[Source: Jiangnan Metropolis Daily] According to the Tianyancha App, on September 20, the court published an apology statement from Zhongshan Huiyi Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. to Huang Xiaoming. The statement showed that the company used Huang Xiaoming's portrait on the outer p

[Source: Jiangnan Metropolis Daily]

According to the Tianyancha app, on September 20, the court published a statement apologizing to Huang Xiaoming from Zhongshan Huiyi Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. The statement showed that the company used Huang Xiaoming's portrait on the outer packaging of "Parkway Light" lighting products and store promotional materials without Huang Xiaoming's authorization. Its behavior seriously damaged Huang Xiaoming's legitimate rights and interests. The company apologized to Huang Xiaoming and ensured that such an incident would never happen again.

Judicial case information shows that the company had previously been ordered by the court to compensate Huang Xiaoming for economic losses of 400,000 yuan and reasonable rights protection expenses of 500 yuan. The company had been subject to enforcement, restricted high consumption and was listed as a breach of trust person due to this case.

[Source: Jiangnan Metropolis Daily]

According to the Tianyancha app, on September 20, the court published a statement apologizing to Huang Xiaoming from Zhongshan Huiyi Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. The statement showed that the company used Huang Xiaoming's portrait on the outer packaging of "Parkway Light" lighting products and store promotional materials without Huang Xiaoming's authorization. Its behavior seriously damaged Huang Xiaoming's legitimate rights and interests. The company apologized to Huang Xiaoming and ensured that such an incident would never happen again.

Judicial case information shows that the company had previously been ordered by the court to compensate Huang Xiaoming for economic losses of 400,000 yuan and reasonable rights protection expenses of 500 yuan. The company had been subject to enforcement, restricted high consumption and was listed as a breach of trust person due to this case.

Source: Jiangnan Metropolis Daily Comprehensive Hexun Network