Recently, the upcoming ancient puppet drama "The Story of the Willow Boat" is getting better and better. In addition to the roles of the male and female protagonists, it is difficult for the audience not to be "laughed" by one character - Zhang Chi, who plays the male protagonist

Recently, the upcoming ancient puppet drama "Liu Zhou Ji" is getting better and better. In addition to the roles of the male and female protagonists, it is difficult for the audience not to be "laughed" by one character - Zhang Chi, who plays the male protagonist Cui Xingzhou's friend and Marquis Zhao Quan. .

He himself was quite satisfied with this role, and even posted a post confidently to promote it:

"Look, I am not lying to you, I am charming."

Indeed, as an ancient puppet drama that does not follow routines, , being able to choose a sketch actor with a non-major background to play the second male lead in a lot of roles is already a breakthrough in itself.

When he talked about starring in ancient puppets in an interview, he laughed and said to himself: "I am the evil spirit that has been blown into the ancient puppets."

As soon as he said this, the whole room burst into laughter.

Zhang Chi, who is 32 years old this year, has actually only made his debut three years ago. Before that, his most "glorious" past was just being the runner-up in the annual finals of "Avenue of Stars". It can be said that his presence in the entertainment industry is equivalent to zero.

However, he relied on his love for acting to break in as a dark horse, and now he is getting more and more dramas and is becoming more popular.

What kind of inspirational story is behind this?

1. "Peking Opera Xiaosheng"

At the end of 1992, an ordinary family in Liaoning Province was very tough as a child, and also inherited the personality characteristics of northerners:

was a bit hasty in speaking and doing things, and was considered a popular "social cow".

When he was in elementary school, he was keen on being a class leader. Once he failed in the selection, when he was eating lunch and saw other children standing in line, he dared to call the teacher: "The team can't stand straight, you let me try to be the class leader." "

Before that, Zhang Chi had been arranged by his mother to enter an art school to learn dance because he found that he was a bit hunchback.

At first, he was extremely dissatisfied with this arrangement. He felt that all the dance students were girls, so he discussed changing his choice to Peking Opera.

Zhang Chi simply thought it would be cool to learn Peking Opera and become a martial arts star in the future.

But after the first class, he regretted it.

Because the teacher is very strict in class and presses your legs as soon as you come up. No matter how painful or hard you are, he will not stop.

After enduring it for a week, Zhang Chi couldn't stand it anymore and cried and begged his mother: Can I stop learning?

But even if he knelt down in the end, his mother remained unmoved.

In this way, Zhang Chi, who couldn't even tie his shoelaces, began his long career of studying opera "from winter to summer."

During those years, not only in school, but even when he went home during the holidays, his mother would help him practice Kung Fu. It still hurts to think about it now.

But hard work pays off. After studying in Shenyang for three years, Zhang Chi was successfully admitted to a drama school in Beijing to continue his studies.

But he was not happy here either - after all, he was only 9 years old at the time, especially when his mother came to see him off and the big iron gate of the school closed with a bang, and he burst into tears inside the school gate.

But after crying, he still had to continue practicing. Later, Zhang Chi imagined singing and practicing as a natural thing like eating and sleeping for ordinary people. "You feel as if everyone in the world lives like this."

He learned first The opera is called "Wuben Ji", and the first line at the beginning is "Lao Zhang, don't be afraid" - I didn't understand what it meant when I first learned it, but I could still sing it completely.

Such days lasted until the age of 15.

In 2007, Zhang Chi was successfully admitted to the Chinese Opera Academy, but changed his major. Because his voice began to change during the exam in the same year, he switched to the opera performance major.

Because of this, he unexpectedly ended his nine-year practice of early morning exercises and leg pressing, and began to get in touch with the world outside of Peking Opera.

In the new school, Zhang Chi walked around in jeans. During military training, he saw his classmates with "perm" hairstyles and was extremely envious.

As for the next four years of college life, he described himself as "absorbing nutrients like a sponge", while at the same time he had to balance the habits brought about by nine years of studying drama.

Peking Opera pays attention to stylized performances, and every move is precise, but this is not the case when learning opera performance.

Moreover, the latter's performance is more life-like and relaxed, and the more natural it is, the easier it is for the audience to get involved.

