The Mid-Autumn Festival has begun, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is just a step away. The Mid-Autumn Festival Party is obviously an indispensable entertainment content for everyone to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. CCTV, major TV stations and some video platforms have prepared

The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday has begun, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is just one step away. The Mid-Autumn Festival Party is obviously an indispensable entertainment content for everyone to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. CCTV, major TV stations and some video platforms have prepared content for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and the star lineup has been officially announced. Based on this, this article has quickly compiled a guide for viewing the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala for everyone to choose from.

On September 16, at 7:30 p.m., Henan Satellite TV's "2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Wonderful Tour "

Henan Satellite TV's Wonderful Tour is in a league of its own, with three unique features. Audiences who like it like it very much and think it is very cultural. Audiences who don't like it can also find out the roughness in it, and even find out the cultural common sense errors in it. Henan Satellite TV's "Wonderful Tour" is very popular on the Internet, but the ratings of Shangxing Satellite TV have not been ideal. This year, the guest lineup of Henan Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is as follows:

Chen Lijun, He Wenjun, Ju Jingyi, Lei Jia, Li Fei, Liu Tao, Song Muzi, Su Hailu, Sun Yang, Tang Hanxiao , Tong Liya , Wang Jiaxin, Wang Ziao, Zhang Doudou, Zhang Hexuan, China National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and Zhou Shen.

On September 16, at 7:30 p.m., station b's "Happy Flowers and Full Moon Party-Mid-Autumn Roaming Night"

This platform is good at hosting parties, and it is its own school. It will be broadcast on September 16, which is a typical differentiated competition and will not compete with CCTV and satellite TV at the same time. Of course, during this time, Henan Satellite TV also broadcasts the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. There is a high probability that Henan Satellite TV cannot beat this platform. The B-level of this platform party is relatively high, which is a deliberate feature. The officially announced star lineup is as follows:

Ju Jingyi, Lai Meiyun, Hu Yanbin, Jiang Dunhao, Tan Jing, Luo Tianyi and anti, etc.

On September 16, at 8:10 p.m., Beijing Satellite TV "Beijing Satellite TV 2024 "Juyong Mountain Moon" Mid-Autumn Festival Gala"

Beijing Satellite TV held a party. The best one was the Spring Festival Gala on the first day of the Lunar New Year, which featured enthusiastic The comedy lineup is really about including whoever wants to come and whoever wants to come, and three popular cross talk stars are not invited. For the rest of the party, Beijing Satellite TV did a mediocre job. Like this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, it is broadcast the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is actually a differentiated competition. Compared with Henan Satellite TV, the ratings will definitely be better than that of Henan TV. The star lineup of Beijing Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is as follows:

Sa Dingding, Alan, Li Yugang, Tu Honggang, Tang Jiaqi, Xu Ziwei and Wang Ying, etc.

On September 17, at 7:30 pm, Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV's "Hunan Satellite TV Mid-Autumn Night"

Some stations worked hard and finally held a party. Hunan Satellite TV, on the other hand, simply built one. The audience all laughed and said that Hunan Satellite TV just doesn't invite celebrities. When their own hosts come together, they can put on a show and the ratings are very high. The parties of other stations rely on celebrities, but the parties of Hunan Satellite TV rely on themselves. Hunan TV’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is all about liveliness and excitement, giving everyone a very festive backdrop in their living rooms on the Mid-Autumn Festival night. The audience really needs such a lively background so that they can really watch it after dinner. Although the stars are not important, the officially announced lineup must be mentioned:

Zhou Shen, Chen Chusheng, Zhang Bichen, Wei Daxun, Ding Yuxi, Xie Keyin, Zhang Yuan, Chen Haoyu, Zheng Yunlong, Zhang Qi, Zhang Yuxi, Zhang Zining, etc.

On September 17, at 7:30 pm, Dragon TV's "Mid-Autumn Festival - Mid-Autumn Wonderful Night"

Oriental Channel held a party, which has two brushes, especially at the Mid-Autumn Festival party, the style is very high. Oriental Channel's past Mid-Autumn Festival galas have had two "Oriental" styles. The first Orient is the Orient of East and West, which creates Chinese aesthetic characteristics with particular precision. The second East is the "East" of "Dragon TV", which is Shanghai, with particularly clear local characteristics. In recent years, with the emergence of Dragon TV's high-style Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, many viewers feel that only going to Shanghai is called Mid-Autumn Festival.Currently, the official lineup of Dragon TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is as follows:

Ai Re, Fan Tantan, Guo Qiqi, Li Zhiting, Qi Yu, Tan Haiyang, Tong Liya, Wu Yu, Wu Yue, Xu Weizhou, Zhang Linghe, etc.

