China Youth Daily client news (China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Jiang Xiaobin) On July 25, the movie "Decryption" held its Beijing premiere. Original author Mai Jia, screenwriter and director Chen Sicheng, actors Liu Haoran, Chen Daoming, Yu Feihong, Ren Luyao, Chen Y

China Youth Daily client news (China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Jiang Xiaobin) On July 25, the movie " decrypted " held its Beijing premiere. Original author Mai Jia, screenwriter and director Chen Sicheng, actors Liu Haoran , Chen Daoming , Yu Feihong, Ren Luyao, Chen Yustrontium, Wang Yutian, Zhu Zhu and other main creators came to the scene to share the movie "Decryption" with the audience creation story. The

movie "Decryption" is adapted from the novel of the same name by the award-winning writer Mai Jia. It tells the story of Rong Jinzhen, who is gifted in mathematics but lonely and fragile, and devotes all her life to the cause of code-breaking. Mai Jia cherishes his first novel "Decryption" very much, saying, "Whether it is its characters, language, or structure, it is very novel and unique. I can see the appearance of all living beings in the world in this book."

In the movie "Decryption", the dialogue between Rong Jinzhen (played by Liu Haoran) and Zheng (played by Chen Daoming) was solemn and solemn. Picture provided by the film crew

In the movie "Decryption", Rong Jinzhen (played by Liu Haoran) solemnly bid farewell to her adoptive father Xiao Lili (played by Daniel Wu). Picture provided by the film crew

In the movie "Decryption", Rong Jinzhen (played by Liu Haoran) has a chess game showdown with her teacher Seaes (played by John Cusack). Photo provided by the film crew

The theme of "Everyone is a unique password, and this life is the process of deciphering" in the work also deeply moved screenwriter and director Chen Sicheng, and prompted him to create a film based on a literary work for the first time.

Whether it is abstract and profound numbers, passwords, or strange dreams that reflect Rong Jinzhen's subconscious, they can be left blank in the form of novels, but movies need to present these imaginative plots and elements to the audience intuitively through images. . In Mai Jia's view, how to express his dreams and how to express his soul in dreams are challenges that must be faced in the adaptation process of the movie "Decryption".

Han Zhong, the film's art director, also said that on the one hand, it is a very rational mathematical calculation, and on the other hand, it is a very emotional dream. How to present it is a big difficulty. But this also makes Chen Sicheng, who has been deeply involved in genre films before, very excited: "The ultimate genre has restricted my imagination, but "Decryption" has expanded some of the boundaries of my imagination."

Liu Haoran. Picture provided by the film crew

At the premiere, Liu Haoran said: "To play Rong Jinzhen this time, I first broke myself into pieces and then reshaped myself. Getting close to the character from the inside out is the only way to respect the work." Chen Daoming revealed that he In more than 50 years of filmmaking, his first "run out" was dedicated to "Decryption", and the film's premiere was also a "decryption" for him. Yu Feihong said: "The role of Ye Xiaoning this time is based on his own mother, and the candy given to Rong Jinzhen represents all the Rong family's love for him."

"Decryption" will be screened for a limited time on July 27th and 28th, and in August Released nationwide on the 3rd.

Source: China Youth Daily client