Therefore, Zhang Chi made a lot of jokes at first. For example, when he participated in a Republic of China drama, the patriotic student he played had to quickly hug the person lying next to him when facing a plane bombing, but he habitually used the Peking Opera method to hold it. It became so popular that the staff was speechless.

For another example, when he received a play, he couldn't even feel it at all during the first 10 performances:

"You may relax a little after the 20th performance, and it will start to become closer to life after the 30th performance..."

2. "Comedy Actor"

was about to graduate. Zhang Chi accidentally saw a musical called "Romeo and Juliet". "I was shocked at the time and felt that young people should watch such a thing."

After that, he consciously wanted to enter the field of musical theater, and thus met many seniors who had switched careers from the traditional opera industry.

This also gave Zhang Chi more pursuit and confidence in changing careers and learning acting, so he began to try to combine Peking Opera with his favorite modern performance forms.

During this period, he participated in many drama performances and gradually accumulated various experiences.

In this process, Zhang Chi finally discovered that the Peking Opera he had studied for 9 years was actually "an inexhaustible treasure" - this laid the foundation for his future transformation into a successful comedian. .

But his real move into the entertainment industry will start several years after graduation.

In 2020, Zhang Chi won the runner-up in the annual finals of "Avenue of Stars" with his dramatic song "Reorganize the Country and Wait for Future Generations", which is considered to be his official entry into the industry.

After that, he successively participated in variety shows such as "Let's Sing and Turn" and "CCTV Lantern Festival Gala", but the response was tepid.

What is little known is that Zhang Chi has never signed a contract with a brokerage company. He basically relied on friends for his resources. At one time, he was living in extremely tight circumstances, and sometimes he even "could hardly pay the rent."

But fortunately, he is optimistic by nature, and he can get one or two scenes before every "desperate situation", which is "good luck".

Before entering the recording of the "Annual Comedy Competition" in October 2021, Zhang Chi had been looking for opportunities to participate in film and television dramas.

Every time he goes to audition for a play, he always brings "the determination to fail."

I visited many crews and met with many directors, "I know he won't use me, and he also knows he won't use me, but we both have to go through this process."

Zhang Chi was eventually cast into the "Annual Comedy" Competition", but when he received the program invitation sent by the other party through Weibo, he still thought he had met a liar.

"I don't have many people paying attention to me. I am also a fan of "Qi Pa Shuo" and "Summer of the Band". The other person came up and said that he was the director of "Summer of the Band". Isn't this obviously a liar?"

A few days later He didn't reply until a friend came over and asked him if he had received an invitation from a comedy show. Zhang Chi didn't know that it was his friend who recommended him.

So, a few months later, he stepped onto the stage. As a member of the comedy club "Three Bans Big Ax", he produced works such as "Ten Years of Offstage" and "My Girlfriend Is Here", and also won the title of "The Last Lesson" ” got the highest score in the game.

But in the course of several months of competition, Zhang Chi was not smooth.

At first, he never found a partner because of his slow personality. Later, the program team recommended Jiang Long.

In fact, the first meeting between the two of them was not very good - he felt that Jiang Long "always squints and looks at people with squinting eyes, which is unfriendly"; Jiang Long felt that "he is quite big and fierce" .

However, these two people have become the pair with the best tacit understanding in the entire season of the show, which is incredible.

And the two of them are completely different. Compared with Jiang Long, who is sharp and lively, Zhang Chi appears to be more low-key and calm, so the spotlight is not on him initially, and he seems to be willing to be a "green leaf".

Zhang Chi said bluntly: "A play needs both red flowers and green leaves. Wherever I am needed in the play, I will go."

From this point of view, he still has an unconfident side in his character—— Even if success is just around the corner.

3. "Ancient Idiot Evil Wind"

Zhang Chi's first "electric shock" was in 2022, when he played a role in the "Dangerous Kiss" section of the short film "Big World Gacha Machine". He collaborated with his old partner and fellow comedian Human history policy.

Then, his career as a film and television actor was out of control, with roles coming one after another.

is off to a good start: in "Man Jiang Hong" released during the Spring Festival in early 2023, Zhang Chi guest-starred as left guard Chen Liang.

Although this character only has a few scenes and the character design is not good, he is a loyal but stupid little person, but Zhang Chi cherishes him very much.

In his opinion, it is unbelievable that he can cooperate with Zhang Yimou in his "screen debut".

