Mo Lizhen, a well-known classical literature researcher who has circulated orderly for thousands of years, said wittily: "If I could time travel, I would most like to go back to the Northern Song Dynasty and be a volunteer in Huangzhou to help Mr. Dongpo grow rice." When I saw Wh

An orderly and orderly millennium context

Mo Lizhen, a well-known classical literature researcher, said humorously: "If I could time travel, I would most like to return to the Northern Song Dynasty and be a volunteer in Huangzhou to help Mr. Dongpo grow rice." When I When I saw this wish, I was inexplicably excited and felt the same way. I also joked with my friends: "I can't grow rice, but I am willing to travel to the Tang and Song Dynasties and work as a book boy for Han Yu and Su Shi, but I am afraid that others will not want me." I wanted to give it up, Mr. Dongpo Er is a book boy. I am afraid that there will be a long queue facing each other from shoulder to shoulder. I am just dreaming.

I never expected that in the summer of 2023, my "dream would come true" and I would travel to the Tang and Song Dynasties. I would search for him through hundreds of search engines and meet with Master Wen Wen, who I admire like a phoenix in the sky. I remember that one day during the summer vacation, it was hot and boring, and I suddenly received a call from a CCTV director, inviting me to participate in the filming of "The Biography of the Grand Master: Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties" and briefly introducing the creativity and features of the program. I hesitated for a moment and agreed. This is because I am very interested in the time-travel concept and youthful narrative of the program; more importantly, the work I am engaged in is, in a broad sense, the teaching and inheritance of excellent traditional culture. I am very willing to spread and popularize it. A little bit thin in aspects.

Speaking of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, I am really destined to them. I remember when I was a child, I secretly looked through the books in the bookcase while the adults were away. There was a stack of "Eight Classical Classics of the Tang and Song Dynasties" bound in threads. It was arranged vertically in Traditional Chinese. There were many volumes. Although I couldn't understand it, it was the beginning of my contact with the Eight Masters. It was a very ordinary lithograph, not a good version, but it was definitely evidence that the Eight Great Masters "flew into the homes of ordinary people". How could a scholar in the old days not have a set of selected articles by the Eight Great Masters in his study?

The author's collection of "Han Yu Collection"

The Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties can be said to be the best writers in ancient China. Reading their works is like facing a table full of delicacies, and tango dances on the tip of the tongue. A feast for the eyes. Han Yu's articles are "like the Yangtze River, flowing mightily"; Liu Zongyuan's travel notes are "like strange peaks and peaks, appearing one after another"; Ouyang Xiu inherited Han and Liu, and initiated the innovation of poetry and prose in the Northern Song Dynasty. "Back and forth with hundreds of twists and turns"; Wang Anshi's "magnificent writings are enough to decorate all things"; Zeng Gong's writings are "slow but not annoying, simple and profound but not obscure"; among the "Three Sus", Su Xun's writings are "eloquent and magnificent", Su Zhe's writings are " "The vast ocean is indistinct", while Su Shi is the culmination of the Song Dynasty's articles, and his articles "are full of brilliance and are as majestic as ever for generations." They dominate the field of writing with pride, their famous works are majestic and superb, and their artistic styles are unique. They not only spread far and wide, but also condensed into an orderly and indelible cultural bloodline.

Ask yourself, I now have a certain level of writing ability. Although I cannot completely attribute it to the Eight Great Masters, there is no doubt that the writing genes and blood of the masters flow in my words. This is extremely subtle, and sometimes it is difficult for me to detect it. By extension, I believe that the articles of most Chinese writers contain and integrate the literary elements of the Eight Great Masters to a greater or lesser extent. This is the continuous cultural context of spring breeze turning into rain and moistening things for thousands of years. Whether you notice it or not, admit it or not, the Eight Great Masters have always been with you, and have been naturally and deeply imprinted on Chinese articles since the Tang and Song Dynasties. This precious heritage, like the lingering clouds and the bright stars in the sky, has long transcended the boundaries of time and space and has become the common memory and glory of the nation.

Although traditional Chinese culture continues to flourish, it is also an old country with a new destiny, facing the challenges of the new era. In the past, the inheritance of the articles of the Eight Great Masters relied on books. Nowadays, paper reading is experiencing an unprecedented dilemma. The new digital reading is short, flat, and fast, and people increasingly lack the patience and determination to read intensively and carefully. The articles of the Eight Great Masters are of course as precious as gold and jade, but a certain threshold is required to enter, let alone fully appreciate and understand them.

We and the master have touched each other's world

"The fragrance of wine is afraid of the depth of the alley." How can the good things of our ancestors break through, break through the circle, and better inherit, spread and promote them in this magical era? How do traditional cultural variety shows explore youthful narratives and expressions? In this sense, the emergence of CCTV's "Biographies of Grand Masters: Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties" is timely and innovative.

