China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Shen Jiequn Three years ago, the film "My Sister" directed by post-85s director Yin Ruoxin attracted attention. The film tells the story of a sister who lost her parents and has to make a difficult choice between pursuing an indepe

China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Shen Jiequn

htmlThirteen years ago, the film "My Sister" directed by post-85s director Yin Ruoxin attracted attention. The film tells the story of a sister who lost her parents and has to make a difficult choice between pursuing an independent life or raising her younger brother.

html Thirteen years later, her movie "
Wild Child " was released. It was based on the real incident of "Wandering Brothers" and told a story of "thief" brother Ma Liang and "orphan" brother Xuan Xuan protecting and redeeming each other in their wandering life. .

From "My Sister" to "Wild Child", the relationship between the characters in these two stories is different whether they are related by blood or not, but the core of them cannot avoid the "sibling" narrative. The "thread" of the bond between interdependent individuals in the vast sea of ​​​​people was once again carefully found by this young female director, pulled out, and truly unfolded on the big screen.

"The vitality of wild children lies in shouting and running. I hope that children in difficult situations in society can be seen and let more people pay attention to their living conditions." Recently, director Yin Ruoxin accepted an exclusive interview with reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily.

directed by Yin Ruoxin. Photo provided by the interviewee

Yin Ruoxin has seen news reports about the "Wandering Brothers" for a long time.

"I believe that touching things are happening in many corners, but they are not seen. This incident was reported and let me know that people can still form such a bond when they are in trouble and so lonely. Connect.”

Two years ago, the producer approached Yin Ruoxin with the “Wild Child” project. "We all paid attention to this incident and this group of people."

Yin Ruoxin said that the creator hopes to focus on a group of "actual orphans" and "children in trouble" through Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan. On the one hand, it is from the perspective of children, revealing their true emotional needs behind "huddling together for warmth"; on the other hand, it also focuses on the series of changes after the incident through the female police officer Zhou Jiao who "took one more step forward" in the prototype incident. .

In "Wild Child", these two unrelated "brothers" always touch the hearts of the audience.

Ma Liang, a young boy who was abandoned since childhood and made a living by scavenging, accidentally "picked up" an 8-year-old boy Xuan Xuan on the road. Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan lived in an abandoned amusement park. Ma Liang went to steal in order to feed and clothe the "child" he called, and tried his best to fulfill Xuan Xuan's every little wish, but at the same time he firmly warned this younger brother. "Don't steal" "Don't imitate me when you grow up".

Yin Ruoxin said that when she first saw the news report, she thought over and over again in her mind how the relationship between these two strangers living together day and night came to be.

"I'm curious how they got close to each other in the first place? How come there was a kind of contract-like agreement to live together? As the two became more and more familiar, what unforgettable moments did they experience together?"

Yin Ruoxin feels that when people get along with each other for a period of time, the concentration and direction of emotions will also change. She really wants to show in the movie the "family" relationship between Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan in a non-secular sense. Unforgettable moments.

In "Wild Child", the issue surrounding "Do you want a mother or a brother?" is an important point of dramatic conflict between Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan. Yin Ruoxin explained that for children, the cream and the memories left by their mothers are always warm, and children instinctively want to return to "a warm place"; while Ma Liang, who has been away from home for many years and has no fixed residence, He has long been isolated from a warm family, so facing Xuanxuan who is close to him, Ma Liang subconsciously feels that "you and I are one."

"Every time Ma Liang asks Xuanxuan whether he wants a mother or a brother, he is actually asking himself a question - he knows that their relationship is not family in the secular sense, and he may still leave this child one day. , or this child will take the initiative to leave him. How long will this companionship last? "

movie "Wild Child" poster.Picture provided by the interviewee

From "Goodbye , Young ", "My Sister" to "Wild Child", the audience commented that Yin Ruoxin is very good at using light and shadow to express the subtle emotions between people.

"Follow the characters and follow the emotional changes" when creating, which is Yin Ruoxin's creative method.

Just like the characters in the story, Yin Ruoxin was led along the way by the "wandering brothers". Naturally, she saw the bond between the two deepen and naturally encountered conflicts, such as the requirements and wishes that each wanted the other to fulfill.

Yin Ruoxin shared a short story. When the creators selected an abandoned playground as the living space for the brothers, they allowed actor Wang Junkai and newcomer actor Guan Zixie to go in first, experience it as they pleased, and choose what touched them. Guan Zixie will be interested in colorful and bright things, while Wang Junkai will be attracted by those vibrant green trees.

The actors’ natural perceptions coincide with those of the people in the story. Yin Ruoxin said that Ma Liang, who loves greenery, is a boy with "hope and hope" inside - if Ma Liang had no hope and no light and goodwill left in his heart, then he would not accept Xuan Xuan.

As a well-received young female director, Yin Ruoxin has a deep understanding of the "female power" in film creation and has high expectations.

"Everyone can see women in any workplace now and feel their creativity. As a director, I am very lucky to use artistic means to present my inner thoughts and communicate with the public through the film medium."

Yin Ruoxin In summary, in her creative career, she has always tended to focus on real-life content. “I seem to have a strong motivation to constantly pay attention to the dynamic changes in society and the subtle manifestations of people in dynamic changes.

