From July 26 to 28, experts from Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital's "Yang Kunyun Model Worker Innovation Studio", led by provincial model worker Yang Kunyun, came to the designated prefecture-level tuberculosis hospital in western Hunan to carry out drug-resistant tuberculosis med

html From July 26 to 28, experts from Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital's "Yang Kunyun Model Worker Innovation Studio", led by provincial model worker Yang Kunyun, came to the designated prefecture-level tuberculosis hospital in western Hunan to carry out drug-resistant tuberculosis medical technical services, so as to provide grassroots People can enjoy the high-quality medical resources in the provincial capital without having to travel far. Yi Hengzhong, director and chief physician of the Drug Resistance Department of Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital, Wang Dan, director and chief nurse of the Nursing Department, Wen Xinmin, deputy chief physician of the Drug Resistance Department and other experts participated in this grassroots activity.

At Xiangxi Prefecture People's Hospital, a team of experts came to two wards of the Department of Infectious Diseases to check on four patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis, severe tuberculosis, and non-tuberculous mycobacterial lung disease to understand their conditions and conduct consultations on difficult cases. Provided guidance on diagnosis and treatment, and sent condolences, milk and schoolbags. During the period, the experts also reviewed nursing-related projects in the Department of Infectious Diseases.

After learning that a rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis patient was not going to undergo a follow-up examination after one month of treatment, but still did not want to continue treatment despite repeated phone calls, experts from the Model Worker Studio decided to supervise the patient. The experts braved the sweltering heat and drove 60 kilometers to the patient's home. They checked all the patient's medical records, treatment drugs, carefully read the patient's chest CT, and repeatedly explained to the patient the impact of drug-resistant tuberculosis on the patient, his family and the people around him. The dangers of infection, and the importance and necessity of adhering to regular treatment. When they learned that the patient wanted to give up treatment because he had drug-resistant tuberculosis for a long time and his family's financial conditions were poor, the experts reworked the treatment plan and gave the patient some free treatment drugs. The patient finally agreed to continue drug-resistant chemotherapy. Program treatment.

Medical staff and patients at the designated state-level tuberculosis hospitals in western Hunan expressed their gratitude to the experts from the "Yang Kunyun Model Worker Innovation Studio" who went to grassroots hospitals to teach medical skills. Especially for patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis, if the patient interrupts treatment, the county-level assessment will be affected. Experts from the "Yang Kunyun Model Worker Innovation Studio" solved a big problem for them.

"Yang Kunyun Model Worker Innovation Studio" has organized medical experts to go to primary medical institutions in various cities and states across the province for seven consecutive years to provide diagnosis and treatment guidance and technical training, promote the sinking and sharing of high-quality medical resources, and strive to continuously improve the level of tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in the province.

Correspondent Wen Xinmin