In the finale of "Mortal Song", two of the three couples got married. Xie Meilan and Shen Lei divorced completely, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue finally broke up. Only the old couple Shen Lin and Nawei worked together to overcome the difficulties in life. Many viewers felt sad abou

In the finale of "Mortal Song", three couples became married to two couples. Xie Meilan and Shen Lei divorced completely, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue finally broke up. Only the old couple Shen Lin and Nawei worked together to overcome the difficulties in life.

Many viewers felt sad about this ending, and Wei Chenlin repeatedly sacrificed her life. Some viewers felt it was a pity that Juan and Li Xiaoyue met again on the street after their breakup.

Sometimes, life is full of sorrow and helpless changes, which may not necessarily mean imperfect endings, but the energy contained in them is not small. Sometimes, the current regret may not be a regret, but it is better to respect the choice.

The pairing of Shen Lin and Na Wei is both heartbreaking and exciting.

From a glamorous middle-class couple to a self-employed person struggling with life every day, Shen Lin and Na Wei are the only couple in " Mortal Song " whose life has truly declined and are still struggling for survival in middle age. cp.

But they are also the only couple who have truly taken control of the direction of their lives after changing tracks.

went from working as a nanny, selling braised meat, and running takeout, to finally owning his own braised food shop in the finale. In Shen Lin and Na Wei, the audience can see the shadow of many ordinary people.

Their minds are not necessarily smart and sharp, and they are not lucky. Even their characters and principles are not so popular in the workplace, but they have been moving forward in a down-to-earth manner.

No matter how fate changes, we never give up hope. No matter how life changes, we always shoulder the responsibility.

Shen Lei, who was cared for and brought up by his whole family, does not understand the word "family responsibility". Li Xiaoyue, who is unmarried, has not experienced it either. Shen Lin and his wife, the elder and the younger, understand very well that they need to shoulder the responsibility. , cannot be withdrawn.

Just like many people in life who were high-spirited as teenagers and enthusiastic as adults, but gradually gave up many things they once cared about when they reached middle age and had families and children. They would not want to change, but would change for the sake of responsibility.

Na Wei has a very thought-provoking daily scene in the play.

After becoming a delivery boy, he met Mr. Qin, his boss who once made things difficult for him, on the street. The situation at the time was obviously not good, but Na Wei had changed the most between the two. He spent a long time digesting his problems in the early stage. Self-esteem.

Of course, when Na Wei recognized Mr. Qin, he immediately chose to say hello and promote his braised meat shop, as if he was not meeting a former enemy, but an old friend he had not seen for many years.

What made Na Wei, who had to break his guard even when his wife was a nanny? When his wife set up a stall to sell braised food, he once stood behind the braised food stall and did not dare to show his face. He no longer cared about whether the people he knew thought highly of him, and no longer cared about whether he was embarrassed?

is responsibility and life.

He is like this, Shen Lin is like this, and many of us in life are like this.

From the perspective of a bystander, we see Na Wei become angry and decadent because of his pride. I believe that many viewers feel distressed and look down on him, but when he puts on the rider's uniform and rushes forward, they will respect him very much.

People who have the courage to shoulder responsibilities and work hard to live are never "shameful". This is the admirable aura of little people in Shen Lin and Na Wei, and it is also the infinite positive energy contained in thousands of ordinary people in life.

Shen Lei and Xie Meilan, letting go is also a relief.

Xie and Shen are the most controversial couple in "Mortal Song". Some people criticized Xie Meilan for "worshiping money" and felt sorry for Shen Lei. Some people thought that Shen Lei did not take the responsibility to feel sorry for Xie Meilan. Different people can see different feelings from them.

But what is certain is that both Xie Meilan and Shen Lei were relieved the moment they chose to divorce.

Neither of them are bad people, nor have they made any principled mistakes in their marriage, but they have different values ​​and outlooks on life. If they are forcibly tied together, they will only consume and torture each other.

Xie Meilan, who is used to being a single-parent family, has more pursuits of material things and family affection. In her life, she has always hoped that her mother, who worked hard to raise her, could live a better life and have a better life. Life.

After graduation, she followed the planned path step by step, and she did not even ask Shen Lei to work with her at first.

However, Xie's mother's unexpected death from illness disrupted all her rhythms and became a knot of heart and regret that she could not heal. Shen Lei, who had been raised under protection, could not understand her knot, nor could she understand Shen Lei's. "Noble".

