After half a month, the animation of Fighting Against the Sky has officially returned to air. The wait has not been in vain for such a long time, and the picture quality and fighting feel have been greatly improved. At the same time, the plot has also been adapted to a certain ex

After half a month, the Battle Through the Sky anime has officially returned to air. The wait has not been in vain for so long, and the picture quality and fighting feel have been greatly improved. At the same time, the plot has also been adapted to a certain extent. Xiao Yan robbed the Sifang Pavilion genius of the opportunity, and at the same time cured the fire poison of the Jinshi clan leader. The ancient clan intelligence was exposed for the first time. Let us take a closer look.

Xiao Yan’s opportunity to seize Sifang Pavilion’s genius

In the original work, after Xiao Yan entered the Tianshan Blood Pool, he went straight to the bottom of the pool, found the space barrier opened by the Gold-Eating Rat Clan, and then practiced hard in it. The geniuses of Sifang Pavilion, namely Feng Qing'er, Mu Qingluan, Wang Chen, Tang Ying and others, are practicing in the middle and upper part of the blood pool. It can be said that neither of the two parties bothered the other, and both were absorbing the energy of the Tianshan Blood Pool until whoever could bear it no longer could leave.

But it is different in the animation. It was directly adapted into the battle for the Tianshan Blood Pool. At first, the geniuses of Sifang Pavilion fought with each other to grab the golden energy crystal, so that even Nalan Yanran couldn't grab it. Feng Qing'er and Mu Qingluan fought fiercely because they didn't want the other party to absorb the energy crystals. Although Xiao Yan did not participate in the fight between the Sifang Pavilion geniuses, he sneaked into the bottom, entered the barrier, and saw a large number of energy crystals. However, Xiao Yan absorbed it too quickly. He not only absorbed the energy crystals in the barrier, but also absorbed the energy crystals from outside. This also made it impossible for the Sifang Pavilion geniuses to absorb it.

Feng Qing'er, Mu Qingluan and the others wanted to go deep into the bottom and settle accounts with Xiao Yan, but were repelled by the fire poison and were forced to withdraw from the Tianshan Blood Pool. This became an opportunity for Xiao Yan to directly rob the Sifang Pavilion geniuses and The energy of the entire Tianshan Blood Pool was monopolized, and Feng Qing'er, Mu Qingluan and the others were busy in vain. The plot is adapted in this way, which is in line with the law of the jungle. After all, facing the Tianshan Blood Pool, stumbling each other is more realistic than absorbing it without incident.

Healing the clan leader Jinshi

From the animation, we can see that Xiao Yan successfully broke through the Douzong. After meeting Yao Lao, he began to fulfill his promise and helped Jinshi, the clan leader of the gold-eating rat clan, to heal. The animation has made a certain deletion of the treatment process. It is not as delicate as the original work. Just let the Jinshi clan chief soak in the medicinal bath. Although the scene of Xiao Yan using strange fire to remove the fire poison is missing, it is not bad to handle it this way and save a lot of effort. After all, the treatment process can be simply skipped and it is not a scene worth portraying.

Ancient clan information was exposed for the first time

Because Xiao Yan cured the Jinshi clan leader, the Gold-eating Rat clan regarded him as a lifelong good friend. You must know that the Gold-devouring Rat clan has the title of Bai Xiaosheng among the Warcraft clan, and their intelligence network is very extensive. After Xiao Yan reached the Douzong level, he finally had the confidence to inquire about Xiao Xun'er's family information. This was Xiao Yan's first time looking for a wife. It seemed that Xiao Xun'er would return soon.

But when the Gold-eating Rat heard about the ancient tribe, he was immediately frightened. Because the Ancient Clan has the bloodline of the Dou Emperor, even the Soul Palace, Dan Pagoda, and the three ancient families of Warcraft are not enough to look at in front of the Ancient Clan, let alone the Gold-eating Rat Clan, which only has the strongest Dou Sect. It is no wonder that So scared. It seems that Xiao Yan's current strength is still not enough in front of the ancient clan. If he wants to marry Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Yan still needs to work hard. After all, even fighting emperors are scarce in the ancient clan, which shows that there are many powerful people in the ancient clan.

​The above is the entire content of this issue. Dear readers, what do you think of the plot after Doupo's return? Welcome to leave a message in the comments section and discuss with everyone. If you also like the Battle of the Sky animation, please click three times to show your support. Thank you. See you in the next issue.

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