On September 17, at 9:20 pm, Jiangsu Satellite TV's "Mid-Autumn Festival Travels"

Jiangsu Satellite TV's most awesome party is the New Year's Eve party, which will always be the top in Asia. In terms of other parties, Jiangsu Satellite TV seems to focus on differentiated competition, which is different but of high style. Others sing and dance, but Jiangsu TV’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is an opera. Listening to operas during the Mid-Autumn Festival feels a bit like Mr. Lu Xun who rocked a boat to listen to social operas when he was a child. Jiangsu Taiwan, in terms of cultural taste, does not have two brushes, but a workshop of brushes. Currently, the official lineup announced by Jiangsu Satellite TV is as follows:

Chen Shaoyun, Zhao Zhigang, Zhu Xiaozhao, Zhou Dongliang, Wang Fang, Ke Jun, Li Yijie, Li Zhengcheng, Chen Cheng, Li Xiaoxu, Shi Xiaming, Gong Lili, Xu Yaling and Ren Siyuan, etc.

On September 17, at 9:10 p.m., Guangdong TV’s “2024 Guangdong TV Intangible Cultural Heritage Mid-Autumn Festival Gala”

Guangdong TV’s party focused on Lingnan culture. Southern audiences watch more. I personally don’t know much about Guangdong Satellite TV’s party style, so I don’t dare to say more. Let’s go straight to the lineup:

Wu Tong, Fang Jinlong, Lin Xiaofeng, Wang Xiaomin, Chen Leji, etc.

On September 17, at 7:35 pm, Shandong Satellite TV's "2024 Shandong Satellite TV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala "

Shandong Satellite TV's party gave me the feeling that it was earthy and very nostalgic. I watched it when I was a child. The special feeling of the party. Stars such as Hailai Amu and Xianzi were all present at this party.

Finally, it is from CCTV. On September 17, at 8 o'clock in the evening, it will officially start. "China Central Radio and Television 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Party"

CCTV's party, although it does not rely on a star lineup to win, is still very special. Luxurious. The main station's party is good at grasping the Chinese aesthetic characteristics of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and is good at conveying a lot of Chinese spirit in the party content. CCTV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala also has the highest ratings every year. The Spring Festival Gala and the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala are the two best parties at the main station. You may wish to look forward to it.

The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday has begun, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is just one step away. The Mid-Autumn Festival Party is obviously an indispensable entertainment content for everyone to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. CCTV, major TV stations and some video platforms have prepared content for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and the star lineup has been officially announced. Based on this, this article has quickly compiled a guide for viewing the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala for everyone to choose from.

On September 16, at 7:30 p.m., Henan Satellite TV's "2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Wonderful Tour "

Henan Satellite TV's Wonderful Tour is in a league of its own, with three unique features. Audiences who like it like it very much and think it is very cultural. Audiences who don't like it can also find out the roughness in it, and even find out the cultural common sense errors in it. Henan Satellite TV's "Wonderful Tour" is very popular on the Internet, but the ratings of Shangxing Satellite TV have not been ideal. This year, the guest lineup of Henan Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is as follows:

Chen Lijun, He Wenjun, Ju Jingyi, Lei Jia, Li Fei, Liu Tao, Song Muzi, Su Hailu, Sun Yang, Tang Hanxiao , Tong Liya , Wang Jiaxin, Wang Ziao, Zhang Doudou, Zhang Hexuan, China National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and Zhou Shen.

On September 16, at 7:30 p.m., station b's "Happy Flowers and Full Moon Party-Mid-Autumn Roaming Night"

This platform is good at hosting parties, and it is its own school. It will be broadcast on September 16, which is a typical differentiated competition and will not compete with CCTV and satellite TV at the same time. Of course, during this time, Henan Satellite TV also broadcasts the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. There is a high probability that Henan Satellite TV cannot beat this platform. The B-level of this platform party is relatively high, which is a deliberate feature. The officially announced star lineup is as follows:

Ju Jingyi, Lai Meiyun, Hu Yanbin, Jiang Dunhao, Tan Jing, Luo Tianyi and anti, etc.

On September 16, at 8:10 p.m., Beijing Satellite TV "Beijing Satellite TV 2024 "Juyong Mountain Moon" Mid-Autumn Festival Gala"

Beijing Satellite TV held a party. The best one was the Spring Festival Gala on the first day of the Lunar New Year, which featured enthusiastic The comedy lineup is really about including whoever wants to come and whoever wants to come, and three popular cross talk stars are not invited. For the rest of the party, Beijing Satellite TV did a mediocre job. Like this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, it is broadcast the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is actually a differentiated competition. Compared with Henan Satellite TV, the ratings will definitely be better than that of Henan TV. The star lineup of Beijing Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is as follows:

Sa Dingding, Alan, Li Yugang, Tu Honggang, Tang Jiaqi, Xu Ziwei and Wang Ying, etc.

