I'm a little angry now when I see it. I was watching well before. The first is Na Ying’s canvassing-like speech during the game. Secondly, Shantimo failed to advance due to his wonderful performance, while Tan Weiwei successfully advanced. It's a bit uncomfortable. In fact, if Na

I feel a little angry now when I see it. I had been reading well before.

The first is Na Ying’s speech in a canvassing style during the game.

Secondly, Shantimo failed to advance due to her wonderful performance, while Tan Weiwei successfully advanced.

feels a little uncomfortable. In fact, if Na Ying didn’t have this confession, I might not feel so uncomfortable if he won. After all, the influence is there.

From my point of view, Shantimo should be promoted, and Na Ying should be promoted when four are promoted to one.

ps: I definitely need to talk more about this matter, but for now I still pay attention to the results of the finals.


Fanxia: "rip.love"

sang an original song, which is a bit strange. Logically speaking, it is the final moment of the finals to compete for the top singer, so you should not sing an original song.

At this time, Fanxia seems to be more likely to win the King of Songs if she chooses to sing a Chinese song.

No matter what, from the beginning of the show to now, Fanxia has always been the one with the most stable singing skills, without any mistakes.

The song is very nice, but since it is the finals, I think it is not a good thing to perform stably like this.

And the order of appearance of Vansia is too bad. I really hope that she can win the championship, but judging from the current performance, it seems unlikely.

Mainly because I am not in a good mood, so I just write casually.

In fact, it is best to give the King of Songs to Van Xia, who has the best overall results, and there will not be too many objections. If Naying wins the King of Songs, according to the current "Shanti Mo Elimination" entry, it will explode situation, public opinion will explode.

Na Ying's efforts this season were directly in vain.


Tan Weiwei.

is still a familiar style, a very familiar ethnic singing style, which is also the style that Tan Weiwei is best at.

However, this article will not talk about vocal music.

please give Tan Weiwei a few words. When she was promoted, she also said that she would be scolded if she advanced because she knew the gap between the singers in the first round.

So in fact, Tan Weiwei is not to blame, the responsibility still lies with the program team.

Tan Weiwei is indeed more suitable for solo singing. Her singing voice is really difficult for any singer to not be suppressed during chorus.

I saw the barrage talking about aesthetic fatigue. This is not necessary. Everyone has their own style, which is quite normal. After each singer sings more songs, he will tend to have his own unique style.

Tan Weiwei actually deserved to advance to the second round. In the first round, she was held back by her co-singer.

I also support Tan Weiwei to become the king of singers, he performed well!


Na Ying - "Free as a Dream"

Na Ying must withstand the pressure this round. If he performs poorly, he will be scolded even worse.

's singing part of the main song is not bad, but because Na Ying is used to jumping word by word when singing, it will give people the feeling of unsteady breath. In fact, it is not a big problem.

This song is also very suitable for her. It has no bass and no unstable bass.

The first chorus part has a lot of C-5s, and the difficulty is moderate. Naying is actually best at singing in this range. In terms of listening, it is much higher than her early performance in "Singer 2024". In the last chorus of

, the highest note reaches f5. In fact, Naying is really good at it.

But I still don’t want her to win the title of King of Songs. If she does so, she will be counterattacked.

Hey, that sister didn’t know what to think, so she had to read it in vain.

ps: Although the performance is good, from the perspective of singing skills alone, Na Ying's singing skills are far lower than those of Fan Xiya and Shanti Mo.


Sun Nan - "A Life of Drops of Water"

Sun Nan also sings original songs, which feels a bit pretentious and doesn't seem to want to compete for the top song.

Looking at it this way, it is estimated that Liu Huan was invited in the first round just to securely enter the final round of the finals and then reward himself with an original song.

Brother Nan actually played the guitar and sang his own original song on the stage. It was very sincere.

But I don’t think I have much expectations for this song. After all, Sun Nan is taking the vocal route.

sang the chorus very restrainedly. Sun Nan's originality is better than I thought. At least the song is not clichéd, and it doesn't feel like you know how to sing it as soon as you hear it.

ps: Those who say that Sun Nan should be eliminated in the first round should not be fooled. Sun Nan is competing against Tan Weiwei, not against anyone else.

I support Sun Nan’s upset victory!


The ultimate singer: Na Ying.

It wasn’t until Naying won the championship that I realized that it was normal for Shantimo to be eliminated.

Let’s imagine, Na Ying is the king of singers, how normal is it for Shantimo to lose to the king of singers! This is not a pity.

finals! Guard the country! Na Ying, so awesome!

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