Instead of holding on to a marriage that has made you unhappy, it is better to let go and fight for the life you really want. However, Chapter 7 felt that the screenwriter had a flaw in shaping the character of Xie Meilan.

shouldn't add any unnecessary extravagance to write her a domineering suitor who silently supports her behind her back.

Not to mention how high the probability is that the handsome, wealthy and affectionate Boss will fall in love with a middle-aged divorced woman in real life. From the perspective of the story, the appearance of Boss has caused many viewers to ignore the real contradiction in Xie and Shen's marriage. .

On the other side is Shen Lei. Objectively speaking, this character's thoughts on things other than marriage are more intriguing. In the early plot of

, the audience saw the conflict between husband and wife with different outlooks on life, and saw Shen Lei's confusion and stubbornness. At that time, everyone's impression of him was more of "poor empathy" and "a good person but not responsible for anything" .

But after Shen Lei "ran away from home", you will find that his biggest problem is that in the first half of his life, he did not understand what he wanted and what the value of life he pursued was, and he was always "muddling along".

If he has food and shelter in his life, and his work makes his parents and family feel decent, he will not want to change, nor will he think about how to deal with problems when he encounters them, and how to give corresponding emotional value feedback to his family.

This is in line with his life since childhood. As a boy raised by his parents and eldest sister, all his family's expectations for him were to study well, get into a good school, and have a decent job.

He grew up in accordance with his parents' expectations, so that when he faced questions such as "Why was he accused by his wife?" and "What kind of life do you want?", he went from stubbornness to confusion and lost his direction.

Rather than saying that he and Xie Meilan disrupted Shen Lei's life trajectory, the failure of the marriage made Shen Lei realize that he had not found his own value positioning. His previous work and life were just "muddling along" in his subconscious.

The choice of going down the mountain to support education may be seen by many as a more materially "less progressive" path, but attentive viewers should have discovered that after making this choice, Shen Lei not only had "light in his eyes"; Be willing to make changes, integrate, and have goals for supporting education.

This was something that did not exist before he had a latte job in Beijing and before his marriage broke up. Everyone has their own pursuits, everyone has their own way of living, and everyone also has their own value pursuits that inspire them.

Choose a path that makes you feel meaningful from within. No matter what the outcome is, it will be a path full of happiness and spiritual pursuit for you. You don’t have to care about other people’s opinions. Your own approval is more important.

Li Xiaoyue and Na Juan, regret may not be regret.

A beauty paired with an elite, the young and eye-catching Li Xiaoyue's Jun cp ended in BE, which many viewers felt was the biggest regret of "Mortal Song". Many viewers even accused Li Xiaoyue of not knowing the blessings and missing out on a good man.

Is Na Juan a good man? It must be.

is rich, enterprising and responsible, and his looks are not bad. When he was with Li Xiaoyue, he not only let Li Xiaoyue live in a big house, but also was very dedicated to her.

However, a good man may not be the right one for you.

is just like Xie Meilan and Shen Lei. They are not bad people, but their different outlooks on life and pursuits make their marriage go from sweet to sour to bitter. The more they go hand in hand, the more painful they feel.

If Li Xiaoyue and Na Juan don't break up, will they be another version of Shen and Xie? It may not be a regret to recognize early that you are not running in one direction, but it may be a regret to end it early and it will be more difficult.

Regardless of whether the audience approves it or not, Li Xiaoyue pursues a life of freedom without compromising on social rules. Due to her working ability, she can easily find a well-paid job in Beijing, but she always gives up the opportunity because of working overtime.

An elite like that Juan doesn’t understand why he can’t work overtime? The competition in the workplace is so fierce and the pressure in life is so high. How can you lead a beautiful life in this society without working overtime?

In real life, many viewers may not understand that working overtime is not the norm in the workplace?

But just as Shen Lei gave up his iron job in Beijing and chose to teach in mountainous areas, everyone looks for different meanings in life. Both Na Juan and Xie Meilan pursue a life with guaranteed economic and material conditions and continuous upward progress.

Li Xiaoyue hopes that life is not just about work, but personal experience and enjoyment are more important.

This is the obsession left behind by the unexpected death of her parents, and it is also the outlook on life that she finds comfortable. For this comfort, she would rather give up the offer of a large factory that requires overtime work and choose to start over as a pastry apprentice.

We may not be able to experience the happiness of Li Xiaoyue's choice. In fact, actual migrant workers may understand Na Juan's choice better. Na Juan's choice can reserve more protection for himself and his family, and will give him a greater sense of security.

