On August 15, the plot of the TV series "Prosecutor Nine" was updated on iQiyi for episodes 5 and 6. In my first review of this TV series (based on the plot of the first 4 episodes), I thought that this is a TV series that is not realistic enough but has excellent screenwriting s

htmlOn August 15, the plot of the TV series "Prosecutor Nine" was updated on iQiyi for episodes 5 and 6. In my first review of this TV series (based on the plot of the first 4 episodes), I thought that this is a TV series that although not realistic enough, has excellent screenwriting techniques. With interesting and effective creative techniques, this TV series is The TV series appear to be of relatively good quality. After 6 episodes, I stick to the point of view of the first drama review, and add a new point of view. Among the specific stories of juvenile crimes, this TV series has a story and warmth at the same time. Therefore, it can be regarded as a masterpiece.

The first four episodes of "Prosecutor of the Nine Parts" actually write about more people, mainly focusing on the hero, heroine and other prosecutors. This TV series uses characters to drive the story, and because of the good writing skills, the characters really drive the story. However, in the first four episodes, there is no effective story content about juvenile delinquency, so it is not enough to get a glimpse of the true theme of this TV series.

In the plots of episodes 5 and 6, the content of minor crimes began to appear. Based on the current two episodes, it guarantees the storytelling principle of the commercial drama itself. A truly realistic TV series rejects the narrative of commercial dramas. This also needs to be made clear in advance. This TV series does not follow the principle of realism, but follows the storytelling principle of commercial dramas, and tries to be as realistic as possible under the premise of maximizing the storytelling.

In the story content of episodes 5 and 6, the criminal content surrounding three minors gradually unfolded. This is a layered story. As more plots are released, the audience will be immersed in the story content of the show. As for commercial dramas, telling stories in a compelling way is a good thing. In many literary and realistic film and television dramas, they go against the story and think that telling the story in a fascinating way is off-putting and disgraceful.

While ensuring the storytelling, this TV series also shows a narrative warmth around minor content. This is the biggest plus point of the show so far. Illiterate screenwriters, when telling this kind of story, will only make fuss and work on the storytelling. Screenwriters who are educated and have a conscience not only focus on stories, but also on narrative warmth. A lot of the content of the narrative warmth is presented in the details. Let me give you a few examples.

For example, the scene where the hero and heroine repair a doll for an underage girl is a good narrative touch. We can regard this as the working method of the hero and heroine. But it can also be seen that this is from the heart of the hero and heroine, and they want to care for this underage girl emotionally. This detail has social demonstration value.

For another example, when two police officers were interrogating an underage girl, a female staff member accompanied the girl and told her that she could pause at any time if she felt uncomfortable. Don't underestimate this part. This is a bridge section, which may have been obtained by the screenwriter. But it may also be that the screenwriter learned it from watching similar international dramas. But no matter which one it is, this interrogation method is worthy of comprehensive promotion. This is actually a good social demonstration value and a warm narrative.

We adult viewers will definitely have some thoughts after watching these parts of this TV series. For example, once we stand in the position of the inquirer, can we also learn from the hero and heroine? When a minor is interrogated by the police, can some women be arranged to provide psychological counseling around her? When the warm scenes of the TV series are reflected in reality, the true sociological positive value of the TV series is revealed.

Of course, the follow-up plot of this TV series has not yet been released. The audience still does not know what kind of connection there is between the three minors, whether they are suspected of committing crimes, and what their later stories are worth thinking about. Based on the content of the current 6 episodes, the screenwriter of this TV series has very strong narrative skills and knows how to tell stories. At the same time, the screenwriter also has culture and conscience, and can keep the warmth of the story while telling the story.

If you can tell a story, it is not too difficult. If you can maintain the temperature, it is not too easy. When I wrote an article introducing the schedule of a certain TV series these days, I criticized some teams for being uneducated. The reason is here. An uneducated team can still write story scripts with the help of creative writing skills, but without literacy, it is destined to be unable to write warm works. Conscience and culture are particularly important in the creation of film and television dramas. (Text/Ma Qingyun)