China News Service, Beijing, September 7 (Zhang Yuhui) On September 6, the opening ceremony for the 2024 freshmen of the Beijing Film Academy was held at the Huairou campus, where 1,166 freshmen gathered. Full of longing for university life and love for the world of light and sha

China News Service, Beijing, September 7 (Zhang Yuhui) On September 6, the opening ceremony for the 2024 freshmen of the Beijing Film Academy was held at the Huairou campus, where 1,166 freshmen gathered. Full of longing for university life and love for the world of light and shadow, they started a new journey in life.

The opening ceremony of the 2024 freshmen of Beijing Film Academy. Photo courtesy of Beijing Film Academy

Director of Beijing Film Academy Hu Qiang delivered a speech:

Film creation requires the best of hundreds of schools of thought

At the opening ceremony, Director of Beijing Film Academy Hu Qiang delivered a speech.

Hu Qiang, President of Beijing Film Academy. Photo courtesy of Beijing Film Academy

Hu Qiang put forward three hopes for the new students. First, they should have national sentiments in mind, closely connect personal development with the destiny of the country, tell Chinese stories and shape China’s image; second, they should grasp the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought, Combining the development of science and technology to assist film creation, we should continue to explore and move forward at the intersection of sensibility and rationality; third, we must treat people sincerely, cherish our interactions with mentors and friends, and always have a sincere heart to move forward more steadily and further.

Finally, Hu Qiang encouraged and hoped that the freshmen could thrive in the fertile soil of Beijing Film Academy, find themselves, and become artists with ideals and feelings.

Director Li Shaohong sent a message to the new students:

Hope that more women will join the film industry in the future

As a well-known alumnus of Beijing Film Academy and a 1978 directing student, director Li Shaohong came to the opening ceremony to send a message to the new students.

Li Shaohong looked back on his unforgettable time studying at the school. While thanking the school for its training, he also combined his many years of creative experience to provide students with a more profound interpretation of the school motto of "Respecting Teachers and Passing on the Past". She believes that filmmakers should maintain awe and respect for the film itself. This is the way of film. On this basis, when facing the complex and diverse voices on the road to future film and television creation, they must remain skeptical and adhere to their ideals, and ultimately form a unique own film aesthetics and concepts.

directed by Li Shaohong. Photo courtesy of Beijing Film Academy

At the same time, Li Shaohong hopes to see more women join the film industry in the future.

"Nowadays, it is no longer a rare thing for a girl to work in the film industry and be a director as it was more than 40 years ago. Society and the industry have more trust and expectations for female film workers." She said that the new Female filmmakers of the era must take this opportunity to catch up with the tide of the times and write their own wonderful chapters with their tenacity and excellent skills.

Freshman representatives have something to say:

Film and television practitioners must have curious eyes

At the opening ceremony, two freshmen spoke on behalf of all the 2024 undergraduate, junior college and graduate students.

Wu Jintao, a 2024 undergraduate student at the School of Acting, Beijing Film Academy. Photo courtesy of Beijing Film Academy

Wu Jintao, an undergraduate from the School of Acting, said that it has always been his dream to study at Beijing Film Academy. He is looking forward to the upcoming campus life, telling Chinese stories with light and shadow art on this land, and dedicating his youth to the film industry he loves.

In an interview, Wu Jintao talked about his favorite actor Huang Xuan. "His performance is very high-quality. I hope to become a vital and sincere actor like him."

Gao Chuwen, a 2024 master's student at the School of Management of Beijing Film Academy. Photo courtesy of Beijing Film Academy

Gao Chuwen, a master's student at the School of Management, talked about his love for film creation and his determination to dedicate his youth to the film industry, as well as his upcoming postgraduate studies. He shared some advice on academic research, and he must be brave enough to ask questions and be good at analysis. , be diligent in solving problems and work together with classmates.

"Every film and television practitioner must have a pair of 'curious' eyes. From neighborhood disputes to international games, three-dimensional characters, dazzling stories, and profound philosophies are waiting for us to discover. How to tell Chinese stories well? Integrating the excellent Chinese culture into film creation and shining on the world stage requires our thinking," Gao Chuwen said.(End)

(China News Network)