This year's Mid-Autumn Festival movie market is really a bit deserted. Although there are more than 20 new films released in the schedule, what is embarrassing is that only 3 new films have a single-day box office of over 10 million, which shows that the audience does not buy the

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival movie market is really a bit deserted.

Although there are more than 20 new films released in the schedule, what is embarrassing is that only 3 new films have a single-day box office of more than 10 million. This shows that the audience's attitude towards current domestic films is not buying it!

html The box office in 32 days was only 31.88 million. Is Ma Li’s golden sign not working?

As of 22:00 on September 16, the top three single-day box office hits in the Mainland are "Wild Child", "Avenging Shame" and "Determination to Run Away".

"Wild Child" has a single-day box office of more than 42.9 million. It is the only new film in the Mid-Autumn Festival this year that has a passable performance. It accounts for 22.8% of the film schedule and 31.6% of the box office. The attendance rate is good. The cumulative box office in the four days of release has exceeded 116 million. , is also the only new film in this year's Mid-Autumn Festival with a box office of over 100 million.

What’s a little embarrassing is that pre-sales exceeded 40 million before the movie was released.

This shows that the box office of the movie is most likely supported by Wang Junkai's fans. Of course, it shows that Wang Junkai's fan appeal is good, but it also shows that ordinary audiences are still not confident about Xiao Xianrou's acting skills. In the film, Wang Junkai's performance is indeed not bad. He is very immature. Not to mention professional actors such as Deng Jiajia, Chen Yongsheng, and Pan Binlong, even Guan Zixie, who plays the younger brother, can't hold it down. You must know that this is his first time acting.

"Avenge the Shame" had a single-day box office of 17.48 million.

movies accounted for 10.8% of the film schedule and 12.8% of the box office. The attendance rate is higher than that of "Wild Child". This is due to the warm welcome of the movie in the three northeastern provinces. It is reminiscent of Shen Teng's "Reverse Scale" not long ago. It has repeatedly won the box office in the three northeastern provinces. It must be said that the people of Northeast China have a natural affinity for comedy stars. The current cumulative box office of the movie in the two days after its release is only 31.88 million.

This result is definitely not outstanding. According to this trend, whether the final box office of the movie can exceed 60 million is a question.

This summer's "Catch a Baby" starring Shen Teng and Ma Li has a box office of over 3.2 billion. Of course, the schedule and subject matter are key, but Shen Teng's "Reverse Scale", which has been hidden for many years and is not a comedy, has a box office of over 174 million. , "Abandoning the Shame" is Ma Li's best comedy. With the advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the box office has not exceeded 100 million. It can only be said that Ma Li's appeal is a bit weak.

"Determination to Run away" had a single-day box office of 11.66 million.

This movie was highly publicized before its release and can be called the Chinese version of the zzzq movie. Unfortunately, feminism did not make the movie a success.

The current cumulative box office of the movie in the two days after its release is 30.24 million. It is very likely that the final box office will be around 60 million like "Abandoned".

The box office exceeded 4.036 billion, and it was postponed 3 times and re-released once. It still can’t catch up with Shen Teng, and Wu Jing’s goal has been ruined!

In addition to the top three at the box office, the remaining new films in the Mid-Autumn Festival are even more miserable.

Among them are the re-screening of Wu Jing's "The Wandering Earth 2" and the premiere of the behind-the-scenes documentary "Adventure Again".

For many movie fans, the biggest regret in 2023 is that the well-received "The Wandering Earth 2" lost the Spring Festival and annual double championship, and the object it lost to was the controversial "Man Jiang Hong", Zhang Yimou's so-called costume suspense Comedy film, it is questioned that the cost of 500 million was given to the star cast. The real production cost of the film is only 10 million. Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but it also shows that the production of "Man Jiang Hong" is a bit rough.

"The Wandering Earth 2" is a sequel that opens the door to Chinese science fiction films. In many ways, it surpasses its predecessor in all aspects.

Unfortunately, the movie's box office was not as high as its predecessor, and it also lost to "Man Jiang Hong".

When "The Wandering Earth 2" was released in 2023, it was postponed three times in a row, including this re-release. Many movie fans thought that the box office could overtake "Man Jiang Hong". Unfortunately, as of 22:00 on September 16, the single-day box office of "The Wandering Earth 2" was 3.31 million, accounting for 1.8% of the film schedule. The cumulative box office for the two days of re-screening was 7.14 million. million, and the final box office of the re-release is predicted to be around 30 million.

Currently, including the re-release results, the box office of "The Wandering Earth 2" has exceeded 4.036 billion, which is still far behind the 4.544 billion box office of "Man Jiang Hong".

Wu Jing will definitely not be able to catch up with Shen Teng. What’s interesting is that Shen Teng has also begun to widen the gap with Wu Jing in the personal box office list of Chinese film history. Currently, the box office of Shen Teng’s personal works has exceeded 37 billion. With blockbusters such as “Welcome to the Dragon Restaurant” about to be released, Shen Teng will Becoming the first 40 billion actor in Chinese film history, Wu Jing's personal box office is still at 33.5 billion.

As for the next work "The Daredevil", due to its subject matter, the box office may be around 1 billion.

