Click to follow and don’t get lost. The 2020 fantasy action film "Eternal Guard" produced by Netflix and starring Charlize Theron was loved by many fans after it was aired online. The film received 78 million viewers in the first four weeks of its release. Rate. Although the film

Click to follow and not get lost

The 2020 fantasy action film "Eternal Guard" produced by Netflix and starring Charlize Theron was loved by many fans after it was aired online. The film received 78 million views in the first four weeks of its release. Ratings. Although the film is called a masterpiece of political correctness by movie fans (after all, it is produced by Netflix), and the plot and lines are slightly mediocre (after all, it is produced by Netflix), Charlize Theron can be said to have single-handedly made the movie a masterpiece. The film restored a lot of reputation.

Charlize Theron also revealed that Netflix would shoot a sequel to the film a year after the film was released. Subsequent reports also showed that the filming of the sequel had ended in 2022, but it has not been released since. There is news about the sequel of the film. Recently, Charlize Theron revealed in an interview that "Eternal Life 2", which has been on hold for more than two years, will be remade and aired online.

The Queen also revealed the reason for the shelving of the film in the interview. She said that after the filming was completed, post-production only lasted five weeks and encountered changes in Netflix's senior management. The film was also forced to suspend post-production. Make. Later, they encountered strikes from the Writers Guild and the Screen Actors Guild, which ultimately led to the film "Eternal Guard 2" being shelved to this day.


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