It turned out that after the "Comedy Competition" ended, my former mentor Yu Hewei learned about the filming plan of "Man Jiang Hong" and recommended Zhang Chi to the director. When

entered the shooting scene for the first time, he was confused again. The first scene was dragging Shen Teng through the corridor. He felt very nervous because he couldn't find it, but luckily he did it in the end.

Then Zhang Chi encountered new challenges and new opportunities.

According to himself, after filming "Man Jiang Hong", he just wanted to make a TV series, and it would be best to cooperate with Ren Suxi. It didn't take long for

to receive an audition notice for "Hometown, Stay Safe", and the heroine was Ren Suxi.

And the woman also has some funny lines, which almost coincides with Zhang Chi. The cooperation between the two is also sparkling, and he has become the "funny person" in the play.

Indeed, when Liu Feng, the second male lead, he played in the drama, appeared, he was particularly joyful even if he didn't speak, and he fully interpreted the introverted straight man with a strong desire to win and lose.

It is reported that Ren Suxi gave him a 1:1 Oscar trophy while filming, which also made Zhang Chi excited and made a wish: I want to win an acting award.

He is not completely lying when he says this. After all, he has produced works such as "Tomorrow's Survival Guide" and "Goodbye, Li Cola". Although the response has been average, at least he has started.

Then this year, Zhang Chi appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala again, performing the sketch "Can It Be the Same?"

As for film and television dramas, he has performed in "Spring Love" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", but his roles are not many.

Until the popularity of "Liu Zhou Ji", the outside world saw a different "Master Hou". He himself also joked that he was "the first person to oppose ancient puppet routines".

Indeed, Zhang Chi seems to have nothing to do with ancient puppets in terms of appearance and temperament, but his nine-year career in Peking Opera has made him look very good like an ancient puppet. Although his appearance is not handsome, he is unique.

In the early stage of the plot, every time he and the leading actor Zhang Wanyi played against each other, there were countless jokes, and they were relaxed and comfortable, making people laugh.

Zhang Chi currently also has TV series such as "The King of Comedy" with Jiang Long, "Unpleasant Courage" with Li Gengxi and Wei Daxun, "Tomorrow's Survival Guide" with Sun Qian, and two movies "Reverse Position" and "Into the Type".

Can you see his ambition for acting?

also believes that Zhang Chi, who is full of talent, will go further and further on this path.

Recently, the upcoming ancient puppet drama "Liu Zhou Ji" is getting better and better. In addition to the roles of the male and female protagonists, it is difficult for the audience not to be "laughed" by one character - Zhang Chi, who plays the male protagonist Cui Xingzhou's friend and Marquis Zhao Quan. .

He himself was quite satisfied with this role, and even posted a post confidently to promote it:

"Look, I am not lying to you, I am charming."

Indeed, as an ancient puppet drama that does not follow routines, , being able to choose a sketch actor with a non-major background to play the second male lead in a lot of roles is already a breakthrough in itself.

When he talked about starring in ancient puppets in an interview, he laughed and said to himself: "I am the evil spirit that has been blown into the ancient puppets."

As soon as he said this, the whole room burst into laughter.

Zhang Chi, who is 32 years old this year, has actually only made his debut three years ago. Before that, his most "glorious" past was just being the runner-up in the annual finals of "Avenue of Stars". It can be said that his presence in the entertainment industry is equivalent to zero.

However, he relied on his love for acting to break in as a dark horse, and now he is getting more and more dramas and is becoming more popular.

What kind of inspirational story is behind this?

1. "Peking Opera Xiaosheng"

At the end of 1992, an ordinary family in Liaoning Province was very tough as a child, and also inherited the personality characteristics of northerners:

was a bit hasty in speaking and doing things, and was considered a popular "social cow".

When he was in elementary school, he was keen on being a class leader. Once he failed in the selection, when he was eating lunch and saw other children standing in line, he dared to call the teacher: "The team can't stand straight, you let me try to be the class leader." "

Before that, Zhang Chi had been arranged by his mother to enter an art school to learn dance because he found that he was a bit hunchback.

At first, he was extremely dissatisfied with this arrangement. He felt that all the dance students were girls, so he discussed changing his choice to Peking Opera.

Zhang Chi simply thought it would be cool to learn Peking Opera and become a martial arts star in the future.

But after the first class, he regretted it.

Because the teacher is very strict in class and presses your legs as soon as you come up. No matter how painful or hard you are, he will not stop.