"The Wandering Earth 3" is scheduled to be released in 2027.

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival movie market is really a bit deserted.

Although there are more than 20 new films released in the schedule, what is embarrassing is that only 3 new films have a single-day box office of more than 10 million. This shows that the audience's attitude towards current domestic films is not buying it!

html The box office in 32 days was only 31.88 million. Is Ma Li’s golden sign not working?

As of 22:00 on September 16, the top three single-day box office hits in the Mainland are "Wild Child", "Avenging Shame" and "Determination to Run Away".

"Wild Child" has a single-day box office of more than 42.9 million. It is the only new film in the Mid-Autumn Festival this year that has a passable performance. It accounts for 22.8% of the film schedule and 31.6% of the box office. The attendance rate is good. The cumulative box office in the four days of release has exceeded 116 million. , is also the only new film in this year's Mid-Autumn Festival with a box office of over 100 million.

What’s a little embarrassing is that pre-sales exceeded 40 million before the movie was released.

This shows that the box office of the movie is most likely supported by Wang Junkai's fans. Of course, it shows that Wang Junkai's fan appeal is good, but it also shows that ordinary audiences are still not confident about Xiao Xianrou's acting skills. In the film, Wang Junkai's performance is indeed not bad. He is very immature. Not to mention professional actors such as Deng Jiajia, Chen Yongsheng, and Pan Binlong, even Guan Zixie, who plays the younger brother, can't hold it down. You must know that this is his first time acting.

"Avenge the Shame" had a single-day box office of 17.48 million.

movies accounted for 10.8% of the film schedule and 12.8% of the box office. The attendance rate is higher than that of "Wild Child". This is due to the warm welcome of the movie in the three northeastern provinces. It is reminiscent of Shen Teng's "Reverse Scale" not long ago. It has repeatedly won the box office in the three northeastern provinces. It must be said that the people of Northeast China have a natural affinity for comedy stars. The current cumulative box office of the movie in the two days after its release is only 31.88 million.

This result is definitely not outstanding. According to this trend, whether the final box office of the movie can exceed 60 million is a question.

This summer's "Catch a Baby" starring Shen Teng and Ma Li has a box office of over 3.2 billion. Of course, the schedule and subject matter are key, but Shen Teng's "Reverse Scale", which has been hidden for many years and is not a comedy, has a box office of over 174 million. , "Abandoning the Shame" is Ma Li's best comedy. With the advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the box office has not exceeded 100 million. It can only be said that Ma Li's appeal is a bit weak.

"Determination to Run away" had a single-day box office of 11.66 million.

This movie was highly publicized before its release and can be called the Chinese version of the zzzq movie. Unfortunately, feminism did not make the movie a success.

The current cumulative box office of the movie in the two days after its release is 30.24 million. It is very likely that the final box office will be around 60 million like "Abandoned".

The box office exceeded 4.036 billion, and it was postponed 3 times and re-released once. It still can’t catch up with Shen Teng, and Wu Jing’s goal has been ruined!

In addition to the top three at the box office, the remaining new films in the Mid-Autumn Festival are even more miserable.

Among them are the re-screening of Wu Jing's "The Wandering Earth 2" and the premiere of the behind-the-scenes documentary "Adventure Again".

For many movie fans, the biggest regret in 2023 is that the well-received "The Wandering Earth 2" lost the Spring Festival and annual double championship, and the object it lost to was the controversial "Man Jiang Hong", Zhang Yimou's so-called costume suspense Comedy film, it is questioned that the cost of 500 million was given to the star cast. The real production cost of the film is only 10 million. Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but it also shows that the production of "Man Jiang Hong" is a bit rough.

"The Wandering Earth 2" is a sequel that opens the door to Chinese science fiction films. In many ways, it surpasses its predecessor in all aspects.

Unfortunately, the movie's box office was not as high as its predecessor, and it also lost to "Man Jiang Hong".

When "The Wandering Earth 2" was released in 2023, it was postponed three times in a row, including this re-release. Many movie fans thought that the box office could overtake "Man Jiang Hong". Unfortunately, as of 22:00 on September 16, the single-day box office of "The Wandering Earth 2" was 3.31 million, accounting for 1.8% of the film schedule. The cumulative box office for the two days of re-screening was 7.14 million. million, and the final box office of the re-release is predicted to be around 30 million.

Currently, including the re-release results, the box office of "The Wandering Earth 2" has exceeded 4.036 billion, which is still far behind the 4.544 billion box office of "Man Jiang Hong".

Wu Jing will definitely not be able to catch up with Shen Teng. What’s interesting is that Shen Teng has also begun to widen the gap with Wu Jing in the personal box office list of Chinese film history. Currently, the box office of Shen Teng’s personal works has exceeded 37 billion. With blockbusters such as “Welcome to the Dragon Restaurant” about to be released, Shen Teng will Becoming the first 40 billion actor in Chinese film history, Wu Jing's personal box office is still at 33.5 billion.

As for the next work "The Daredevil", due to its subject matter, the box office may be around 1 billion.

"The Wandering Earth 3" is scheduled to be released in 2027.China’s box office king is really about to change hands!