The top-up in 24 hours exceeds 20 million yuan, and the popular screenwriter earns 100,000 yuan a month... In the past year, micro-short dramas have become a myth of wealth creation. For those who love creation, "writing micro-short dramas" seems to be a new opportunity. . July 1

's 24-hour recharge exceeds 20 million yuan, and the popular screenwriter earns 100,000 yuan a month... In the past year, micro-short dramas have become a myth of wealth creation. For those who love creation, "writing micro-short dramas" seems to be a new opportunity .

html July 16, guided by Chengdu Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Chengdu Media Industry Group, hosted by Chengdu Media Culture Investment Co., Ltd., and hosted by Chengdu Tianfu Film Co., Ltd., Chengdu Yixiang Network Technology Co., Ltd., and Chengdu Cultural Property Rights Exchange , the "Chengdu Imaging Project - 'Eastern Suburbs Memory' Original (Micro-Short Drama) Script Competition" co-organized by the Chengdu Writers Association and Chengdu Oriental Zhenghuo Culture Media Co., Ltd. was officially launched.

This competition has multiple awards, with a maximum cash reward of 30,000 yuan. Excellent candidates will have more opportunities to join the "circle of friends" in literature, film and television, sign contracts with well-known film and television companies, and get opportunities to film scripts, etc.

Sichuan awards awards for micro-short drama scripts for the first time

The hottest film and television phenomenon in recent years is none other than micro-short dramas. The "2023-2024 China Micro-Short Drama Market Research Report" released by iiMedia Consulting shows that the size of my country's micro-short drama market in 2023 will be 37.39 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 267.65%. The "China Online Audiovisual Development Research Report (2024)" shows that 39.9% of users frequently watch micro-short dramas, and 31.9% of users have paid for the content of micro-short dramas.

Micro-short dramas are developing rapidly, and major cities have also introduced various policies to support and guide them.

In this context, the "Chengdu Imaging Project-'Eastern Suburbs Memory' Original (Micro-Short Drama) Script Competition" came into being. It is reported that this is the first time that Sichuan has launched a script competition for micro-short plays. The theme of the competition "Chengdu Picture Project" originated from the state-owned Red Light Electronic Tube Factory, the predecessor of Dongjiao Memory, where China's first black and white picture tube, the first projection picture tube and the first color picture tube were born.

The story of a short play starts from the script and is seen by people through filming, performance and distribution. The script that is the origin of a drama is like the "picture tube" of the past. This is also the original intention of naming the "Chengdu Imaging Project".

Four highlights: Let good scripts be seen

It is reported that the collection period for this script competition is from July 16th to August 24th, and will collect new or existing micro-short play scripts from all over the Internet. According to the organizer, there are no restrictions on participants in this script competition. Anyone who is interested in creating micro-short plays is welcome to co-create, build and share. The theme of the script takes "Chengdu" elements as the core and "Eastern Suburbs Memory" elements as the highlights, and revolves around urban development, cultural inheritance, innovation dreams and other contents. It can not only write about the memory feelings, industrial heritage, innovation and brilliance of Eastern Suburbs Memory The story of rebirth can also show the unique charm of this "park city under the snow-capped mountains, happy Chengdu in the fireworks".

As the first micro-short play script competition launched in Sichuan, this competition has four major highlights:

ranks first, with numerous awards and generous bonuses. Through internal preliminary review, online voting, expert review and other links, the gold, silver, bronze awards, public favorite award and finalist award will be selected fairly and openly. Among them, the gold award will receive a cash reward of up to 30,000 yuan;

is the second winner. Have the opportunity to be recommended to join the industry association;

Third, the winning author/work will have the opportunity to sign a contract with Media Cultural Investment and Tianfu Pictures for script incubation. In addition, for scripts that are successfully adapted and released, the creators will also have the opportunity to enjoy copyright fees , adaptation licensing fees and short play box office revenue sharing, etc.

