class to the bottom of the ordinary class, and returned to the top two in the class in his senior year. "If I were a second-generation rich man, and I was given a sum of money to make an app, I wouldn't think it was the limit. I would still find it interesting to write it by myself."

But he knew his limitations. When faced with Dostoevsky, he always said that what he wrote was rubbish. But when facing the world, he has a sense of arrogance. He said that when facing some ordinary domestic developers, he was very confident, "I think you must not feed too much shit to users." Behind the arrogance, he set the benchmark in the historical dimension.

Zhao Chunxiang is not the kind of person who keeps his eyes fixed on one spot. His personal passion has always followed the trends and trends of the times. "Anyway, no matter what is popular, I have to see how I can use it.”