But again, people have many ways to live. Some people are like fish, they can be free and happy when they live in the water, and some people are like rabbits, they can run freely when they live on land. There is no right or wrong among them, there is only choice. different. Whether the choice of

is correct or not, only we can give the answer.

In the finale of "Mortal Song", three couples became married to two couples. Xie Meilan and Shen Lei divorced completely, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue finally broke up. Only the old couple Shen Lin and Nawei worked together to overcome the difficulties in life.

Many viewers felt sad about this ending, and Wei Chenlin repeatedly sacrificed her life. Some viewers felt it was a pity that Juan and Li Xiaoyue met again on the street after their breakup.

Sometimes, life is full of sorrow and helpless changes, which may not necessarily mean imperfect endings, but the energy contained in them is not small. Sometimes, the current regret may not be a regret, but it is better to respect the choice.

The pairing of Shen Lin and Na Wei is both heartbreaking and exciting.

From a glamorous middle-class couple to a self-employed person struggling with life every day, Shen Lin and Na Wei are the only couple in " Mortal Song " whose life has truly declined and are still struggling for survival in middle age. cp.

But they are also the only couple who have truly taken control of the direction of their lives after changing tracks.

went from working as a nanny, selling braised meat, and running takeout, to finally owning his own braised food shop in the finale. In Shen Lin and Na Wei, the audience can see the shadow of many ordinary people.

Their minds are not necessarily smart and sharp, and they are not lucky. Even their characters and principles are not so popular in the workplace, but they have been moving forward in a down-to-earth manner.

No matter how fate changes, we never give up hope. No matter how life changes, we always shoulder the responsibility.

Shen Lei, who was cared for and brought up by his whole family, does not understand the word "family responsibility". Li Xiaoyue, who is unmarried, has not experienced it either. Shen Lin and his wife, the elder and the younger, understand very well that they need to shoulder the responsibility. , cannot be withdrawn.

Just like many people in life who were high-spirited as teenagers and enthusiastic as adults, but gradually gave up many things they once cared about when they reached middle age and had families and children. They would not want to change, but would change for the sake of responsibility.

Na Wei has a very thought-provoking daily scene in the play.

After becoming a delivery boy, he met Mr. Qin, his boss who once made things difficult for him, on the street. The situation at the time was obviously not good, but Na Wei had changed the most between the two. He spent a long time digesting his problems in the early stage. Self-esteem.

Of course, when Na Wei recognized Mr. Qin, he immediately chose to say hello and promote his braised meat shop, as if he was not meeting a former enemy, but an old friend he had not seen for many years.

What made Na Wei, who had to break his guard even when his wife was a nanny? When his wife set up a stall to sell braised food, he once stood behind the braised food stall and did not dare to show his face. He no longer cared about whether the people he knew thought highly of him, and no longer cared about whether he was embarrassed?

is responsibility and life.

He is like this, Shen Lin is like this, and many of us in life are like this.

From the perspective of a bystander, we see Na Wei become angry and decadent because of his pride. I believe that many viewers feel distressed and look down on him, but when he puts on the rider's uniform and rushes forward, they will respect him very much.

People who have the courage to shoulder responsibilities and work hard to live are never "shameful". This is the admirable aura of little people in Shen Lin and Na Wei, and it is also the infinite positive energy contained in thousands of ordinary people in life.

Shen Lei and Xie Meilan, letting go is also a relief.

Xie and Shen are the most controversial couple in "Mortal Song". Some people criticized Xie Meilan for "worshiping money" and felt sorry for Shen Lei. Some people thought that Shen Lei did not take the responsibility to feel sorry for Xie Meilan. Different people can see different feelings from them.

But what is certain is that both Xie Meilan and Shen Lei were relieved the moment they chose to divorce.

Neither of them are bad people, nor have they made any principled mistakes in their marriage, but they have different values ​​and outlooks on life. If they are forcibly tied together, they will only consume and torture each other.

Xie Meilan, who is used to being a single-parent family, has more pursuits of material things and family affection. In her life, she has always hoped that her mother, who worked hard to raise her, could live a better life and have a better life. Life.

After graduation, she followed the planned path step by step, and she did not even ask Shen Lei to work with her at first.

However, Xie's mother's unexpected death from illness disrupted all her rhythms and became a knot of heart and regret that she could not heal. Shen Lei, who had been raised under protection, could not understand her knot, nor could she understand Shen Lei's. "Noble".

Instead of holding on to a marriage that has made you unhappy, it is better to let go and fight for the life you really want. However, Chapter 7 felt that the screenwriter had a flaw in shaping the character of Xie Meilan.

shouldn't add any unnecessary extravagance to write her a domineering suitor who silently supports her behind her back.

