On July 27, Han Geng posted a set of travel photos on his personal social platform. He also happily posted: "Happy holidays." The first thing Han Geng posted was a handsome photo from his wife's perspective. In the photo, he was playing a game. When taking the photo, Han Gen

On July 27, Han Geng posted a set of travel photos on his personal social platform. He also happily posted: "Happy holidays."

The first thing Han Geng posted was a handsome photo from his wife’s perspective. In the photo, he was playing a game. When taking the photo, Han Geng didn’t look at the camera the whole time and was very focused on the game. Previously, Han Geng had gained significant weight for a period of time, which led to him being criticized for not managing his body properly. Judging from this photo, he is back to his former handsome appearance.

In the picture below, Han Geng, who is standing sideways, has really lost a lot of weight. His arms and legs are very slender, and his face is also very thin. Look at this excellent jawline. Who can look at it without saying "handsome" ".

Han Geng posted a beautiful photo of the scenery. The sky in this photo looks so beautiful. You can instantly feel Han Geng’s good mood for vacation.

It is worth mentioning that Han Geng also posted a recent photo of his daughter for the first time in a long time, which really surprised his fans. You know, Han Geng has only shown off his children a handful of times. This time he released recent photos of his daughter again, which is indeed full of surprises.

In the picture below, only half of the baby's body is exposed, and his face is not exposed. She was carrying a basket of fruits and stretched out her little hand to make a "5" sign. It was so cute.

In more than a month, Han Geng’s daughter will celebrate her second birthday. Xiao Nizi is raised very well by her parents. Although only one arm is exposed this time, her chubby appearance is still very eye-catching. The growth is quite gratifying. Moreover, the baby’s hand gestures for carrying the basket are so sophisticated. He probably follows his parents to the farm to experience picking vegetables, hahaha.

It is worth mentioning that this time Han Geng posted a handsome photo of his wife and a cute photo of his daughter, but his beloved wife Lu Jingshan did not appear in the photo. If Lu Jingshan also appeared on the scene, the whole family of three would be neat and tidy, and the picture would be even more perfect and warm.

The last time Han Geng showed off his daughter was on the birthday of his wife Lu Jingshan. Just after midnight on the same day, Han Geng rarely posted a warm photo of a family of three to celebrate Lu Jingshan's birthday. He also sweetly confessed to her, saying, "I feel love when I meet you on the road." "Happiness" simply takes the couple's love and sweetness to a new level.

In the photos exposed at that time, Han Geng, Lu Jingshan and the little cutie all had their backs to the camera. The couple each stretched out a hand to make a heartfelt pose, while the baby was sitting in front of his parents with his hands raised, looking up and looking really cute. .

Lu Jingshan and Han Geng have never exposed their daughter’s face, so the baby is almost two years old and has never shown her face seriously. I don’t know whether the baby follows the father more or the mother more.

Lu Jingshan generously showed off her daughter’s cuteness when she grew up. At that time, the mother and daughter were playing happily together on the farm. Lu Jingshan held her daughter for a while, and walked with her daughter for a while. Every frame was full of warmth.

Because she rarely posts photos of her baby, when she saw Lu Jingshan posting recent photos of her baby, everyone suddenly discovered that the little cutie is already over a year old and has learned to walk alone.

Although they rarely post pictures of their daughter, Han Geng and Lu Jingshan will show off their affection by taking photos together on special days, such as the couple's birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc., and they will show off their affection together in a high-profile manner.

Now that their daughters are almost two years old, Han Geng and Lu Jingshan are still as sweet and affectionate as when they were passionately in love. Such a relationship is really rare. I hope that the couple will continue to maintain this frequency of love and sweetness in the future. I also wish that the little cutie will continue to grow taller and healthier, and that the family of three will be happy.

picture comes from the Internet