After Naying won the singing title of "Singer", she was incoherent while holding the trophy. She stammered and thanked many people, and finally said that she really didn't expect to get "this". I guessed that her brain must have shut down at that moment, and she wanted to ex

After Na Ying won the title of "Singer", she was incoherent while holding the trophy.

She stammered and thanked many people, and finally said that she really didn't expect to get "this". I guess her brain must have shut down at that moment, and she wanted to express it decently, but she was too excited, so she just He was left crying, completely different from the arrogant image in movies and TV shows circulated on social media.

Social media still ridicules "the 50-year-old lady still defended the country", but when I watched Na Ying's competition and the final speech of the singer, I did not have the fun of making fun of it. Instead, I felt that Na Ying was so real.

It has been a long time since domestic entertainment has seen celebrities so excited about real scenes. Sure, we watch countless awards shows every year, but everyone already knows how they work. The celebrities who were able to attend the event sealed the victory early. Their award speeches on the stage were all delivered with grace and grace, and their image was extremely calm.

The last time someone was clearly "shocked" by a winner was Xie Yingxuan, the best drama actress at the 2022 Golden Bell Awards. In her acceptance speech, she described the winning play "Paradise on the Fourth Floor" as "The Development of a Common Girl" ”, and then realized the mistake and subconsciously swore.

At every moment like these, we will realize that celebrities are also ordinary people, and they will be shocked to the point of speaking without hesitation. I think these moments are their real moments.

Now, Na Ying, who was so shocked that she was incoherent on the stage of "Singer", has completed the last piece of the puzzle of her straightforward persona on social media.

Na Ying's social media image in the past two years is somewhat suspected of being "fried" by people who have nothing to do. I'm not talking about her personally, but the entire public opinion environment. Because we need real stars so much, and today’s stars are as decent as dummies, materials from past variety shows have been taken out again, studied repeatedly, and new “points” discovered.

So, Hai Qing said "you are my god" and Na Ying said "fucking fart".

Na Ying’s character of the silly elder sister is consistent. In her early years, teacher Gu Jianfen’s evaluation of her was that she was always seen and new. It's just that the "stage effect" displayed by Na Ying now is mostly because he can't speak, rather than being so so-called keep real that he doesn't care about anyone at all.

There is a classic video of her chatting with her juniors, where she stutters to the point of repeating "your mother" countless times. This is not because she really wants to find a joke, but the words came out first and her mouth failed to follow.

Variety shows want moments like this.

Later, Na Ying participated in many variety shows. In most of them, her performance was mediocre. A discerning audience can immediately tell that Na Ying is not a "variety show star" - she has no "variety show sense" and has her own values. She is conservative and can't say any wise words.

The variety shows that invite her bet on her being able to appear in moments where "your mouth is flying in front and your brain is chasing after you". This makes many young viewers have a complicated attitude towards Naying. On the one hand, they think her jokes are funny, but on the other hand, they find her embarrassing.

After "Singer" came out, the fifty-year-old Taishou Guomen became a hot search topic. Everyone was so enthusiastic about making fun of it that they almost put Na Ying on the fire. She is a singer and has been known for her strength for so many years. I believe she has her own persistence in participating in the show.

We don’t know Na Ying’s mentality at that time, but after winning the singing title in “Singer 2024”, she said that she had been a little tormented and wanted to escape, but later she discovered that this was not the purpose of being a musician. She also said that she never expected to be on this stage with young musicians and that she has been learning.

At that time, I suddenly discovered that although we were playing the joke about a fifty-year-old woman and although the audience was making fun of her, Na Ying was able to persist on this stage because of her love for music.

This sounds a bit hypocritical. After all, no one dares to talk about "love" now, no matter what she loves. Thinking of this, I suddenly understood why Na Ying cried.

Although she started out as a singer, what everyone wanted to discover from her in the past two years has never been the singer side, but the comedian and variety show star. She also appeared in variety shows, such as "Summer of the Band" and "Our Song". In these variety shows, she sang, but what people cared about was her speaking.

On the stage of "Singer 2024", she regained her identity, the only "singer" identity.

I checked her award record again, and she has not won any awards as a singer since 2013. What does this mean for Naying? Has she ever been confused about her position in the long-term ups and downs? We don't know.

But I guess part of her excitement on "Singer 2024" also comes from the fact that as a singer, she has once again been affirmed - and it was the most direct affirmation during the live broadcast. If people only live for a few moments, Na Ying must have felt his presence at this moment.

her presence as a singer.