China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Shen Jiequn

htmlThirteen years ago, the film "My Sister" directed by post-85s director Yin Ruoxin attracted attention. The film tells the story of a sister who lost her parents and has to make a difficult choice between pursuing an independent life or raising her younger brother.

html Thirteen years later, her movie "
Wild Child " was released. It was based on the real incident of "Wandering Brothers" and told a story of "thief" brother Ma Liang and "orphan" brother Xuan Xuan protecting and redeeming each other in their wandering life. .

From "My Sister" to "Wild Child", the relationship between the characters in these two stories is different whether they are related by blood or not, but the core of them cannot avoid the "sibling" narrative. The "thread" of the bond between interdependent individuals in the vast sea of ​​​​people was once again carefully found by this young female director, pulled out, and truly unfolded on the big screen.

"The vitality of wild children lies in shouting and running. I hope that children in difficult situations in society can be seen and let more people pay attention to their living conditions." Recently, director Yin Ruoxin accepted an exclusive interview with reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily.

directed by Yin Ruoxin. Photo provided by the interviewee

Yin Ruoxin has seen news reports about the "Wandering Brothers" for a long time.

"I believe that touching things are happening in many corners, but they are not seen. This incident was reported and let me know that people can still form such a bond when they are in trouble and so lonely. Connect.”

Two years ago, the producer approached Yin Ruoxin with the “Wild Child” project. "We all paid attention to this incident and this group of people."

Yin Ruoxin said that the creator hopes to focus on a group of "actual orphans" and "children in trouble" through Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan. On the one hand, it is from the perspective of children, revealing their true emotional needs behind "huddling together for warmth"; on the other hand, it also focuses on the series of changes after the incident through the female police officer Zhou Jiao who "took one more step forward" in the prototype incident. .

In "Wild Child", these two unrelated "brothers" always touch the hearts of the audience.

Ma Liang, a young boy who was abandoned since childhood and made a living by scavenging, accidentally "picked up" an 8-year-old boy Xuan Xuan on the road. Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan lived in an abandoned amusement park. Ma Liang went to steal in order to feed and clothe the "child" he called, and tried his best to fulfill Xuan Xuan's every little wish, but at the same time he firmly warned this younger brother. "Don't steal" "Don't imitate me when you grow up".

Yin Ruoxin said that when she first saw the news report, she thought over and over again in her mind how the relationship between these two strangers living together day and night came to be.

"I'm curious how they got close to each other in the first place? How come there was a kind of contract-like agreement to live together? As the two became more and more familiar, what unforgettable moments did they experience together?"

Yin Ruoxin feels that when people get along with each other for a period of time, the concentration and direction of emotions will also change. She really wants to show in the movie the "family" relationship between Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan in a non-secular sense. Unforgettable moments.

In "Wild Child", the issue surrounding "Do you want a mother or a brother?" is an important point of dramatic conflict between Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan. Yin Ruoxin explained that for children, the cream and the memories left by their mothers are always warm, and children instinctively want to return to "a warm place"; while Ma Liang, who has been away from home for many years and has no fixed residence, He has long been isolated from a warm family, so facing Xuanxuan who is close to him, Ma Liang subconsciously feels that "you and I are one."

"Every time Ma Liang asks Xuanxuan whether he wants a mother or a brother, he is actually asking himself a question - he knows that their relationship is not family in the secular sense, and he may still leave this child one day. , or this child will take the initiative to leave him. How long will this companionship last? "

movie "Wild Child" poster.Picture provided by the interviewee

From "Goodbye , Young ", "My Sister" to "Wild Child", the audience commented that Yin Ruoxin is very good at using light and shadow to express the subtle emotions between people.

"Follow the characters and follow the emotional changes" when creating, which is Yin Ruoxin's creative method.

Just like the characters in the story, Yin Ruoxin was led along the way by the "wandering brothers". Naturally, she saw the bond between the two deepen and naturally encountered conflicts, such as the requirements and wishes that each wanted the other to fulfill.

Yin Ruoxin shared a short story. When the creators selected an abandoned playground as the living space for the brothers, they allowed actor Wang Junkai and newcomer actor Guan Zixie to go in first, experience it as they pleased, and choose what touched them. Guan Zixie will be interested in colorful and bright things, while Wang Junkai will be attracted by those vibrant green trees.

The actors’ natural perceptions coincide with those of the people in the story. Yin Ruoxin said that Ma Liang, who loves greenery, is a boy with "hope and hope" inside - if Ma Liang had no hope and no light and goodwill left in his heart, then he would not accept Xuan Xuan.

As a well-received young female director, Yin Ruoxin has a deep understanding of the "female power" in film creation and has high expectations.

"Everyone can see women in any workplace now and feel their creativity. As a director, I am very lucky to use artistic means to present my inner thoughts and communicate with the public through the film medium."

Yin Ruoxin In summary, in her creative career, she has always tended to focus on real-life content. “I seem to have a strong motivation to constantly pay attention to the dynamic changes in society and the subtle manifestations of people in dynamic changes."

Source: China Youth Daily