We know that Chapter 128 of the latest animation issue of "Swallowing the Stars" has been updated this week. At the beginning of this chapter, Luo Feng has exhausted all methods in order to save the earth! In order to sow discord between the Ninth Princess and Nuo Lanshan, Luo Fe

We know that Chapter 128 of the latest animation of "Swallowing the Stars" has been updated this week. Starting from , Luo Feng has exhausted all methods to save the earth!

Even in order to sow discord between the Ninth Princess and Nuo Lanshan, Luo Feng directly announced that there was a mechanical spacecraft on the earth.

The Ninth Emperor's Girl has a top-notch figure. She is really great, but her brain is not enough.

Although Babata and the others do not recommend Luo Feng to do this, but in order to save the earth, Luo Feng has no choice. He must delay the negotiation to the universe. The peak genius battle has just begun!

Although the Ninth Emperor's daughter knew that this was Luo Feng's measure to split the relationship between him and Nuolan Shan, she didn't care about it. After all, the mechanical race spacecraft was too attractive to her!

And Luo Feng and the others took advantage of this and began to do some publicity to prevent the Nine Emperor Girls from attacking the earth in a short time. This finally bought Luo Feng enough time, because the battle between the pinnacle geniuses of the universe Registration has finally started!

It was only then that the Ninth Emperor's Girl realized that she had been tricked by Luo Feng and the others. But the Ninth Emperor's Girl didn't think that the three of them, Luo Feng, would be able to perform astonishingly in the next battle between the peak geniuses of the universe!

As for Luo Feng, the cultivation of the Divine Derivative Weapon is still at the first step. From this point of view, the Divine Derivative Weapon is indeed not that easy to cultivate. Although it is a bit reluctant, should not be a big problem in coping with the first stage of selection!

This time, the number of participants in the peak genius battle of the universe is in the hundreds of millions, and the rewards for the winners are naturally very rich. Not only are there rewards of universe coins, but the most important thing is the opportunity to enter the initial universe. , this is very rare!

On the Ninth Emperor's side, they are dismissive of Luo Feng's calculations. is preparing to crush Luo Feng's dreams in the next selection competition!

Luo Feng is very confident about the next selection competition. Although it is said that there are only 1,000 promotion places in the Qianwu Universe in the first stage, Luo Feng believes that he must have a place among them!

After all, when it comes to the selection competition, the only thing that can really compete is their own strength. As for background, it is no longer important. Luo Feng is not afraid of competing for strength!