Beijing News (Reporter Yang Liangjie) Wang Yibo's outdoor exploration documentary program "Discovering New Territories" produced by Warner Bros. Discovery and created by the international production team of Discovery Channel will be launched every Saturday starting from August 31

Beijing News (Reporter Yang Lianjie) Produced by Warner Bros. Discovery Group (Warner Bros. Discovery) and created by Discovery Channel’s international production team, Wang Yibo’s outdoor exploration documentary program "Discovery New Territories" will be launched every week starting from August 31 It will be broadcast exclusively on Tencent Video on the 6th. A few days ago, Wang Yibo said in an interview with the media that as time goes by, he will feel that doing these things (exploring the extremes) will become more and more meaningful. "I can see more and experience more. I will feel that life is only once, and I want to live a more interesting and exciting life."

A group photo of guests at the media premiere of the exploration documentary program "Exploration of New Territories". In the

"Exploring New Territories" program, Wang Yibo will work with discovery Chinese explorers such as Zhou Fang, Zhou Peng, Xing Enxue, Wang Hao, and Wu Xinlei to explore inaccessible natural environments such as snow mountains, deserts, islands, and tropical rainforests to unlock the unknown beauty. In the first episode, in order to explore the traces of gibbons, Wang Yibo and explorer Xing Enxue came to Bawangling National Forest Park to start a new exploration. According to Wang Yibo, his cooperation with Discovery Channel began two years ago. He liked outdoor sports very much, and he wanted to find a partner to try some new things with him and do something he wanted to do. In order to prepare for this journey, he received rigorous training from China's top survival and outdoor experts. From physical fitness to psychology, from skills to knowledge, every link cannot be ignored.

Wang Yibo reviewed the entire filming process of "Exploring New Territories" live.

Looking back on the entire filming process of "Exploring New Territories", Wang Yibo felt that the biggest change in himself was that he tanned a lot, "I have never been so tanned before." At the same time, I also learned many new skills in the process, such as rock climbing, diving, and various rope skills. After this exploration trip, he plans to continue to persevere and improve in the sport of rock climbing.

editor, Wu Longzhen

proofreader, Zhao Lin