After enduring it for a week, Zhang Chi couldn't stand it anymore and cried and begged his mother: Can I stop learning?

But even if he knelt down in the end, his mother remained unmoved.

In this way, Zhang Chi, who couldn't even tie his shoelaces, began his long career of studying opera "from winter to summer."

During those years, not only in school, but even when he went home during the holidays, his mother would help him practice Kung Fu. It still hurts to think about it now.

But hard work pays off. After studying in Shenyang for three years, Zhang Chi was successfully admitted to a drama school in Beijing to continue his studies.

But he was not happy here either - after all, he was only 9 years old at the time, especially when his mother came to see him off and the big iron gate of the school closed with a bang, and he burst into tears inside the school gate.

But after crying, he still had to continue practicing. Later, Zhang Chi imagined singing and practicing as a natural thing like eating and sleeping for ordinary people. "You feel as if everyone in the world lives like this."

He learned first The opera is called "Wuben Ji", and the first line at the beginning is "Lao Zhang, don't be afraid" - I didn't understand what it meant when I first learned it, but I could still sing it completely.

Such days lasted until the age of 15.

In 2007, Zhang Chi was successfully admitted to the Chinese Opera Academy, but changed his major. Because his voice began to change during the exam in the same year, he switched to the opera performance major.

Because of this, he unexpectedly ended his nine-year practice of early morning exercises and leg pressing, and began to get in touch with the world outside of Peking Opera.

In the new school, Zhang Chi walked around in jeans. During military training, he saw his classmates with "perm" hairstyles and was extremely envious.

As for the next four years of college life, he described himself as "absorbing nutrients like a sponge", while at the same time he had to balance the habits brought about by nine years of studying drama.

Peking Opera pays attention to stylized performances, and every move is precise, but this is not the case when learning opera performance.

Moreover, the latter's performance is more life-like and relaxed, and the more natural it is, the easier it is for the audience to get involved.

Therefore, Zhang Chi made a lot of jokes at first. For example, when he participated in a Republic of China drama, the patriotic student he played had to quickly hug the person lying next to him when facing a plane bombing, but he habitually used the Peking Opera method to hold it. It became so popular that the staff was speechless.

For another example, when he received a play, he couldn't even feel it at all during the first 10 performances:

"You may relax a little after the 20th performance, and it will start to become closer to life after the 30th performance..."

2. "Comedy Actor"

was about to graduate. Zhang Chi accidentally saw a musical called "Romeo and Juliet". "I was shocked at the time and felt that young people should watch such a thing."

After that, he consciously wanted to enter the field of musical theater, and thus met many seniors who had switched careers from the traditional opera industry.

This also gave Zhang Chi more pursuit and confidence in changing careers and learning acting, so he began to try to combine Peking Opera with his favorite modern performance forms.

During this period, he participated in many drama performances and gradually accumulated various experiences.

In this process, Zhang Chi finally discovered that the Peking Opera he had studied for 9 years was actually "an inexhaustible treasure" - this laid the foundation for his future transformation into a successful comedian. .

But his real move into the entertainment industry will start several years after graduation.

In 2020, Zhang Chi won the runner-up in the annual finals of "Avenue of Stars" with his dramatic song "Reorganize the Country and Wait for Future Generations", which is considered to be his official entry into the industry.

After that, he successively participated in variety shows such as "Let's Sing and Turn" and "CCTV Lantern Festival Gala", but the response was tepid.

What is little known is that Zhang Chi has never signed a contract with a brokerage company. He basically relied on friends for his resources. At one time, he was living in extremely tight circumstances, and sometimes he even "could hardly pay the rent."

But fortunately, he is optimistic by nature, and he can get one or two scenes before every "desperate situation", which is "good luck".

Before entering the recording of the "Annual Comedy Competition" in October 2021, Zhang Chi had been looking for opportunities to participate in film and television dramas.

Every time he goes to audition for a play, he always brings "the determination to fail."

I visited many crews and met with many directors, "I know he won't use me, and he also knows he won't use me, but we both have to go through this process."

Zhang Chi was eventually cast into the "Annual Comedy" Competition", but when he received the program invitation sent by the other party through Weibo, he still thought he had met a liar.

"I don't have many people paying attention to me. I am also a fan of "Qi Pa Shuo" and "Summer of the Band". The other person came up and said that he was the director of "Summer of the Band". Isn't this obviously a liar?"

