The TV series "Youth in the Wind" starring Sun Qian, Zhai Zilu and others is currently on the air. This drama has created many images of young and middle-aged people with different personalities. Here is a brief review of the acting skills of several main characters in the drama.

The TV series "Youth in the Wind" starring Sun Qian, Zhai Zilu and others is currently on the air. This drama has created many images of young and middle-aged people with different personalities. Here is a brief review of the acting skills of several main characters in the drama. ranking.

Tenth place: Niu Lingling (Zeng Li)

Niu Lingling is the daughter of a high-ranking cadre, and the current leader of the oil field was promoted by her father.

I don’t know if she also works in the oil field. Most of the time in the play, she is running her own restaurant.

It can be said that she is both the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people, and her appearance is still top-notch, so it is difficult to understand why she married Li Dahai, played by Jia Bing.

Judging from the looks of these two people, it seems more reasonable that Li Dahai is a second-generation official and a second-generation rich man.

Ninth place: Hu Qiumin (Li Yutong)

Hu Qiumin is a member of the young "Iron Triangle", but his presence is not high. Later, he cut his long hair, and his personality seemed to have changed accordingly.

Hu Qiumin is the top student in the class. Before Qiang Xiaowa arrived, she had always been the first in the class.

She is so good at studying, why are her two friends so bad at studying? Obviously these three children have been inseparable since they were three or four years old. It seems that Hu Qiumin has a very smart mind.

Eighth place: Li Si (Zhai Zilu)

Li Si is the funny person in the play. Although his family conditions are very favorable, Li Si does not show any sense of superiority, whether it is with Cheng Miaomiao or Hu Qiumin. Whether as a close friend or with other ordinary classmates, Li Si maintains a funny persona.

Li Si's funny way mainly relies on his unlucky attributes. It seems that since his appearance, something unfortunate will happen to him every once in a while.

Seventh place: Cheng Miaomiao (Sun Qian)

Cheng Miaomiao is the heroine of the whole drama, but her character is not very likable.

I don’t know why, domestic school dramas always portray some poor students who don’t study well and are naughty and mischievous as the protagonists. I don’t know if these writers and directors have really done any research. In fact, generally such naughty and mischievous poor students are not in the class. It is not very popular, especially in high school. Most high school students are still very motivated and hate the poor students who disturb their studies.

Of course, Cheng Miaomiao in the play did not disturb other students, but her behavior of playing dice and sleeping during the exam still made people feel bad.

In addition, when her parents had a minor conflict, she began to publicize around the world that her parents were getting divorced. From this behavior, it can be seen that there is indeed a reason for her poor study.

The actor who plays Cheng Miaomiao is Sun Qian. Her acting skills are indeed good. Although she is a bit older, her performance is not inconsistent at all.

Sixth place: Qiang Xiaowa (Liu Xiaobei)

The character setting of Qiang Xiaowa is a bit unreasonable. He usually has to help the family with work and set up stalls in the market. The school he went to before was very average. Under such conditions, how could it be possible to be the first in the class as soon as he arrived at a key high school in the oil field? And he was still a sophomore in high school at the time.

The actor who plays Qiang Xiaowa is called Liu Xiaobei. He played a scumbag in a campus TV series "The Day of Chasing the Light" that was broadcast last year. If you have seen his performance in that TV series, compare it with In this drama, you will find that his acting skills are indeed very good.

Fifth place: Hu Yue (Huang Man)

The role of Hu Yue is very successful. She looks a bit weak on the outside, but is actually very stubborn on the inside.

When she is with her two best friends, Jia Daiyu and Niu Lingling, she seems to have a good personality, but when she comes home and faces her family, she will exude negative emotions, which makes living under the same roof with her family members feel depressed.

Fourth place: Jia Daiyu (Liu Lin)

Cheng Miaomiao inherited Jia Daiyu’s character, but also inherited her mind.

Jia Daiyu has always been in a hot mood since he was a child, daring to love and hate.

Actor Liu Lin often plays the role of mother on the screen. This role is not difficult for her, but this time the children in her play are a bit young.

Third place: Yuan Shanqing (Qi Yuchen)

In such a TV series full of comedy, Yuan Shanqing is a tragic image.

The image and acting skills of the actors are very good. The appearance gives people a feeling of pity, but the heart is very strong. I hope this character can have a perfect ending.

Among all young actors, Yuan Shanqing's acting skills are far ahead at the moment.

Second place: Xiao Fang (Li Jiaqi)

Li Jiaqi’s performance as the teaching director is so close to life, especially when she looks into the classroom through the glass at the back door of the classroom, her expression and eyes are so real, like everyone I met such a dean when I was a student.

The dean played by Li Jiaqi was funny and had several highlight moments, especially when she said domineeringly that no one could bully Yuan Shanqing without her.

First place: Cheng Pengfei (Tian Yu)

Cheng Pengfei played by Tian Yu may be the best character in the play. A father like him who is enlightened, humorous, upright, kind, educated, and has no bad habits, feels Usually only exists in literary works.

Tian Yu is able to create such a convincing image that is significantly larger than life, which is indeed a great acting skill.