Not to mention how high the probability is that the handsome, wealthy and affectionate Boss will fall in love with a middle-aged divorced woman in real life. From the perspective of the story, the appearance of Boss has caused many viewers to ignore the real contradiction in Xie and Shen's marriage. .

On the other side is Shen Lei. Objectively speaking, this character's thoughts on things other than marriage are more intriguing. In the early plot of

, the audience saw the conflict between husband and wife with different outlooks on life, and saw Shen Lei's confusion and stubbornness. At that time, everyone's impression of him was more of "poor empathy" and "a good person but not responsible for anything" .

But after Shen Lei "ran away from home", you will find that his biggest problem is that in the first half of his life, he did not understand what he wanted and what the value of life he pursued was, and he was always "muddling along".

If he has food and shelter in his life, and his work makes his parents and family feel decent, he will not want to change, nor will he think about how to deal with problems when he encounters them, and how to give corresponding emotional value feedback to his family.

This is in line with his life since childhood. As a boy raised by his parents and eldest sister, all his family's expectations for him were to study well, get into a good school, and have a decent job.

He grew up in accordance with his parents' expectations, so that when he faced questions such as "Why was he accused by his wife?" and "What kind of life do you want?", he went from stubbornness to confusion and lost his direction.

Rather than saying that he and Xie Meilan disrupted Shen Lei's life trajectory, the failure of the marriage made Shen Lei realize that he had not found his own value positioning. His previous work and life were just "muddling along" in his subconscious.

The choice of going down the mountain to support education may be seen by many as a more materially "less progressive" path, but attentive viewers should have discovered that after making this choice, Shen Lei not only had "light in his eyes"; Be willing to make changes, integrate, and have goals for supporting education.

This was something that did not exist before he had a latte job in Beijing and before his marriage broke up. Everyone has their own pursuits, everyone has their own way of living, and everyone also has their own value pursuits that inspire them.

Choose a path that makes you feel meaningful from within. No matter what the outcome is, it will be a path full of happiness and spiritual pursuit for you. You don’t have to care about other people’s opinions. Your own approval is more important.

Li Xiaoyue and Na Juan, regret may not be regret.

A beauty paired with an elite, the young and eye-catching Li Xiaoyue's Jun cp ended in BE, which many viewers felt was the biggest regret of "Mortal Song". Many viewers even accused Li Xiaoyue of not knowing the blessings and missing out on a good man.

Is Na Juan a good man? It must be.

is rich, enterprising and responsible, and his looks are not bad. When he was with Li Xiaoyue, he not only let Li Xiaoyue live in a big house, but also was very dedicated to her.

However, a good man may not be the right one for you.

is just like Xie Meilan and Shen Lei. They are not bad people, but their different outlooks on life and pursuits make their marriage go from sweet to sour to bitter. The more they go hand in hand, the more painful they feel.

If Li Xiaoyue and Na Juan don't break up, will they be another version of Shen and Xie? It may not be a regret to recognize early that you are not running in one direction, but it may be a regret to end it early and it will be more difficult.

Regardless of whether the audience approves it or not, Li Xiaoyue pursues a life of freedom without compromising on social rules. Due to her working ability, she can easily find a well-paid job in Beijing, but she always gives up the opportunity because of working overtime.

An elite like that Juan doesn’t understand why he can’t work overtime? The competition in the workplace is so fierce and the pressure in life is so high. How can you lead a beautiful life in this society without working overtime?

In real life, many viewers may not understand that working overtime is not the norm in the workplace?

But just as Shen Lei gave up his iron job in Beijing and chose to teach in mountainous areas, everyone looks for different meanings in life. Both Na Juan and Xie Meilan pursue a life with guaranteed economic and material conditions and continuous upward progress.

Li Xiaoyue hopes that life is not just about work, but personal experience and enjoyment are more important.

This is the obsession left behind by the unexpected death of her parents, and it is also the outlook on life that she finds comfortable. For this comfort, she would rather give up the offer of a large factory that requires overtime work and choose to start over as a pastry apprentice.

We may not be able to experience the happiness of Li Xiaoyue's choice. In fact, actual migrant workers may understand Na Juan's choice better. Na Juan's choice can reserve more protection for himself and his family, and will give him a greater sense of security.

But again, people have many ways to live. Some people are like fish, they can be free and happy when they live in the water, and some people are like rabbits, they can run freely when they live on land. There is no right or wrong among them, there is only choice. different. Whether the choice of

is correct or not, only we can give the answer.