Jimu News Reporter Li Wanrong Correspondent Wang Junfang Over the past 20 years, China's lunar exploration project has set new records for lunar exploration time and again, demonstrating the extraordinary wisdom and extraordinary creativity of Chinese astronauts. Among them, Chin

Jimu News reporter Li Wanrong

Correspondent Wang Junfang

Twenty years of ups and downs, spring and autumn, China's lunar exploration project has set new records for lunar exploration time and time again, vividly demonstrating the extraordinary wisdom and extraordinary creativity of Chinese astronauts . Among them, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) has contributed its unique earth-based wisdom and exquisite earth-based plans to China's aerospace industry in many fields such as lunar exploration projects and simulated lunar soil development.

On this important occasion of the 20th anniversary of the lunar exploration project, the School of Art and Media of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), the Institute of Planetary Science of the School of Earth Sciences and the Party Committee Propaganda Department worked together to sing an original song "Moon Exploration" to all I would like to express my highest respect to the aerospace scientists who are brave, fearless and persistent in exploration.

(Source: Jimu News)