On the evening of September 3, the TV series "Mortal Song" aired episodes 9 and 10. After 10 episodes, the story of the two supporting characters Shen Lei and Xie Meilan in this TV series has officially begun. This group of couples who are divorcing looks quite lively. There is a

On the evening of September 3, the TV series " Mortal Song " aired episodes 9 and 10. After 10 episodes, the story of the two supporting characters Shen Lei and Xie Meilan in this TV series has officially begun. This group of couples who are getting divorced looks quite lively, with a woman having an affair with her male boss, and a man following her. However, the story of this group of couples cannot be dwelled on. Once you think about it, the audience will Asking further, how could two people with such incompatible personalities get married?

There is a very clever way to measure the quality of a TV series, and that is to see whether it conforms to the basic logic of the narrative. Some TV dramas that are made up out of nowhere will immediately reveal their true colors once faced with the measurement of basic narrative logic. It will be clear at a glance whether it is a farce or a piece of bad drama. This "Mortal Song" is no exception.

After many years of marriage, Xie Meilan fell in love with Shen Lei, thinking that he was uninteresting, unmotivated, poor, etc. If we don't have basic logical thinking skills, we will believe the screenwriter's random fabrication and think that the character Xie Meilan's statement is valid. However, if we want people's common sense and logical common sense, we will ask the screenwriter - the two characters you wrote, since Xie Meilan despises Shen Lei and can find so many shortcomings in him, then why did she Will you choose to marry Shen Lei? Didn't Shen Lei have these problems back then?

When we think about these two characters in terms of basic narrative logic, we will find that the screenwriter lacks the creative ability under the guidance of basic logic in character shaping and story shaping. The screenwriter himself made the character's personality and the content of the story conflict with each other. This TV series has long been trapped in divine logic, and it belongs to the model of a mythical drama made up at random.

Currently, the screenwriter of "Mortal Song" did not make up for the rationality of Shen Lei and Xie Meilan's marriage when writing the script. This rationality can be the character rationality between two people, or it can be the rationality brought about by other events. While the marriage of two people lacks rationality, the screenwriter is also trying to find rationality for their divorce. Doing this makes it even more contradictory.

In fact, a truly qualified screenwriter is not about how many lines he creates for the characters, nor how many conflicts he writes, but about finding the basic logical rationality for his script characters and stories. In my previous drama review articles, I have argued from many angles that the screenwriting level of "Mortal Song" is not good enough, and the quality of the script created is not up to standard. In terms of the basic logical rationality of the narrative, the screenwriter of this TV series is still in a failing state.

Two people with different personalities not only got married, but also lived together for many years. Suddenly, one day, they broke out and wanted to divorce. This is actually a typical bad drama pattern. However, under this model of bad drama and bloody drama, it actually provides many mindless viewers with a way to talk about taking sides.

At present, with the broadcast of "Mortal Song", a very alarming phenomenon has emerged. Some women began to hate being married, and criticized men like Shen Lei from Xie Meilan's perspective for not seeking advancement. Some men, from Shen Lei's point of view, began to criticize Xie Meilan and others. The role of this TV series is more like that of talk show actor Yang Li , which stimulates the relationship between men and women. No matter whose perspective you are on, it is actually wrong, because the narrative logic of this TV series is far-fetched at its source.

Especially when I say that the character Shen Lei does not seek advancement, I always feel that it is too distorted. Editor: When I was in college, taking the civil service exam was not that popular. However, there are also a few in the grade who are taking the civil service examination. None of these people are lazy. On the contrary, they are all the most motivated. Not one! These four words need to be emphasized. If you really don't want to make progress, who would take the civil service exam? Dear viewers, are there any civil servants around you who are not striving for advancement? If so, you can leave a message to educate me.

Therefore, when "Mortal Song" portrayed a civil servant who did not seek advancement, I felt that it was false and made up. A rural child whose parents farmed in greenhouses came to Beijing to study. Through his own efforts, he became a civil servant in Beijing and obtained a Beijing household registration. Would he not seek advancement? If he really didn't seek to make progress, he wouldn't even come to Beijing. It would be great to just grow greenhouses at home. While the screenwriter was making up random things, the bloody content was gradually staged.

