The National Football Team ended the first round of the top 18. After losing 0-7 to Japan, the whole team also set off to return to China. At the airport, footage of the national football team waiting for their flight was exposed. From the exposed photos, we can see that the

The National Football Team ended the first round of the top 18. After losing 0-7 to Japan, the whole team also set off to return to China. At the airport, footage of the national football team waiting for their flight was exposed.

From the exposed photos, we can see that the national football team’s native and naturalized expressions are calm, and they do not look downcast or depressed. While waiting for the flight, most people were looking down at their phones to pass the time.

still dared to swipe his mobile phone, which made the fans angry. They felt that they were numb to losing and also numb to the overwhelming criticism on the Internet.

Such a disastrous defeat not only made the fans angry, but also the former national football player was very dissatisfied. Yang Pu said, "Da Fan (Fan Zhiyi) just said he wanted to jump into the Huangpu River. Don't say he wants to jump. I want to jump too. Wherever I want to jump, I'll jump into the North Sea. To be honest, it's so embarrassing. I'm speechless now." In the right state, I really want to scold now, but I don’t know what to scold or what to say. "

Moreover, according to domestic media reports, the national football team cannot accept such a score. One national football player sighed: "The last one. During the World Cup cycle, we were in the same group as the Japanese team in the top 12, and lost 0-1 and 0-2 respectively. This loss 0-7 is too embarrassing and I really can’t accept it. It shouldn’t be this result.”

From Judging from the current performance, the national football team may not be worthy of appearing on the stage of the top 18. Can they still redeem themselves? We can only hope for a miracle to happen.

The National Football Team ended the first round of the top 18. After losing 0-7 to Japan, the whole team also set off to return to China. At the airport, footage of the national football team waiting for their flight was exposed.

From the exposed photos, we can see that the national football team’s native and naturalized expressions are calm, and they do not look downcast or depressed. While waiting for the flight, most people were looking down at their phones to pass the time.

still dared to swipe his mobile phone, which made the fans angry. They felt that they were numb to losing and also numb to the overwhelming criticism on the Internet.

Such a disastrous defeat not only made the fans angry, but also the former national football player was very dissatisfied. Yang Pu said, "Da Fan (Fan Zhiyi) just said he wanted to jump into the Huangpu River. Don't say he wants to jump. I want to jump too. Wherever I want to jump, I'll jump into the North Sea. To be honest, it's so embarrassing. I'm speechless now." In the right state, I really want to scold now, but I don’t know what to scold or what to say. "

Moreover, according to domestic media reports, the national football team cannot accept such a score. One national football player sighed: "The last one. During the World Cup cycle, we were in the same group as the Japanese team in the top 12, and lost 0-1 and 0-2 respectively. This loss 0-7 is too embarrassing and I really can’t accept it. It shouldn’t be this result.”

From Judging from the current performance, the national football team may not be worthy of appearing on the stage of the top 18. Can they still redeem themselves? We can only hope for a miracle to happen.