On June 28, Wang Xingyue Studio shared a video of Xiao Heng's battle damage that was not included in the TV series "Mo Yu Yun Jian", which triggered discussions among netizens about "Mo Yu Yu Jian" be, and was questioned for "turning the table". On the 29th, Yu Zheng issued an ar

html On June 28, Wang Xingyue Studio shared a video of Xiao Heng's battle damage that was not in the TV series "Ink Rain and Cloud Room", which triggered discussions among netizens about "Ink Rain and Cloud Room" be, and was questioned for "turning the table." On the 29th, Yu Zheng issued an article severely condemning Wang Xingyue Studio on this matter, "How dare you blaspheme my art" . In addition, some netizens broke the news that Wang Xingyue Studio had private contacts with fans and backstabbed fans of the drama. Yu Zheng said that he would fire everyone from Wang Xingyue Studio.

On the evening of the 29th, Wang Xingyue Studio issued a statement apologizing for the controversy caused by this matter: "The relevant content has been deleted; the publicity staff who reviewed and released the relevant materials have been severely criticized and dealt with in accordance with the company's system. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who follow and love " Friends and viewers of "Mo Yu Yun Jian" and netizens who paid attention to this incident expressed their sincere apologies. "

Netizens commented

Some netizens pointed out that this behavior of the studio is a backstabbing of fans of the drama.

my_chloe: Backstabbing fans of the drama is very shameful.

Some netizens also complained that the outside of the drama is even more exciting than the drama.

There are only shells left from the nuts: The outside of the drama is more exciting than the drama, and every day there is not much excitement but a lot of things happening.

justfive-: Let’s start acting again... This drama is even more exciting than his drama.

Some netizens said that it is not very important whether the ending is he or be.

燚燚生光985: I'm a bit crazy, each person understands one by one, and arguing endlessly for an ending is too dramatic. It's just a fictional story. As for that, I don't understand. Be or he doesn't affect my viewing of the drama at all. Sometimes be is more memorable.

Source: | Morning News is compiled from Sina Entertainment, Weibo, @yu正