The new plot of the TV series "Mortal Song" is really exciting. The wind of unemployment finally blew over Na Juan. As a famous roll king, I thought Na Juan would not be unemployed, but what I didn't expect was that Na Juan actually had one. The risk of unemployment and the emerg

The new plot of the TV series " Mortal Song " is really exciting. The wind of unemployment finally blew over Na Juan. As a famous roll king, he thought that Na Juan would not be unemployed, but what he didn't expect was that Juan was actually at risk of losing his job. The appearance of many young people gave Na Juan a sense of crisis. More importantly, Na Juan's leader, Mr. Lu, seemed to be very dissatisfied with him. He tried every means to target Na Juan, even asking his team to back him. pot.

In fact, Mr. Lu has been dissatisfied with Na Juan for a long time. The reason is very simple, because Na Juan wanted to transfer before. Management positions and technical positions are actually the same as involution. The workplace is like this involution, and Na Juan's desire to transfer will directly affect The one who arrived was Mr. Lu. It was precisely because of this that Mr. Lu wanted to target Na Juan and drive him out of the company, so he kept targeting Na Juan, but Na Juan was not aware of it yet.

But Na Juan’s real fatal weakness has emerged, that is, although Na Juan is strong and has sufficient core competitiveness, he is also constantly involution, but because of his high pressure at work and mental stress, his body is highly overdrawn. , he already had serious physical problems. He was temporarily deafened before. He escaped from a car accident and a concussion, but what he didn't expect was that his condition became more and more serious.

Na Juan went to the hospital for a check-up and finally realized that it was not a physical problem, but a mental problem. The doctor diagnosed Na Juan with panic disorder and depression. Depression can be controlled by taking medicine, but panic disorder requires rest. , needs to rest, which means that Na Juan needs to change jobs, but it is impossible for Na Juan to change jobs, and Na Juan even refused to take medicine to control his condition in order to continue to be involved in the involution.

His panic attacks became more and more frequent. Not only that, Na Juan went completely berserk in the subsequent plot, and even got angry at Mr. Lu because the company installed a timer in the toilet. This was what caused his panic attack. The serious reason was that after all, he used to use the toilet to relieve his stress. I can only say that Na Juan was really unlucky. Na Juan also lost his job because of this. I can only say that it is really sad.

In fact, his condition was very serious before. Na Wei and Li Xiaoyue took him to the hospital and made it clear that if he did not take medicine, he would probably be sent to a mental hospital for treatment. But Na Wei He and Li Xiaoyue failed to persuade Na Juan. Na Juan said that if he took medicine, it would affect his working status, but he never thought that if he didn't take medicine, he might lose his job completely. As expected, he lost his job after he became ill.

Not only did Na Juan lose his job, he was eventually sent to a mental hospital for treatment. It was precisely because of Na Juan's condition that many people knew about Na Juan but did not dare to use him. Na Juan was sent to a mental hospital for treatment for a long time. Time, although he had compensation and options, it was a heavy loss for Na Juan. He could not stay in a big factory. Even if he recovered from his illness in the future, he would not be able to find such a good job. At least the income would not be as good. High.

It was precisely because of Na Juan's stubbornness that Li Xiaoyue was completely disappointed with him, and was even afraid that Na Juan's condition would get worse. She was a person who liked to be free and enjoy herself in time. The reason why she formed this habit was because of her Because her parents did not enjoy themselves in time, they left a lot of regrets after their death. She was afraid that Na Juan would do the same, so she was completely disappointed in Na Juan and changed her heart towards Na Juan.

Of course, in the original book, Li Xiaoyue eventually fell in love with Shen Lei and got together with Shen Lei, but the intersection between Shen Lei and her in the drama version was very little, almost zero, and Shen Lei eventually stayed in Guangxi to support teaching, and finally ended up with Li Xiaoyue If they can't be together, Li Xiaoyue is most likely with someone else.

The new plot of the TV series " Mortal Song " is really exciting. The wind of unemployment finally blew over Na Juan. As a famous roll king, he thought that Na Juan would not be unemployed, but what he didn't expect was that Juan was actually at risk of losing his job. The appearance of many young people gave Na Juan a sense of crisis. More importantly, Na Juan's leader, Mr. Lu, seemed to be very dissatisfied with him. He tried every means to target Na Juan, even asking his team to back him. pot.

In fact, Mr. Lu has been dissatisfied with Na Juan for a long time. The reason is very simple, because Na Juan wanted to transfer before. Management positions and technical positions are actually the same as involution. The workplace is like this involution, and Na Juan's desire to transfer will directly affect The one who arrived was Mr. Lu. It was precisely because of this that Mr. Lu wanted to target Na Juan and drive him out of the company, so he kept targeting Na Juan, but Na Juan was not aware of it yet.

But Na Juan’s real fatal weakness has emerged, that is, although Na Juan is strong and has sufficient core competitiveness, he is also constantly involution, but because of his high pressure at work and mental stress, his body is highly overdrawn. , he already had serious physical problems. He was temporarily deafened before. He escaped from a car accident and a concussion, but what he didn't expect was that his condition became more and more serious.

Na Juan went to the hospital for a check-up and finally realized that it was not a physical problem, but a mental problem. The doctor diagnosed Na Juan with panic disorder and depression. Depression can be controlled by taking medicine, but panic disorder requires rest. , needs to rest, which means that Na Juan needs to change jobs, but it is impossible for Na Juan to change jobs, and Na Juan even refused to take medicine to control his condition in order to continue to be involved in the involution.

His panic attacks became more and more frequent. Not only that, Na Juan went completely berserk in the subsequent plot, and even got angry at Mr. Lu because the company installed a timer in the toilet. This was what caused his panic attack. The serious reason was that after all, he used to use the toilet to relieve his stress. I can only say that Na Juan was really unlucky. Na Juan also lost his job because of this. I can only say that it is really sad.

In fact, his condition was very serious before. Na Wei and Li Xiaoyue took him to the hospital and made it clear that if he did not take medicine, he would probably be sent to a mental hospital for treatment. But Na Wei He and Li Xiaoyue failed to persuade Na Juan. Na Juan said that if he took medicine, it would affect his working status, but he never thought that if he didn't take medicine, he might lose his job completely. As expected, he lost his job after he became ill.

Not only did Na Juan lose his job, he was eventually sent to a mental hospital for treatment. It was precisely because of Na Juan's condition that many people knew about Na Juan but did not dare to use him. Na Juan was sent to a mental hospital for treatment for a long time. Time, although he had compensation and options, it was a heavy loss for Na Juan. He could not stay in a big factory. Even if he recovered from his illness in the future, he would not be able to find such a good job. At least the income would not be as good. High.

It was precisely because of Na Juan's stubbornness that Li Xiaoyue was completely disappointed with him, and was even afraid that Na Juan's condition would get worse. She was a person who liked to be free and enjoy herself in time. The reason why she formed this habit was because of her Because her parents did not enjoy themselves in time, they left a lot of regrets after their death. She was afraid that Na Juan would do the same, so she was completely disappointed in Na Juan and changed her heart towards Na Juan.

Of course, in the original book, Li Xiaoyue eventually fell in love with Shen Lei and got together with Shen Lei, but the intersection between Shen Lei and her in the drama version was very little, almost zero, and Shen Lei eventually stayed in Guangxi to support teaching, and finally ended up with Li Xiaoyue If they can't be together, Li Xiaoyue is most likely with someone else.