A few days later He didn't reply until a friend came over and asked him if he had received an invitation from a comedy show. Zhang Chi didn't know that it was his friend who recommended him.

So, a few months later, he stepped onto the stage. As a member of the comedy club "Three Bans Big Ax", he produced works such as "Ten Years of Offstage" and "My Girlfriend Is Here", and also won the title of "The Last Lesson" ” got the highest score in the game.

But in the course of several months of competition, Zhang Chi was not smooth.

At first, he never found a partner because of his slow personality. Later, the program team recommended Jiang Long.

In fact, the first meeting between the two of them was not very good - he felt that Jiang Long "always squints and looks at people with squinting eyes, which is unfriendly"; Jiang Long felt that "he is quite big and fierce" .

However, these two people have become the pair with the best tacit understanding in the entire season of the show, which is incredible.

And the two of them are completely different. Compared with Jiang Long, who is sharp and lively, Zhang Chi appears to be more low-key and calm, so the spotlight is not on him initially, and he seems to be willing to be a "green leaf".

Zhang Chi said bluntly: "A play needs both red flowers and green leaves. Wherever I am needed in the play, I will go."

From this point of view, he still has an unconfident side in his character—— Even if success is just around the corner.

3. "Ancient Idiot Evil Wind"

Zhang Chi's first "electric shock" was in 2022, when he played a role in the "Dangerous Kiss" section of the short film "Big World Gacha Machine". He collaborated with his old partner and fellow comedian Human history policy.

Then, his career as a film and television actor was out of control, with roles coming one after another.

is off to a good start: in "Man Jiang Hong" released during the Spring Festival in early 2023, Zhang Chi guest-starred as left guard Chen Liang.

Although this character only has a few scenes and the character design is not good, he is a loyal but stupid little person, but Zhang Chi cherishes him very much.

In his opinion, it is unbelievable that he can cooperate with Zhang Yimou in his "screen debut".

It turned out that after the "Comedy Competition" ended, my former mentor Yu Hewei learned about the filming plan of "Man Jiang Hong" and recommended Zhang Chi to the director. When

entered the shooting scene for the first time, he was confused again. The first scene was dragging Shen Teng through the corridor. He felt very nervous because he couldn't find it, but luckily he did it in the end.

Then Zhang Chi encountered new challenges and new opportunities.

According to himself, after filming "Man Jiang Hong", he just wanted to make a TV series, and it would be best to cooperate with Ren Suxi. It didn't take long for

to receive an audition notice for "Hometown, Stay Safe", and the heroine was Ren Suxi.

And the woman also has some funny lines, which almost coincides with Zhang Chi. The cooperation between the two is also sparkling, and he has become the "funny person" in the play.

Indeed, when Liu Feng, the second male lead, he played in the drama, appeared, he was particularly joyful even if he didn't speak, and he fully interpreted the introverted straight man with a strong desire to win and lose.

It is reported that Ren Suxi gave him a 1:1 Oscar trophy while filming, which also made Zhang Chi excited and made a wish: I want to win an acting award.

He is not completely lying when he says this. After all, he has produced works such as "Tomorrow's Survival Guide" and "Goodbye, Li Cola". Although the response has been average, at least he has started.

Then this year, Zhang Chi appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala again, performing the sketch "Can It Be the Same?"

As for film and television dramas, he has performed in "Spring Love" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", but his roles are not many.

Until the popularity of "Liu Zhou Ji", the outside world saw a different "Master Hou". He himself also joked that he was "the first person to oppose ancient puppet routines".

Indeed, Zhang Chi seems to have nothing to do with ancient puppets in terms of appearance and temperament, but his nine-year career in Peking Opera has made him look very good like an ancient puppet. Although his appearance is not handsome, he is unique.

In the early stage of the plot, every time he and the leading actor Zhang Wanyi played against each other, there were countless jokes, and they were relaxed and comfortable, making people laugh.

Zhang Chi currently also has TV series such as "The King of Comedy" with Jiang Long, "Unpleasant Courage" with Li Gengxi and Wei Daxun, "Tomorrow's Survival Guide" with Sun Qian, and two movies "Reverse Position" and "Into the Type".

Can you see his ambition for acting?

also believes that Zhang Chi, who is full of talent, will go further and further on this path.