According to AI News, Tianyancha legal proceedings information shows that recently, Shanghai Red Bowl Culture Media Co., Ltd. has added a simple cancellation announcement. The company was established in August 2019. Its legal representative is Zhang Wenzhu, with a registered capi

According to AI News, Tianyancha legal proceedings information shows that recently, Shanghai Red Bowl Culture Media Co., Ltd. has added a simple cancellation announcement.

The company was established in August 2019. Its legal representative is Zhang Wenzhu, with a registered capital of 3 million yuan. Its business scope includes film production, film distribution, radio and television program production, performance management, literary creation and performance, etc. Shareholder information shows that the company is wholly owned by Beijing Dawan Entertainment Culture Media Co., Ltd., of which Jia Yuling (stage name Jia Ling) holds 65% of the shares and is the largest shareholder.

According to AI News, Tianyancha legal proceedings information shows that recently, Shanghai Red Bowl Culture Media Co., Ltd. has added a simple cancellation announcement.

The company was established in August 2019. Its legal representative is Zhang Wenzhu, with a registered capital of 3 million yuan. Its business scope includes film production, film distribution, radio and television program production, performance management, literary creation and performance, etc. Shareholder information shows that the company is wholly owned by Beijing Dawan Entertainment Culture Media Co., Ltd., of which Jia Yuling (stage name Jia Ling) holds 65% of the shares and is the largest shareholder.

Daily Economic News