A few days ago, Chenghai Lake in Yongsheng County, Lijiang City opened a special fishing season for the lake. The fishing species are limited to Chenghai whitebait. Fishermen on the Chenghai Lake rowed fishing boats to cast nets in Chenghai Lake. Around 19:00, with the fishing li

A few days ago

Chenghai Lake in Yongsheng County, Lijiang City opened

Special fishing period for opening the lake

Fishing species are limited to Chenghai whitebait

Fishermen on the Chenghai Lake

Rowing fishing boats to cast nets in Chenghai Lake

Around 19 hours

As the fishing lights light up

Fishing boats row And the lights flickered

Silver ripples appeared on the water surface of Chenghai Lake

After a night of fishing

One by one the fishing nets were put away

The nets were full of white and transparent whitebait

After the fishermen transported the whitebait to the shore,

started After the "fish shooting" work

clusters of whitebait were shaken off, they were immediately quick-frozen

and then sent to all parts of the country

"During the day, the whitebait will hide in deep water

and are not easy to be caught

At night, the plankton on the surface of the lake water Add

The whitebait that feeds on it will swim to the surface

and be easily caught.”

Sister He, a fisherman from Chenghai Town, said

The yield and profit of catching whitebait this year are very good

Her family has set up more than 50 fishing nets

fishing. The quantity is more than 400 kilograms

It is expected that each kilogram can be sold for 30 yuan

The most interesting thing about Chenghai Kaihu Lake is undoubtedly the "Chenghai Fishing Lantern"

In recent years

The whitebait fishing in Chenghai Lake adopts light trapping method

The phototaxis of whitebait is used for fishing

This is used to classify and protect fish resources

Reduce the damage caused by whitebait fishing to other fish

It plays a positive protective role in the proliferation and release of indigenous fish

As the sky gets darker

More and more people gather on the beach people

Everyone came to see this rare spectacle

People looked at the fishing lanterns

There were locals who came out for a walk after dinner

There were also outsiders who came from other places

When the night was completely enveloped

The fishermen The lights are all over the lake, as beautiful as a galaxy.

Starlight, fishing lanterns, and household lights set off each other

Extremely beautiful.

Planning: Cao Lu, Baotao, Mu Xu, Yang Hao

Coordinator: Luo Rongchan, Wu Jun

Source: Yunnan Daily

Information: Lijiang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

Information clerk: He Xiaoyan

Designer: Bao Ziqian

(Yunnan Net)