Shenzhen's original dance drama "Wing Chun" held its 200th performance at Sadler's Wells Theatre. Photo by Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Daily Special Correspondent Zhou Hongsheng Shenzhen News Network, September 7, 2024 (Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Daily Special Corresponden

Shenzhen original dance drama "Wing Chun" held its 200th performance at Sadler's Wells Theatre. Photo by Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Daily Special Correspondent Zhou Hongsheng

Shenzhen News Network, September 7, 2024 (Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Daily Special Correspondent Liu Shasha) At 2:00 pm local time on September 6, the 200th performance of Shenzhen's original dance drama "Wing Chun" was held in the UK It was held at the Sadler's Well Theater in London and celebrated its 200th "birthday" there. "Wing Chun" fans around the world have expressed their gratitude and blessings through social media platforms, hoping that "Chun Zi"'s future path will become wider and farther.

On October 26, 2023, "Wing Chun" celebrated its 100th "birthday" in Shenzhen. After nearly a year, "Wing Chun" celebrated its 200th performance in London. What has changed is the location, but what remains unchanged is the grand performance and the original intention of the creator. The 200th performance of

is held in the afternoon on weekdays local time. Generally speaking, the number of audiences for afternoon performances on weekdays is limited, but "Wing Chun" breaks this convention in the British performance market. Before the performance, the theater lobby was crowded and popular. "Wing Chun" cultural creation - travel water bottles and refrigerator magnets priced at 25 pounds have been sold out. Such a grand occasion even surprised the staff of Sadler's Wells Theatre.

Many viewers told reporters that they learned about the "unparalleled" London performance of "Wing Chun" through word of mouth from friends, Internet information, and social software group information, so they came here specially. "The last show is September 7 (Saturday). There are not many shows left, so I took time off today to watch the show." Mark, an audience member, said.

After the performance, the "Wing Chun" team celebrated the birthdays of the cast and crew members who had birthdays in September. Singing birthday songs, lighting candles, and sharing cakes... the scene was warm and touching. "Master Ye" Chang Hongji told reporters that 200 games is a number, an encouragement and a new starting point for returning to the original intention. "'If a small thought is not right, it will last a lifetime; if you practice martial arts, you will be a human being.' I always keep this sentence in mind. "Wing Chun" not only gave me a deeper understanding of the inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture, but also gave me Found new strength.”

It is worth mentioning that the 12 performances of "Wing Chun" in the UK are market-oriented and commercial operations. The audience spent real money and "voted" with their tickets to express their love for "Wing Chun". Word of mouth spreads like ripples in water. "Wing Chun" continues to perform "breaking the circle" in London, and the box office is getting higher and higher due to the positive feedback from the audience.

is "deep" and deeply shocking, unparalleled. Through "Wing Chun", the British audience can further understand and understand the city behind this "world-class" dance drama - Shenzhen. When it premiered on August 30, the Chinese-English bilingual picture book "Pictures on Shenzhen" published by Shenzhen Press Group Publishing House was very popular. Audiences expressed that they would add Shenzhen to their list of “favorite” travel destinations.