On September 17, at 7:30 pm, Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV's "Hunan Satellite TV Mid-Autumn Night"

Some stations worked hard and finally held a party. Hunan Satellite TV, on the other hand, simply built one. The audience all laughed and said that Hunan Satellite TV just doesn't invite celebrities. When their own hosts come together, they can put on a show and the ratings are very high. The parties of other stations rely on celebrities, but the parties of Hunan Satellite TV rely on themselves. Hunan TV’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is all about liveliness and excitement, giving everyone a very festive backdrop in their living rooms on the Mid-Autumn Festival night. The audience really needs such a lively background so that they can really watch it after dinner. Although the stars are not important, the officially announced lineup must be mentioned:

Zhou Shen, Chen Chusheng, Zhang Bichen, Wei Daxun, Ding Yuxi, Xie Keyin, Zhang Yuan, Chen Haoyu, Zheng Yunlong, Zhang Qi, Zhang Yuxi, Zhang Zining, etc.

On September 17, at 7:30 pm, Dragon TV's "Mid-Autumn Festival - Mid-Autumn Wonderful Night"

Oriental Channel held a party, which has two brushes, especially at the Mid-Autumn Festival party, the style is very high. Oriental Channel's past Mid-Autumn Festival galas have had two "Oriental" styles. The first Orient is the Orient of East and West, which creates Chinese aesthetic characteristics with particular precision. The second East is the "East" of "Dragon TV", which is Shanghai, with particularly clear local characteristics. In recent years, with the emergence of Dragon TV's high-style Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, many viewers feel that only going to Shanghai is called Mid-Autumn Festival.Currently, the official lineup of Dragon TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is as follows:

Ai Re, Fan Tantan, Guo Qiqi, Li Zhiting, Qi Yu, Tan Haiyang, Tong Liya, Wu Yu, Wu Yue, Xu Weizhou, Zhang Linghe, etc.

On September 17, at 9:20 pm, Jiangsu Satellite TV's "Mid-Autumn Festival Travels"

Jiangsu Satellite TV's most awesome party is the New Year's Eve party, which will always be the top in Asia. In terms of other parties, Jiangsu Satellite TV seems to focus on differentiated competition, which is different but of high style. Others sing and dance, but Jiangsu TV’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is an opera. Listening to operas during the Mid-Autumn Festival feels a bit like Mr. Lu Xun who rocked a boat to listen to social operas when he was a child. Jiangsu Taiwan, in terms of cultural taste, does not have two brushes, but a workshop of brushes. Currently, the official lineup announced by Jiangsu Satellite TV is as follows:

Chen Shaoyun, Zhao Zhigang, Zhu Xiaozhao, Zhou Dongliang, Wang Fang, Ke Jun, Li Yijie, Li Zhengcheng, Chen Cheng, Li Xiaoxu, Shi Xiaming, Gong Lili, Xu Yaling and Ren Siyuan, etc.

On September 17, at 9:10 p.m., Guangdong TV’s “2024 Guangdong TV Intangible Cultural Heritage Mid-Autumn Festival Gala”

Guangdong TV’s party focused on Lingnan culture. Southern audiences watch more. I personally don’t know much about Guangdong Satellite TV’s party style, so I don’t dare to say more. Let’s go straight to the lineup:

Wu Tong, Fang Jinlong, Lin Xiaofeng, Wang Xiaomin, Chen Leji, etc.

On September 17, at 7:35 pm, Shandong Satellite TV's "2024 Shandong Satellite TV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala "

Shandong Satellite TV's party gave me the feeling that it was earthy and very nostalgic. I watched it when I was a child. The special feeling of the party. Stars such as Hailai Amu and Xianzi were all present at this party.

Finally, it is from CCTV. On September 17, at 8 o'clock in the evening, it will officially start. "China Central Radio and Television 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Party"

CCTV's party, although it does not rely on a star lineup to win, is still very special. Luxurious. The main station's party is good at grasping the Chinese aesthetic characteristics of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and is good at conveying a lot of Chinese spirit in the party content. CCTV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala also has the highest ratings every year. The Spring Festival Gala and the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala are the two best parties at the main station. You may wish to look forward to it.(Text/Ma Qingyun)