Recently, the movie "Rebirth" starring Ethan Ruan was released in the mainland and achieved good box office. While the film was a success, he was discovered by netizens on vacation in Thailand. This is so casual! On August 21, a Chinese tourist happened to meet Ethan Ruan and his

The movie "Rebirth" starring Ethan Ruan was recently released in the mainland and achieved good box office success. While the film was a success, he was discovered by netizens on vacation in Thailand. This is so casual!

html On August 21, a Chinese tourist encountered Ethan Ruan and his brother while shopping and eating together in Thailand. After the photo was circulated on the Internet, it became a hot topic.

Judging from the photos taken, Ethan Ethan was dressed casually and fashionably that day. He wore a white T-shirt with shorts, black canvas shoes, a shoulder bag, sunglasses and a peaked cap. This outfit was perfect for shopping.

Ethan Ruan is tall and handsome. He works out regularly, has good family genes, and takes good care of himself. He is over 40 years old, and his facial skin is still very delicate. He is very stylish and is often passed by. People gathered around to watch.

He went shopping with his younger brother, and later entered a restaurant to eat. The two brothers sat together. Because they were both wearing the same white drag T-shirts, they were very eye-catching among the bustling customers.

Ethan Ruan's younger brother is also a tall type, but he is fatter than Ethan Ruan, has a fleshy face, and average appearance. He is definitely not as handsome as his brother.

The two brothers have a good relationship. They talk and laugh during meals and get along very naturally.

Some time ago, Ethan Ruan's mother passed away due to illness. He and his brother were very sad. He disappeared from the public for a while to adjust his mood.

Judging from his current state, he has come out of the grief of losing his mother.

Ethan Ruan became famous again because of the movie "The Three Evils". Many people expect him to continue to make good movies. Now that he is in such good condition, he should not be far away from joining the cast for filming. We look forward to his new works!

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