He once defended the country with a steel gun in his hand, but now he is enforcing the law impartially and serving the people wholeheartedly. In order to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, we would like to extend our most since

once defended the country with a steel gun in his hand, but now he is enforcing the law impartially and serving the people wholeheartedly. In order to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, we would like to extend our most sincere holiday blessings and respects to all the civilian police auxiliary police who have transferred from the army to the public security career. On July 31, on the occasion of Army Day, Jiangmen Municipal Public Security Bureau A group of "tough guy stories and photos" of eight people who served in the army and are now outstanding people's policemen were posted.

Zhang Jiahui, a member of the Communist Party of China, served in the detachment directly under the Armed Police Headquarters in December 2009. He was retired in November 2014 and served for 5 years. He is currently the third-level sergeant of the First Team of the Special Police Detachment of Jiangmen City Public Security Bureau.

Zhang Jiahui has won the third-class personal merit four times, four commendations, the title of "Top Ten Business Experts" of Jiangmen Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the title of Outstanding Civil Servant. Participated in the 18th Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Police Shooting Competition and won the first place individually. Participated in the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Special Police Pearl River Delta Long and Short Gun Shooting Competition and won the individual first place. Participated in the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau Pistol Combat Rapid Fire Competition and won the individual second place. Participated in the Jiangmen City Public Security Bureau Special Police Patrol Practical Training Shooting Competition and won the first place individually. In 2021, he went to Guangdong Police College to serve as a shooting instructor for one year; after 10 years as a police officer, he has grown into the subject leader of Jiangmen City Public Security Bureau Special Police Shooting Subjects. A large number of outstanding shooting talents have been trained for the Jiangmen City Public Security Bureau.

Yu Xiaohong, a member of the Communist Party of China, served in the Chinese People's Liberation Army and is currently the deputy squadron leader of the command center of the Pengjiang Public Security Bureau.

"I enlisted in the army in March 1990 and became a glorious Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy soldier, shouldering the sacred mission of protecting my homeland and the country. During my fifteen years of military career, my youth and blood spilled on the battlefield, and I will never forget my loyal mission. After being stationed in remote areas, Bases and garrisoned on difficult islands to safeguard peace and tranquility. After transferring from the army to join the people's police force, he always kept in mind his original intention, remained true to his true nature, stayed true to his duties, cared about the people, and protected the country on the occasion of the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. "Looking back at the transformation of the people's army from weak to strong, my heart is even more surging and exciting. No matter what position I am in, I always maintain the fine traditions and style of the army, forge ahead with the party in mind, love the people and create glory for the people," Yu Xiaohong said.

District Jinyuan, male, a member of the Communist Party of China, served in the Hubei Corps of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force for 5 years. During his time in the army, he showed his perseverance and loyalty and fearless spirit. He has undergone rigorous military training and developed excellent discipline and execution.

Today, Ou Jinyuan devotes himself to public security work and continues the fine style and quality of the army. In his public security position, he has always guarded the safety of one party with a high sense of responsibility and mission. Facing the complex and ever-changing public security situation, he moved forward courageously without flinching, constantly improving his professional capabilities, and quickly grew into the backbone of the Jianghai special police team.

Whether he is in the military or the public security system, Ou Jinyuan uses practical actions to interpret his loyalty and responsibility to the country and the people, and contributes his own strength to maintaining social stability and tranquility.

Wei Zhengyou, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, joined the Guangdong Border Defense Corps in December 2001. In January 2019, he was transferred from the border defense force to active service and became a people's policeman. He currently serves as the first officer of the Comprehensive Operations Center of the Xinhui Branch of the Jiangmen City Public Security Bureau. Senior sergeant, deputy squadron leader.

Since this year, Wei Zhengyou has focused on his own work, made solid progress, pioneered and innovated in the investigation and judgment of case incidents, and is committed to providing strong support for the work of the Public Security Center. He has successfully solved a number of major and important cases with significant impact, with outstanding achievements. It has made outstanding contributions to effectively combating illegal crimes and maintaining social stability. He has been awarded the third-level personal award 4 times and the personal commendation award 3 times.

Chen Jinchao, a member of the Communist Party of China, joined the army in December 1999 and served in the former Guangdong Provincial Public Security and Border Defense Corps. In September 2001, he studied at the Border Defense Department of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force Academy. After graduation in July 2004, he was assigned to work in the former Jiangmen City Public Security Border Defense Detachment. He served successively as officer, deputy director, deputy section chief, section chief, and director of the Legal Affairs Section, and held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Police. In 2019, after the restructuring of the former border defense force, he served as the director of the Legal Affairs Office of Taishan City Public Security Bureau.

Chen Jinchao was once a passionate soldier who always had responsibility on his shoulders and passion in his chest.Today, taking off the military uniform and putting on the police uniform, on the new battlefield, loyalty, faith and military spirit remain unchanged. In his legal position, Chen Jinchao serves as the "gatekeeper" of each case. In his view, only by strictly controlling evidence, procedures, and quality, and keeping an eye on the case, can the people feel the impact of the handling of each case. Fairness and justice.

From a soldier to a police officer, it is said to be a gorgeous transition, but for Chen Jinchao, this is not only a change of professional roles, but also awe of legal authority, infinite loyalty to the party, and a solemn commitment to the people. profound manifestation.

Wu Xiaosheng, male, 45 years old, a member of the Communist Party of China. He once served in a detachment of the Guangxi Armed Police Corps. He joined the public security work in 2003 and is currently the squadron leader of the Mobile Squadron of the Traffic Police Brigade of the Kaiping Municipal Public Security Bureau. In his 21 years as a police officer, he has been working as a special police patrol officer and has always insisted on serving the people with loyalty, responsibility and dedication.

html Over the past ten years, Wu Xiaosheng has not been afraid to properly handle more than 100 emergencies of various types and done more than 80 good things and practical things for the masses. Due to his outstanding work, he has been awarded the third-class personal merit twice and the personal commendation twice. He won the honorary titles of Kaiping City’s Overseas Chinese Hometown Construction Assaulter, Jiangmen City’s “Most Beautiful Retired Soldier” in 2021, and “Kaiping Good Person” in 2022.

Li Xiqiang, a member of the Communist Party of China, served in a group army of the Guangzhou Military Region for 13 years and 2 months. He is currently the deputy squadron leader of the Special Police Squadron of the Patrol Brigade of the Heshan Public Security Bureau.

Li Xiqiang once served as the sergeant of the strike team of Zhongshan Police Station, responsible for various strike tasks and handling public security cases with remarkable results. At the same time, as a part-time practical instructor of the Jiangmen Municipal Public Security Bureau, he fully plays the role of "helping and guiding" in various teaching tasks and continuously improves the police force's law enforcement standards and practical level.

No matter what job or position, Li Xiqiang always plays an exemplary role as a party member and a veteran, writing an eternal foundation with loyalty and dedication.

Luo Weihua, male, born in July 1992, a member of the Communist Party of China, joined the public security work in September 2017. He once served in a group army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Currently serving as a police officer in the Special Police Squadron of the Patrol Police Brigade of the Enping City Public Security Bureau.

Since joining the police, Comrade Luo Weihua has always been strict with himself. He is dedicated to his job, dares to work hard, constantly learns from the seniors, and strives to improve his professional capabilities. While working in the anti-theft professional team, he accumulated rich experience in handling and solving cases, and effectively cracked down on various illegal and criminal activities.

Written by: Nandu reporter Zeng Yujun Correspondent Jiang Gongxuan