TV dramas with judicial themes are very interesting to watch but difficult to film. What’s good is that the drama truly shows how judicial officers work hard to uphold justice and make fair decisions, allowing ordinary people to learn more about judicial common sense through

A TV series with a judicial theme, which is very interesting to watch but difficult to film.

What’s interesting is that the drama truly shows how judicial officers work hard to uphold justice and make fair decisions, allowing ordinary people to learn more about judicial common sense through TV dramas;

At the same time, this is also the reason why TV dramas with judicial themes are difficult to film. The case, every detail, and every judgment must be written based on existing legal facts and must not be arbitrarily made up by the screenwriter.

Therefore, whenever a new TV series with legal themes appears, the audience will respond with enthusiastic expectations and learn about various strange events that occur in real life through the plot.

" Execution Judge " was officially announced to be broadcast on Yangba, starring Luo Jin and Yang Zishan . The audience's expectations were raised to the highest level.

However, after watching a few episodes, the audience’s reviews began to be mixed.

When Luo Jin appeared on the stage, he was full of a sense of justice, but he was held back by Yang Zishan's plastic surgery.

Judicial dramas

Judicial dramas have always pursued only the three core values ​​of "fairness, justice and openness", especially "Executive Judge", a film and television drama in which the main task of law enforcement officers is to implement the judicial judgment to the end after a judicial decision.

Difficulty in enforcement is the most important problem faced by enforcement judges!

So this drama starts with 16 cases including "Divorce House Vacation Case", "Shared Bicycle Deposit Case", "Nude Loan Case of College Students" and "Ten Thousand Ton Grain Execution Case", and details the daily work details and processes of the executioners. , spread out in front of the audience without reservation.

The male protagonist Qi Lin, played by Luo Jin, was accidentally transferred to the Enforcement Bureau due to resolving personnel conflicts among colleagues. He changed from an outstanding criminal court judge of Qinggang People's Court to an executive officer of the Enforcement Bureau.

However, Qi Lin had not yet formally reported to the Executive Bureau. Because of his family relationship, Qi Lin was involved in the execution case and became a person in the bureau.

So at first, Qi Lin was very resistant to becoming an "executive officer". He even felt that the executive judge had to do things like mother-in-law and mother-in-law every day, which was really inconsistent with his image as a big man. .

So, when he officially joined the Executive Bureau, the first hurdle he encountered was falling in love with his boss, Chu Yun, the president of the Second Executive Court.

Chu Yun, played by Yang Zishan, is a decisive, quick-thinking and selfless law enforcement worker. The impartial handling of every case is her most important task as the president of the execution court.

Therefore, facing her new subordinate Qi Lin, she resisted the job of an executive from the bottom of her heart and was too emotional in her work. She had a certain prejudice against him from the beginning and asked him to act according to her own rules.

But Qi Lin is not a person who obeys orders and is good at pleasing the leader. Even if Chu Yun repeatedly asks him to follow his own rules, he still will not lower his attitude, which triggers a bigger conflict between him and Chu Yun. conflicts and disagreements.

In the end, only by continuous running-in and tolerance through work and case execution, can the two find a point of convergence with each other, and step by step go further and further towards the path of pursuing truth and justice.

The male protagonist Luo Jin

Luo Jin has created countless righteous images for the audience since his debut. Especially in recent years, as he grows older, Luo Jin has become more and more aware of his market positioning and no longer revolves around costume dramas and idol dramas. Instead of spinning around, they seamlessly switch between justice images such as lawyers, investigation chiefs, poverty alleviation cadres, and doctors aiding Africa.

Every time Luo Jin changes his identity in the play, his persistence and love for acting can be seen, and at the same time, he conveys the truest justice and simplicity deep in Luo Jin's heart.

Just like this time, the executive Qi Lin he played in "Executive Judge" has a simple and simple appearance that hides a high degree of pursuit and awe of justice.

and his leader Chu Yun went from being dissatisfied with each other to having a perfect rapport, all thanks to Luo Jin's in-depth understanding and vivid interpretation of the role.

went from resisting execution work at the beginning to falling in love with this position step by step. Every time he grows and transforms, the audience can feel the flesh-and-blood side of a law enforcement officer.

hopes that Luo Jin can continue to maintain this original intention and love and continue to advance on the drama track.

The heroine Yang Zishan

When Yang Zishan debuted, she was nicknamed the "Fresh Goddess" by the audience, because not only did she look fresh and refined, she was also famous in the industry for not competing for anything, and only treating filming as a job.

Therefore, every time she appears in a film or television drama, the audience can't help but watch it.

I just didn’t expect that after so many years, Yang Zishan has turned from a “fresh goddess” to a “faced heroine” step by step. In the new drama “Executive Judge”, Yang Zishan’s “face” can be seen as soon as she appears. Traces of excess.

Yang Zishan in front of the camera has lost her former sense of aura. Her forehead, cheeks, and nose are all traces of movement, and her muscles are unreal to the naked eye. Especially if her expressions and movements are slightly exaggerated, her muscles will become even more unstretched. .

Moreover, in this drama, Yang Zishan’s performance was criticized by the entire Internet for being too hard.

Although she is the president of the executive tribunal with a background, it does not mean that she can walk sideways in the executive bureau.

When I met Qi Lin's aunt Qi Runyu, she had a coercive attitude, and she and Qi Runyu exchanged rude words. I don't know, I thought she came to the door specifically to find someone to fight with.

When Qi Lin learned that his aunt had been arrested, he wanted to visit him immediately, so he went to the dean to intercede with Chu Yun. As a result, as soon as the dean called, Chu Yun said, "I won't show mercy to anyone." "The dean was so speechless that he couldn't speak any more.

When talking to colleagues and leaders, she always looks fierce and drags her as if she is twenty-eight thousand. Colleagues and leaders have to take a detour when they see her, not to mention how much better the attitude of the person being executed towards her can be. ? !

When she was in the same scene with the veteran drama star Sarina, Yang Zishan had no other expressions except anger, staring, and pouting. Sarina easily defeated her with just one action and expression.

If Yang Zishan's father was not the deputy mayor in the play, a court president like her would have been kicked out long ago. Who could tolerate her bad temper!

In 2017, the movie "In the Name of the People" set off a wave of ratings for judicial dramas in the film and television industry.

In 2022, Jin Dong, Bai Jingting , Cai Wenjing and other actors will bring "bottomline" that is both down-to-earth and full of a sense of justice, once again triggering heated discussions about judicial dramas.

This year, "Executive Judge" starring Luo Jin tells an interesting execution story with social demonstration value. If Yang Zishan's plastic surgery had not been a hindrance, it might have achieved higher ratings.

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