While strolling and shopping in the mall, it would be so pleasant to listen to a concert produced by a professional troupe in the concert hall in the mall. On August 3, the Beijing Symphony Orchestra’s “Beijing Music Space” resident performance officially opened at the Wukesong W

While shopping and shopping in the mall, it would be so pleasant to listen to a concert produced by a professional troupe in the concert hall in the mall. On August 3, the Beijing Symphony Orchestra’s “Beijing Music Space” resident performance officially opened at the Wukesong Wanda Plaza Urban Concert Hall. From now on, the Beijing Symphony Orchestra will open a new performing arts space here and perform "small but beautiful" chamber music concerts for Beijing residents every Saturday and Sunday.

Beijiao Music Space is located in the Urban Concert Hall on the 6th floor of Wukesong Wanda Plaza, which can accommodate nearly 500 people to watch performances. In the first performance, the Beijing Symphony Orchestra invited the famous conductor Xia Xiaotang to serve as the conductor. In the performance of the Beijing Symphony Orchestra String Quartet, the concert "Fantasy Journey of Strings: Classics and Animation Quartet Across Time and Space" was officially staged. The

concert performed "Divertimento", "Butterfly Butterfly Lovers", "One Step Away", "Greetings from Love" and other familiar pieces from the perspectives of "classical chapters", "Chinese classics", "tango style" and "film and television classics". Famous pianist Tan Xiaotang also appeared on stage, playing "Dream of Love" and other pieces. In the "small but beautiful" concert hall, the distance between the performers and the audience is only a few feet, making the audience more immersed. Xia Xiaotang's tour guide was humorous and knowledgeable about ancient times and the present. He not only introduced classical music knowledge based on the repertoire and performance forms, but also cleverly integrated his understanding of Beijing culture, winning rounds of applause from the audience.

"This is a very relaxing, casual and interesting concert." Xia Xiaotang said that traditional concert halls are suitable for listening to large symphonies, and the music space in shopping malls is very consistent with the living atmosphere of a modern metropolis. "Holding concerts in small and medium-sized concert halls in shopping malls provides great convenience for citizens' spiritual and cultural life." In his view, shopping malls are often located in places with convenient transportation and parking, and also accommodate leisure and entertainment. , shopping, dining and children's entertainment and other multiple projects. "It is very convenient for citizens to listen to a concert here. After enjoying the concert, they can also eat, drink and have fun and spend a wonderful weekend." Xia Xiaotang said.

Li Changjun, director of the Beijing Symphony Orchestra, said that the Beijing Symphony Music Space is a new performing arts space created by the Beijing Symphony Orchestra, bringing more convenient and comfortable music performances to citizens. The residency will last until December, with two performances a week on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. "We will plan concerts according to themes and launch a music series every month. In terms of performance format, strings, woodwinds, Ensemble combinations of brass and percussion, as well as single-instrument performances, are possible," Li Changjun said.

Ma Wen, a second-level inspector of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, said that Beijing will continue to create new performance spaces throughout the city and bring performing arts activities to citizens. The Beijing Symphony Orchestra, as a beautiful business card of Beijing’s culture and art, delivers elegant art. Entering shopping malls and holding concerts near citizens is an important measure for the Beijing Symphony Orchestra to serve the people through art. It is hoped that the Beijing Symphony Orchestra can hold more new performing arts space activities so that the people can more conveniently enjoy the feast of elegant art and culture.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Tian Wanting

editor/Gong Lifang