The TV series "Mortal Song" tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij

But he chose the last resort, and one can imagine the result. In the end, because of this incident, Na Wei even lost the compensation for his dismissal. The reason why Na Wei was said to be a cheater was the reason why he was fired. He had no core competitiveness, no business ability, and could not write a marketing plan. These were all things he took from his subordinates and used for performance. , and he held back the wine in front of Wang Ruizhi and was on call 24 hours a day. It was thanks to this spirit of acting like a cow that he achieved his current achievements. Moreover, he also liked to take advantage of small things, using the name of the company to hold birthday banquets for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and using public funds to eat and drink in the name of the company. In the end, he was discovered by Qin Lingling, and was fired. In addition to the company's affairs, he even lost the compensation. No.

In short, the three male protagonists of this drama have three different endings. The luckiest one is Na Juan. He worked hard at the age when he should struggle most and achieved an annual salary of one million. Although he suffered from panic disorder, although It scared away Li Xiaoyue, but this one still had the best ending. Even if Na Wei finally started his own business, he might not be able to compare with him. In comparison, Shen Lei was the most miserable one. This one lost his youth. He also gave up his iron job. Even if he wanted to make money, he didn't have much chance. Without connections and resources, it would be difficult for him to turn around again in his life.

But he chose the last resort, and one can imagine the result. In the end, because of this incident, Na Wei even lost the compensation for his dismissal. The reason why Na Wei was said to be a cheater was the reason why he was fired. He had no core competitiveness, no business ability, and could not write a marketing plan. These were all things he took from his subordinates and used for performance. , and he held back the wine in front of Wang Ruizhi and was on call 24 hours a day. It was thanks to this spirit of acting like a cow that he achieved his current achievements. Moreover, he also liked to take advantage of small things, using the name of the company to hold birthday banquets for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and using public funds to eat and drink in the name of the company. In the end, he was discovered by Qin Lingling, and was fired. In addition to the company's affairs, he even lost the compensation. No.