The TV series "Sauvignon Blanc 2" starring Yang Zi, Deng Wei, Zhang Wanyi, Tan Jianci, etc. has finally made its premiere. The first four episodes have been aired. It can be said that the rhythm is similar to the first season. The original cast members have returned, and Fu Huada

The TV series " Sauvignon Blanc 2" starring Yang Zi, Deng Wei, Zhang Wanyi, Tan Jianci and others has finally made its premiere. The first four episodes have been aired. It can be said that the rhythm is similar to the first season. The original cast has returned, The way of persuasion is also consistent, which can be said to be very exciting. As soon as this drama started, there were three plots that had the greatest impact. One of them was naturally that Xuanxuan was going to move the capital. Originally, the capital of Xiyan was no longer in the Central Plains, but now it had to move the capital. The impact was huge. Fortunately, Xuanxuan was able to move the capital through marriage and other means. , successfully solved the trouble, and forced his two uncles to actively withdraw from the fight for the throne.

As for the second thing, of course Xuanxuan is the queen. There are not many candidates who can be Queen Xuanxuan. Apart from Anian, she is Chenrong Xinyue, and behind Chenrong Xinyue are the Chenrong family and the Chishui family, and even more Represents the interests of the entire Central Plains family. As for A-Nian, he represents Haoling. In the end, the old Xiyan King reminded Xuanxuan that once he chooses A-Nian, he will be considered to be burning bridges, and all the Central Plains families will oppose him. , in the end Xuanxuan had to compromise and had no choice but to marry Chenrong Xinyue.

In fact, before the canonization of the queen, Xuanxuan once replied to Xiaoyao in front of Tai Zun that he hoped to canonize her as the queen, but later he suddenly changed to asking her opinion. Xuanxuan's move was indeed very bold, and It was obvious that his grandfather Taizun also saw that this person liked Xiaoyao, but unfortunately as the King of Xiyan, he did not have the right to choose his own queen. He had to choose based on interests, which was unexpected. In the end, Xuanxuan had no choice but to choose Chenrong Xinyue as the queen. Whether it was a long-established family in Xiyan or a family in the Central Plains, they were very happy.

As for the third thing, the marriage between Xiaoyao and Chishui Fenglong was naturally put on the agenda. Chishui Fenglong took the initiative to ask about it, and Xiaoyao agreed to marry Chishui under his "sweet words". Fenglong, on the one hand, it was for the good of her brother, on the other hand, she also had a grudge in her heart because of Tu Shanjing and Fangfeng Yiying, so she thought of finding a suitable person to marry, but Xiaoyao didn't She doesn't like Chishui Fenglong, and in fact, before that, besides Tu Shanjing, Xiaoyao's second choice was Xiang Liu.

Xiaoyao fell in love with Tu Shanjing, and then she met Fang Feng Bei, who had changed with Xiang Liu. When Fang Feng Bei asked him who she liked, she did not give a clear answer, but she asked Xiang Liu and asked him what he thought she should be. There are actually some expectations in the eyes of whom to marry. Many people think that after Xiaoyao was hurt by Tu Shanjing at this time, she might have fallen in love with Xiang Liu, and the person she wanted to marry was Xiang Liu, but Unfortunately, Xiang Liu rejected her. Xiang Liu said, "Ask me, who should I ask?" After that, Xiao Yao was very disappointed and said that she was not the same person after all.

Many people feel sorry for Xiang Liu, because Xiang Liu actually likes Xiao Yao. There is no doubt about this, but did Xiang Liu really reject Xiao Yao on purpose? Of course not, the reason is very simple, because Xiaoyao actually rejected Xiang Liu first, which led to Xiang Liu rejecting Xiao Yao. Xiang Liu once said to Li Rongchang's uncle, "She once said that I am not a person who can dream." "Xiang Liu knows Xiaoyao's sincerity and understands that Xiaoyao loves Tu Shanjing. I'm afraid even she herself doesn't know this, so she uses her own marriage to test it, but she gets a disappointed answer from Xiang Liu .

Xiao Yao didn’t know that she actually rejected Xiang Liu first, so Xiang Liu would reject her. If she gave Xiang Liu a chance, Xiang Liu would probably take Xiao Yao away on impulse, and her ending would be very likely. Therefore, she completely changed. As long as she didn't marry Chishui Fenglong, she wouldn't be so miserable later on, at least it wouldn't be like that. It's a pity that Xiaoyao herself rejected Xiang Liu at all, but she extravagantly expected Xiang Liu to show up when she needed love the most. It was time to give her hope. Obviously, Xiang Liu could not be blamed for shrinking at this time. After all, even if he was one of the most powerful beings in the wilderness, he did not have emotional confidence.

However, later on, Xiang Liu and Tu Shanjing made a deal, and then appeared to snatch the bride on the wedding day. Xiao Yao did not leave with him immediately happily, but he made her promise to return the poison to her previous lover, so she left with Xiang Liu. Yes, it can be seen that Xiang Liu made a wise choice by rejecting Xiao Yao.