I believe everyone in the basketball circle has heard the news today, that is, the CBA’s off-season player transfer has finally revealed its first major deal. The reason is that the Beijing Enterprises Men’s Basketball Team took advantage of the Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team’s o

I believe everyone in the basketball circle has heard the news today, that is, the CBA’s off-season player transfer has finally revealed its first major deal. The reason is that the Beijing Enterprises Men’s Basketball Team took advantage of the Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team’s desire to rebuild the team. Opportunity, you took a big gamble and signed the top insider Shen Zijie, one of the top domestic CBA centers, and the big foreign aid mvp Sullinger, right? In fact, in the off-season, every team adjusts its personnel arrangements and tactics in order to usher in the impact of the new season. Especially for the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team, which was re-led by Min Lulei. They have achieved very good results last season, but it is obvious that they are not satisfied with the results of last season, so they have invested heavily this season. After winning these two big insiders, they also completely demonstrated the strength of the lineup that wants to hit the key points.

So judging from the current paper strength, the strength of the Beijing Enterprises Men's Basketball Team next season will definitely skyrocket to a higher level. At least their insiders are definitely something other teams don't want to encounter! And they also hope to become one of the favorite teams to win the championship next season, but there are good and bad. It is only very bad news for the player of Beijing Enterprises Men's Basketball Team - Chen Guohao, because he is likely to be squeezed out. With the current lineup, after all, whether it is from the 4th position or the 5th position, Chen Guohao does not have absolute dominance, and has enough tactical status for Director Min to greatly recognize him. In the future, he may be able to join the Guangdong Men’s Men. Maybe the basket.

The reason why Shen Zijie said this is because his technical ability is very strong, and he was once hailed as an inside player who has the potential to stand alongside Zhou Qi, Hu Jinqiu, etc. It's a pity that due to his personality and personal reasons, he was unable to compete with Zhou Qi and others. But judging from the strength of today's CBA, Shen Zijie is still one of the best players inside; and Salinger, needless to say, is a foreign player who can be named MVP. In addition, the reason why the Shenzhen Men's Basketball Team was able to break through last season is In fact, entering the quarterfinals may be more due to the deterrent power brought by the two top insiders, Shen Zijie and Salinger, but the two of them going to Beijing Control will definitely make the insiders of the Beijing Control Men's Basketball Team more crowded.

This will only make the position that the young insider Chen Guohao earned through hard work last season even more embarrassing. After all, his shooting has never been favored by the outside world, and due to his physical talent, he is not qualified for the No. 5 position. What is even more embarrassing is that in the eyes of the fans last season, Min Lulei's guidance always made him compete with Meng Zikai. Players compete for opportunities to play, and Coach Min will reuse whichever player is in good condition! And Meng Zikai is already a space-oriented fourth position, so Chen Guohao can't even compete with Meng Zikai for a favorable position, let alone compete with more powerful players such as Wang Shaojie and Zou Yuchen.

After all, Zou Yuchen was very prosperous back then. If it weren't for injuries, he would never have declined! But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the outside world is very skeptical about whether Chen Guohao's potential can gain a foothold in the CBA? Although Chen Guohao slapped everyone in the face last season, there is no doubt that in today's tactical system guided by Min, Chen Guohao does not appear to be that important and is not an indispensable superstar player. As for the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team, Chen Guohao is very suitable for the Guangdong Hongyuan system, especially since Guohao himself was "born out" of Guangdong University of Technology. The systems between the two can be said to be of the same origin! Today's Guangdong Hongyuan officially lacks a wild inside member like Chen Guohao. More importantly, Guangdong Hongyuan's run-and-gun tactics require a physical monster like Chen Guohao, so it is very likely that Guangdong Hongyuan will pay a certain price. Next, maybe we can get Chen Guohao.