After the preliminary round of "Talk Show and His Friends" ended, the "Circle Swap Competition" started. A total of three teams of players appeared in the first performance, and the overall performance was pretty good. Most of the players continued their form in the prelimin

After the preliminary round of

's " Talk Show and His Friends " ended, the "circle swapping competition" started. A total of three teams of players appeared in the first performance of

. The overall performance was pretty good, and most of the players continued their performance in the preliminary round.

Team 1: Doudou vs Shanhe vs Great Master

Doudou : 177 points

Doudou is indeed the most special one among all the actors. The focus of other contestants' talk shows is "speaking", only Doudou's talk show focuses on In "show". In the pilot video of this season of

, the program team interviewed Doudou and asked him to predict the winner. Doudou said he would be the winner.

After watching this interview, it is estimated that many viewers are full of expectations for him. After all, Doudou has had several outstanding performances before. He can predict that he will be the champion so confidently, which should be due to his jokes this season. Very confident.

However, in the preliminary round, Doudou's performance was a bit disappointing. The performance could maintain the previous level, but the text was indeed a lot worse. When he was eliminated, although it was a bit regretful, it still felt reasonable. .

Later, Doudou was resurrected and entered the "Circle Exchange Competition" as a Smile Circle contestant. This time his jokes were much better than those in the preliminary round. At least he had more than one memorable joke.

Moreover, he is also the opening act, so he can quickly heat up the place, which is quite impressive. However,

can score 177 points, which feels a bit high.

Shanhe: 186 points

Shanhe is an actor who is very popular with the audience and looks very approachable. Even if she doesn't say anything, she just stands on the stage with a smile, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Shanhe's performance and text are much better this time than in the preliminary round. There is a theme running through the whole article. On the basis of this theme, it is constantly turning over the baggage, and every time it is very loud.

Just like Shanhe said after the game, as soon as she finished her performance, she knew that she had definitely advanced. It is estimated that most of the audience thought so too. The final score of

Shanhe is 186 points. If this score is based on Doudou's score, it is relatively normal, but if it is based on the score of the Mancai brothers later, it is also a bit high.

Great Master: 145

Compared with the previous two seasons, Great Master has indeed improved, but he was able to score 191 points in the last game, which still feels a bit high.

The great master's performance in this scene is also quite good. A very bumpy and heart-wrenching experience made him full of laughter, but it was not easy. It seems that the core of comedy is indeed tragedy.

However, the state of his performance was not coherent. The funny part was indeed funny, but after one piece of baggage was shaken, the actor had to wait for a while before the next piece of baggage came out. This caused the audience to feel that the overall effect was average after listening to it.

But the final score of 145 is really a bit low. At least it should be on par with Doudou, and should surpass Doudou in terms of funnyness. It's a pity that

didn't make the cut.

The second team: Jiye vs Xu Zhisheng vs the big players

Jiye: 151 points

At the beginning of every talk show season, there will be a lot of old players in front of the camera touting how great this year's newcomers are.

But in fact, the strongest newcomer they tout is not necessarily the strongest newcomer in the audience's mind.

For example, last season's La Hongsang and this season's Haha Cao were praised to the sky by the veteran players, but the audience did not recognize them.

On the contrary, some unknown players will perform well, such as Jiye .

When Jiye was eliminated in the preliminary round, many people complained about him on the Internet. Fortunately, he was resurrected in the end.

Jiye's performance was still good this time, but the final score was not too high, only 151 points. It seems that the laughter of the online audience is indeed somewhat different from that of the live audience.

Xu Zhisheng : 173 points

As his popularity and fame become higher and higher, everyone’s expectations for Xu Zhisheng are also increasing. Xu Zhisheng's performance in the preliminary stage of

can only be said to be average, much worse than the year he first participated in the talk show conference.

In this circle exchange competition, I feel that his condition has improved somewhat, and the text is no longer entirely centered around his life in the entertainment industry.

finally got 173 points, which is a relatively normal score.

Grand National Player: 114 points

Grand National Player’s jokes are interesting to think about in detail, but it’s really easy to get distracted when listening to her talk.

Many people say that the big player is the next Niaoniao, but judging from her performance in these two games, there is still a certain distance between her and Niaoniao. There should be no controversy that

, a group of powerful national players, were eliminated.

Team 3: Yan Yiyanyue vs Desert Island Popularity King vs Mancai Brothers

Yan Yiyanyue: 117 points

Yan Yiyanyue is an old talk show veteran. They have participated in several consecutive sessions and their previous performance was quite good. , but since last season, I haven’t been feeling right.

I don’t know why they both keep insisting on making jokes about the opposite sex. The key is that they are not funny.

They haven't finished this performance yet, and many netizens on the barrage think that they will not be able to advance to the next round.

Desert Island Popularity King: 159 points

This pair of cartoon talents has always seemed to be quite satisfactory. Their performance can make people watch the whole movie with a smile on their faces, but it is difficult to laugh out loud.

seems to get a dead second place no matter which team they enter.

Mancai Brothers: 187 points

Mancai Brothers are very similar to the original Qizhi Dingbing, but they are more crazy than Qizhi Dingbing.

If you want to watch purely funny shows, then just watch them.

Mancai Brothers finally got the highest score of 187 points in the audience. If it is only based on funnyness, then this score is well deserved.

Judging from the performance of the nine groups of contestants in this game, the old talk show veterans are indeed not as good as the newcomers. Some netizens even thought it was a pity to give the resurrection spots to Doudou and Yan Yiyanyue .