The above are the ten characters with the best acting skills in the TV series "Youth Against the Wind". If you are also following this drama, I don't know if you agree with this view.

The TV series "Youth in the Wind" starring Sun Qian, Zhai Zilu and others is currently on the air. This drama has created many images of young and middle-aged people with different personalities. Here is a brief review of the acting skills of several main characters in the drama. ranking.

Tenth place: Niu Lingling (Zeng Li)

Niu Lingling is the daughter of a high-ranking cadre, and the current leader of the oil field was promoted by her father.

I don’t know if she also works in the oil field. Most of the time in the play, she is running her own restaurant.

It can be said that she is both the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people, and her appearance is still top-notch, so it is difficult to understand why she married Li Dahai, played by Jia Bing.

Judging from the looks of these two people, it seems more reasonable that Li Dahai is a second-generation official and a second-generation rich man.

Ninth place: Hu Qiumin (Li Yutong)

Hu Qiumin is a member of the young "Iron Triangle", but his presence is not high. Later, he cut his long hair, and his personality seemed to have changed accordingly.

Hu Qiumin is the top student in the class. Before Qiang Xiaowa arrived, she had always been the first in the class.

She is so good at studying, why are her two friends so bad at studying? Obviously these three children have been inseparable since they were three or four years old. It seems that Hu Qiumin has a very smart mind.

Eighth place: Li Si (Zhai Zilu)

Li Si is the funny person in the play. Although his family conditions are very favorable, Li Si does not show any sense of superiority, whether it is with Cheng Miaomiao or Hu Qiumin. Whether as a close friend or with other ordinary classmates, Li Si maintains a funny persona.

Li Si's funny way mainly relies on his unlucky attributes. It seems that since his appearance, something unfortunate will happen to him every once in a while.

Seventh place: Cheng Miaomiao (Sun Qian)

Cheng Miaomiao is the heroine of the whole drama, but her character is not very likable.

I don’t know why, domestic school dramas always portray some poor students who don’t study well and are naughty and mischievous as the protagonists. I don’t know if these writers and directors have really done any research. In fact, generally such naughty and mischievous poor students are not in the class. It is not very popular, especially in high school. Most high school students are still very motivated and hate the poor students who disturb their studies.

Of course, Cheng Miaomiao in the play did not disturb other students, but her behavior of playing dice and sleeping during the exam still made people feel bad.

In addition, when her parents had a minor conflict, she began to publicize around the world that her parents were getting divorced. From this behavior, it can be seen that there is indeed a reason for her poor study.

The actor who plays Cheng Miaomiao is Sun Qian. Her acting skills are indeed good. Although she is a bit older, her performance is not inconsistent at all.

Sixth place: Qiang Xiaowa (Liu Xiaobei)

The character setting of Qiang Xiaowa is a bit unreasonable. He usually has to help the family with work and set up stalls in the market. The school he went to before was very average. Under such conditions, how could it be possible to be the first in the class as soon as he arrived at a key high school in the oil field? And he was still a sophomore in high school at the time.

The actor who plays Qiang Xiaowa is called Liu Xiaobei. He played a scumbag in a campus TV series "The Day of Chasing the Light" that was broadcast last year. If you have seen his performance in that TV series, compare it with In this drama, you will find that his acting skills are indeed very good.

Fifth place: Hu Yue (Huang Man)

The role of Hu Yue is very successful. She looks a bit weak on the outside, but is actually very stubborn on the inside.

When she is with her two best friends, Jia Daiyu and Niu Lingling, she seems to have a good personality, but when she comes home and faces her family, she will exude negative emotions, which makes living under the same roof with her family members feel depressed.

Fourth place: Jia Daiyu (Liu Lin)

Cheng Miaomiao inherited Jia Daiyu’s character, but also inherited her mind.

Jia Daiyu has always been in a hot mood since he was a child, daring to love and hate.

Actor Liu Lin often plays the role of mother on the screen. This role is not difficult for her, but this time the children in her play are a bit young.

Third place: Yuan Shanqing (Qi Yuchen)

In such a TV series full of comedy, Yuan Shanqing is a tragic image.

The image and acting skills of the actors are very good. The appearance gives people a feeling of pity, but the heart is very strong. I hope this character can have a perfect ending.

Among all young actors, Yuan Shanqing's acting skills are far ahead at the moment.

Second place: Xiao Fang (Li Jiaqi)

Li Jiaqi’s performance as the teaching director is so close to life, especially when she looks into the classroom through the glass at the back door of the classroom, her expression and eyes are so real, like everyone I met such a dean when I was a student.

The dean played by Li Jiaqi was funny and had several highlight moments, especially when she said domineeringly that no one could bully Yuan Shanqing without her.

First place: Cheng Pengfei (Tian Yu)

Cheng Pengfei played by Tian Yu may be the best character in the play. A father like him who is enlightened, humorous, upright, kind, educated, and has no bad habits, feels Usually only exists in literary works.

Tian Yu is able to create such a convincing image that is significantly larger than life, which is indeed a great acting skill.

The above are the ten characters with the best acting skills in the TV series "Youth Against the Wind". If you are also following this drama, I don't know if you agree with this view.