On the evening of September 3, the TV series " Mortal Song " aired episodes 9 and 10. After 10 episodes, the story of the two supporting characters Shen Lei and Xie Meilan in this TV series has officially begun. This group of couples who are getting divorced looks quite lively, with a woman having an affair with her male boss, and a man following her. However, the story of this group of couples cannot be dwelled on. Once you think about it, the audience will Asking further, how could two people with such incompatible personalities get married?

There is a very clever way to measure the quality of a TV series, and that is to see whether it conforms to the basic logic of the narrative. Some TV dramas that are made up out of nowhere will immediately reveal their true colors once faced with the measurement of basic narrative logic. It will be clear at a glance whether it is a farce or a piece of bad drama. This "Mortal Song" is no exception.

After many years of marriage, Xie Meilan fell in love with Shen Lei, thinking that he was uninteresting, unmotivated, poor, etc. If we don't have basic logical thinking skills, we will believe the screenwriter's random fabrication and think that the character Xie Meilan's statement is valid. However, if we want people's common sense and logical common sense, we will ask the screenwriter - the two characters you wrote, since Xie Meilan despises Shen Lei and can find so many shortcomings in him, then why did she Will you choose to marry Shen Lei? Didn't Shen Lei have these problems back then?

When we think about these two characters in terms of basic narrative logic, we will find that the screenwriter lacks the creative ability under the guidance of basic logic in character shaping and story shaping. The screenwriter himself made the character's personality and the content of the story conflict with each other. This TV series has long been trapped in divine logic, and it belongs to the model of a mythical drama made up at random.

Currently, the screenwriter of "Mortal Song" did not make up for the rationality of Shen Lei and Xie Meilan's marriage when writing the script. This rationality can be the character rationality between two people, or it can be the rationality brought about by other events. While the marriage of two people lacks rationality, the screenwriter is also trying to find rationality for their divorce. Doing this makes it even more contradictory.

In fact, a truly qualified screenwriter is not about how many lines he creates for the characters, nor how many conflicts he writes, but about finding the basic logical rationality for his script characters and stories. In my previous drama review articles, I have argued from many angles that the screenwriting level of "Mortal Song" is not good enough, and the quality of the script created is not up to standard. In terms of the basic logical rationality of the narrative, the screenwriter of this TV series is still in a failing state.

Two people with different personalities not only got married, but also lived together for many years. Suddenly, one day, they broke out and wanted to divorce. This is actually a typical bad drama pattern. However, under this model of bad drama and bloody drama, it actually provides many mindless viewers with a way to talk about taking sides.

At present, with the broadcast of "Mortal Song", a very alarming phenomenon has emerged. Some women began to hate being married, and criticized men like Shen Lei from Xie Meilan's perspective for not seeking advancement. Some men, from Shen Lei's point of view, began to criticize Xie Meilan and others. The role of this TV series is more like that of talk show actor Yang Li , which stimulates the relationship between men and women. No matter whose perspective you are on, it is actually wrong, because the narrative logic of this TV series is far-fetched at its source.

Especially when I say that the character Shen Lei does not seek advancement, I always feel that it is too distorted. Editor: When I was in college, taking the civil service exam was not that popular. However, there are also a few in the grade who are taking the civil service examination. None of these people are lazy. On the contrary, they are all the most motivated. Not one! These four words need to be emphasized. If you really don't want to make progress, who would take the civil service exam? Dear viewers, are there any civil servants around you who are not striving for advancement? If so, you can leave a message to educate me.

Therefore, when "Mortal Song" portrayed a civil servant who did not seek advancement, I felt that it was false and made up. A rural child whose parents farmed in greenhouses came to Beijing to study. Through his own efforts, he became a civil servant in Beijing and obtained a Beijing household registration. Would he not seek advancement? If he really didn't seek to make progress, he wouldn't even come to Beijing. It would be great to just grow greenhouses at home. While the screenwriter was making up random things, the bloody content was gradually staged.(Text/Ma Qingyun)