The Hong Kong Jockey Club ("Jockey Club") announced today (July 13) that it has sponsored the "New Productivity Hong Kong Youth Study Group 2024" organized by China Travel Service Group (China Travel Service Hong Kong) and co-organized by the Scout Association of Hong Kong. It pr

The Hong Kong Jockey Club ("Jockey Club") announced today (July 13) that it will sponsor the "New Productivity Hong Kong Youth Study Group 2024" organized by China Travel Service Group (CTS Hong Kong) and co-organized by the Scout Association of Hong Kong. It provides local students with a rare opportunity to go to major cities in the Mainland to experience and understand "new productive forces" first-hand, understand the country's development prospects and opportunities, and engage in cultural exchange activities with Mainland youths.

The launching ceremony of the "New Quality Productivity Hong Kong Youth Study Group 2024" was held today. Hong Kong Jockey Club Chief Executive Ying Jiabao, together with Hong Kong China Travel Service Group Chairman Wang Haimin and Director Shi Shanbo, Acting Director of the Civil Affairs and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government Liang Hongzheng, and Deputy Director of the Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Wan Ning , Dr. Lai Wai-sheng, Hong Kong Director of the Scout Association of Hong Kong, and a host of guests kicked off the eight-day mainland study tour that will depart next month.

More than 100 participants, including Scout members aged 14 to 18, and more than 10 Scout leaders, will visit Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou from August 3 to 10 to visit aerospace technology, aircraft engineering, innovation and green energy companies to learn about the country’s latest progress in innovative technology; visit the Palace Museum in Beijing and Liangzhu Museum in Hangzhou to experience the country’s rich history and culture; and have the opportunity to communicate with students from local universities. The Jockey Club sponsored the accommodation, meals, transportation and training expenses for all participants of this study tour.

The Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is the guiding unit of this study group. Participants participated in multiple trainings before departure and attended sharing sessions by expert speakers to gain a deeper understanding of the goals and content of the study group.

Shi Shanbo, director of China Travel Service Group in Hong Kong, said that the study group can help young people understand the development trends of the country and the world, and enhance mutual understanding and friendship between young people in the two places. "New productivity is an inherent requirement and important focus to promote high-quality development. We hope that Through this new quality productivity study project, Hong Kong youth will be provided with a valuable opportunity to have an in-depth understanding of the motherland, experience technological innovation, and cultivate global vision and innovative thinking."

Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Ying Jiabai

Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Ying. Jia Bai said that youth development is an area that the Jockey Club attaches great importance to. "The Jockey Club believes that young people in Hong Kong should deepen their understanding of the country's history and process to enhance their sense of belonging. The study group provides a rare opportunity for our future masters to equip themselves and broaden their horizons." vision, seize opportunities in technology-first development and become a global citizen."

Acting Secretary for Home Affairs and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Leung Wang-ching, thanked various organizations for co-organizing this study tour, "New-quality productivity represents advanced, creative and innovative ideas. Innovation, and youth symbolizes vitality, youth and vitality. Young people are willing to learn new things and have the courage to accept new challenges. They are an important force in promoting new quality productivity."

Dr. Lai Wai-sheng, Director of the Hong Kong Scout Association, thanked the Jockey Club for its support. The planning of China Travel Service Group of Hong Kong allows Scouts to experience the latest developments in the Mainland first-hand. "This study tour, with the theme of new productivity, provides Scout members with opportunities to understand the mainland's innovation and technology field and promote exchanges between young people from the two places, deepening Hong Kong youth have an understanding of the resilience and internal logic of China's economic development; enhance the overall perspective of national development and further promote the cultivation and development of new productive talents"

Hong Kong Jockey Club

The Hong Kong Jockey Club ("Jockey Club") was established in 1884. , a world-class horse racing organization dedicated to building a better society. Through its unique integrated operating model that combines racing and racecourse entertainment, membership clubs, responsible sports betting and lotteries, as well as charity and community contributions, the Club creates economic and social value and assists the Hong Kong SAR Government in combating illegal gambling. In 2022/23, the Jockey Club will contribute a total of HK$35.9 billion to society, including HK$28.6 billion to the Hong Kong SAR government through gaming tax, profits tax and lottery fund allocations, and approved charitable donations of HK$7.3 billion.The Jockey Club is Hong Kong's well-known single tax institution and one of Hong Kong's major employers. Its charitable trusts rank among the top ten charitable donors in the world. Please visit