Fourth, September 29 this year is the 13th anniversary of the opening of the "Eastern Suburb Memory" park. The final award ceremony will be combined with the 13th anniversary of the Eastern Suburb Memory, allowing the Eastern Suburb Memory to witness the birth of excellent scripts, and let the outstanding The script spreads the creative transformation and innovative development of the memory of the eastern suburbs.

Integration of culture and tourism Follow the micro-short play to visit the eastern suburbs and remember

Follow "The World" to visit Changchun, "Where the Wind Goes" made Yunnan tourism popular, "Flowers" made the audience remember the Yellow River Road and pork ribs rice cakes, "I "Altay" has increased tourism search popularity in the Altay region by more than five times... The development model of "film and television drama + cultural tourism" has attracted more and more attention from the industry, and has gradually built a new pattern of urban marketing.

Micro-short plays that are "tiny but not weak, short but not shallow" have become an important carrier to show the city's style and tell local stories. According to the organizer, the current cultural and tourism communication has shifted from being "centered on attractions" in the past to "centered on people and events". Good content represented by excellent short dramas is not only the added value of tourism, but also an integral part of tourism products. One of the core competitiveness. The "micro-short drama + cultural tourism" model not only broadens the growth space for local cultural tourism, but also creates a platform for the future of the micro-short drama industry to showcase creativity and technical strength.

Memory of the Eastern Suburbs, this old factory area that carries the industrial memory of Chengdu has been transformed into a comprehensive park integrating music, culture, fashion, art, and tourism, and has become a must-visit place for tourists from all over the world to visit Chengdu. The holding of the competition will undoubtedly inject new vitality into the cultural connotation of Eastern Suburbs Memory. At that time, the contestants will create scripts based on the "past and present life" of "Eastern Suburbs Memory", which will also allow this former industrial factory to shine with a new cultural light and discover miracles in the ruins.

It is necessary to deeply explore the cultural connotation of the city and stimulate consumption vitality with cultural creativity. According to the organizer, it is hoped that through this event, on the one hand, more innovative screenwriting talents will be discovered and cultivated, and a batch of influential micro-short plays will be incubated and created; on the other hand, these micro-short plays that carry the memory of the city will be created It will become a window to show the memory of the eastern suburbs and the cultural customs of Chengdu, further build Chengdu’s film and television brand, and help build a world-famous cultural city.

Participation Guide

This script competition is open to everyone, with no nationality or age restrictions. Interested contestants can register and submit their works through the WeChat mini program "Eastern Suburbs Memory Script Contest" from July 25 to August 24, 2020. Email submissions will not be accepted.

The script text submitted by the contestant must have a complete plot, clear context, and reasonable expression. The specifications require no less than 5 episodes if it is 6-10 minutes/episode; no less than 10 episodes if it is 3-5 minutes/episode; 1-2 minutes/ The collection must be no less than 30 episodes, and a synopsis of the story must be submitted at the same time.

Each contestant can submit one or more works. The works should be in a complete state and cannot be modified or replaced after submission. At the time of submission, the work classification should be original and the genre should be screenplay. At the same time, the script text submitted must comply with the theme and content required by the competition and must not violate relevant national laws and regulations.

can submit new or old manuscripts, but the entries must not have been published in public publications or official media, and must not have signed contracts with other institutions or platforms to ensure that contestants have full copyright rights. Personal self-media is not subject to this restriction, but if the work is shortlisted, the corresponding content must be deleted.

It is reported that the total number of shortlisted works in this script competition is 40. All shortlisted works are required to sign an exclusive/non-exclusive agency licensing agreement with the organizer and the third party designated by the organizer. The organizer and the third party designated by the organizer have full authority to represent the copyright of the work, film and television game adaptation rights and other copyright operation matters. May not be published elsewhere without permission. After the shortlisted works are announced, all non-shortlisted works can be used by the authors themselves.

Contest-related questions hotline: Teacher He, 18510405542, consultation email:

Red Star News reporter Qiu Junfeng editor Zeng Qi