Looking at it this way, it seems that Zhang Boyang chose to withdraw from the competition, which seems to be a wise move. Since they cannot create satisfactory jokes, it is better to hand over the stage to the newcomers. At least the audience will still have some freshness to the newcomers.After the preliminary round of

's " Talk Show and His Friends " ended, the "circle swapping competition" started. A total of three teams of players appeared in the first performance of

. The overall performance was pretty good, and most of the players continued their performance in the preliminary round.

Team 1: Doudou vs Shanhe vs Great Master

Doudou : 177 points

Doudou is indeed the most special one among all the actors. The focus of other contestants' talk shows is "speaking", only Doudou's talk show focuses on In "show". In the pilot video of this season of

, the program team interviewed Doudou and asked him to predict the winner. Doudou said he would be the winner.

After watching this interview, it is estimated that many viewers are full of expectations for him. After all, Doudou has had several outstanding performances before. He can predict that he will be the champion so confidently, which should be due to his jokes this season. Very confident.

However, in the preliminary round, Doudou's performance was a bit disappointing. The performance could maintain the previous level, but the text was indeed a lot worse. When he was eliminated, although it was a bit regretful, it still felt reasonable. .

Later, Doudou was resurrected and entered the "Circle Exchange Competition" as a Smile Circle contestant. This time his jokes were much better than those in the preliminary round. At least he had more than one memorable joke.

Moreover, he is also the opening act, so he can quickly heat up the place, which is quite impressive. However,

can score 177 points, which feels a bit high.

Shanhe: 186 points

Shanhe is an actor who is very popular with the audience and looks very approachable. Even if she doesn't say anything, she just stands on the stage with a smile, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Shanhe's performance and text are much better this time than in the preliminary round. There is a theme running through the whole article. On the basis of this theme, it is constantly turning over the baggage, and every time it is very loud.

Just like Shanhe said after the game, as soon as she finished her performance, she knew that she had definitely advanced. It is estimated that most of the audience thought so too. The final score of

Shanhe is 186 points. If this score is based on Doudou's score, it is relatively normal, but if it is based on the score of the Mancai brothers later, it is also a bit high.

Great Master: 145

Compared with the previous two seasons, Great Master has indeed improved, but he was able to score 191 points in the last game, which still feels a bit high.

The great master's performance in this scene is also quite good. A very bumpy and heart-wrenching experience made him full of laughter, but it was not easy. It seems that the core of comedy is indeed tragedy.

However, the state of his performance was not coherent. The funny part was indeed funny, but after one piece of baggage was shaken, the actor had to wait for a while before the next piece of baggage came out. This caused the audience to feel that the overall effect was average after listening to it.

But the final score of 145 is really a bit low. At least it should be on par with Doudou, and should surpass Doudou in terms of funnyness. It's a pity that

didn't make the cut.

The second team: Jiye vs Xu Zhisheng vs the big players

Jiye: 151 points

At the beginning of every talk show season, there will be a lot of old players in front of the camera touting how great this year's newcomers are.

But in fact, the strongest newcomer they tout is not necessarily the strongest newcomer in the audience's mind.

For example, last season's La Hongsang and this season's Haha Cao were praised to the sky by the veteran players, but the audience did not recognize them.

On the contrary, some unknown players will perform well, such as Jiye .

When Jiye was eliminated in the preliminary round, many people complained about him on the Internet. Fortunately, he was resurrected in the end.

Jiye's performance was still good this time, but the final score was not too high, only 151 points. It seems that the laughter of the online audience is indeed somewhat different from that of the live audience.

Xu Zhisheng : 173 points

As his popularity and fame become higher and higher, everyone’s expectations for Xu Zhisheng are also increasing. Xu Zhisheng's performance in the preliminary stage of

can only be said to be average, much worse than the year he first participated in the talk show conference.

In this circle exchange competition, I feel that his condition has improved somewhat, and the text is no longer entirely centered around his life in the entertainment industry.

finally got 173 points, which is a relatively normal score.

Grand National Player: 114 points

Grand National Player’s jokes are interesting to think about in detail, but it’s really easy to get distracted when listening to her talk.

Many people say that the big player is the next Niaoniao, but judging from her performance in these two games, there is still a certain distance between her and Niaoniao. There should be no controversy that

, a group of powerful national players, were eliminated.

Team 3: Yan Yiyanyue vs Desert Island Popularity King vs Mancai Brothers

Yan Yiyanyue: 117 points

Yan Yiyanyue is an old talk show veteran. They have participated in several consecutive sessions and their previous performance was quite good. , but since last season, I haven’t been feeling right.

I don’t know why they both keep insisting on making jokes about the opposite sex. The key is that they are not funny.

They haven't finished this performance yet, and many netizens on the barrage think that they will not be able to advance to the next round.

Desert Island Popularity King: 159 points

This pair of cartoon talents has always seemed to be quite satisfactory. Their performance can make people watch the whole movie with a smile on their faces, but it is difficult to laugh out loud.

seems to get a dead second place no matter which team they enter.

Mancai Brothers: 187 points

Mancai Brothers are very similar to the original Qizhi Dingbing, but they are more crazy than Qizhi Dingbing.

If you want to watch purely funny shows, then just watch them.

Mancai Brothers finally got the highest score of 187 points in the audience. If it is only based on funnyness, then this score is well deserved.

Judging from the performance of the nine groups of contestants in this game, the old talk show veterans are indeed not as good as the newcomers. Some netizens even thought it was a pity to give the resurrection spots to Doudou and Yan Yiyanyue .

Looking at it this way, it seems that Zhang Boyang chose to withdraw from the competition, which seems to be a wise move. Since they cannot create satisfactory jokes, it is better to hand over the stage to the newcomers. At least the audience will still have some freshness to the newcomers.