The biggest feature of "The Biography of the Masters: Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties" is undoubtedly time travel, and it is an ingenious two-way time travel. The cultural tour group, composed of hosts and experts, traveled back a thousand years to ancient times, met with the masters, and felt the generous songs of the Tang and Long Song Dynasties; while the Eight Great Masters traveled to the present day to see the great changes in the Chinese land. The grandmaster and we have touched each other's world in this way. "Throughout the ages", we look at each other like ice and snow. Bian Zhilin's famous work "Fragment of Chapters" is well-known: "You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are looking at you upstairs. The bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people's dreams." It was borrowed to describe the time-travel in "The Biography of the Grand Master" The idea seems to make you smile.

I remember that Han Yu's famous work "Tiao Zhang Ji" has quite a whimsical thought: "I would like to have two wings and catch them out of the wilderness. Sincere communication, all kinds of strange things will enter my intestines. The stinging hand will pull out the whale's teeth, and I will lift the ladle to drink from the sky. The body is covered with sweat, and there is no Weaver Girl." In the middle Tang Dynasty when Li Bai and Du Fu were not universally respected, Han Yu was the most discerning in determining the status of Li and Du's great masters. He was like a little fanboy. Follow Li and Du from all over the world, how pious, how insightful, and how wonderful! My "travel mood" when participating in "The Biography of the Grand Master" is probably similar to Han Yu's admiration for Li and Du back then.

"The Biography of the Grand Master" is very good at telling stories, whetting the audience's appetite. Take the two episodes of Han Yu as an example. The visiting team repeatedly searched for the protagonist but failed to meet him. Instead, they met Han Yu's best friend Meng Jiao, a disciple of the Han sect, and Mrs. Han. From the people's mouths, they sought confirmation from many sources and learned the exact information about Han Yu. Hard work paid off, and after many twists and turns, the visiting group finally met Han Yu! There are many links and suspense among them. The visiting team is searching everywhere and finally realizes their wish, and the audience is also filled with emotions and sighs. The program also consciously designed and output some interesting knowledge points. The beginning of the time travel is the scene of the delegation visiting the West City of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, leading the audience to experience the prosperity of the world city and the openness and tolerance of the Tang Dynasty culture, with a great sense of immersion. The visiting group wandered around, curious and chatting all the way. During the chat, the imperial examinations, food, entertainment, foreign civilization, etc. of the Tang Dynasty were displayed one by one. The audience followed the visiting group and "learned" unknowingly during the relaxed "eating, drinking and having fun" and gained bits and pieces of new knowledge.

Han Yu (played by He Bing)

The middle-aged and elderly Han Yu, who I remember, is played by Beijing People's Art Theater veteran He Bing. The moment I saw He Bing in his ancient costume, I felt that he was Han Yu, and I couldn't help but blurt out: "I look up to you like Mr. Taishan and Beidou!" The ancient literati temperament in every gesture is a combination of quality, acting skills and background. It really can't be forced. He Bing enters the scene quickly, has profound line skills, and his performance is truly admirable. In the scene where Han Yu comforts Zhenzhou, He Bing's performance is remarkable, vividly depicting how a great master "wins the command of the three armies". Han Yu's best friend Meng Jiao is played by another famous actor Xu Yajun. Many years ago, in the popular TV series "In the Name of the People", Director Qi played by Xu, the "half-son of the winner of the sky", made people both love and hate him. In fact, Xu Yajun became famous as a teenager. As early as the 1980s, he starred in the work-study school-themed TV series "Searching for the World". That is definitely a lingering childhood memory for people of Mengman's age and mine. I seemed to read a little bit of the confused feeling of a young star-chasing boy from the way Meng Man stared at Xu Yajun! The handsome green young man back then turned into the old poet Meng Jiao with the furrowed forehead, sitting in front of me. Time is like a song, or time is like a knife?

"The Biography of the Grand Master" visiting group (Gu Shuguang, Mengman, Sa Beining)

Sa Beining is a very smart host. He took Mengman and me to interact with the actors.In some scenes, the visiting team is right next to the actors, and to a certain extent, they are also participating in the performance. When I looked at the energetic Xiao Sa, I suddenly thought of Sun Wukong and felt that he had the magic power to "make havoc in heaven"; Meng Man was also battle-hardened, and he "played" with Xiao Sa and met his opponent; and I, just "stay with me" "Last seat", just an amateur acting in his true colors. Occasionally, we have an idea. I remember that when talking to Meng Jiao, I went beyond the prescribed lines and joked a few words about "recommendation" (historically, Meng Jiao was a difficult candidate who failed to sell after repeated trials). , and Xu Yajun is worthy of being a capable person. He actually took over the conversation wittyly and replied, "This is beyond my scope of knowledge."... The back and forth brought out the wonderful things beyond the script.

Photography Notes

This was my first "electric shock", probably because of my personal experience, I felt so much.

Surprisingly, "glasses" have become an interesting topic in "The Biography of the Grand Master". Mengman and I in the visiting group both wear glasses, but we made up as ancient people and traveled to ancient times. Can we still wear glasses? To be honest, my heart beats when I put on makeup. I have been wearing glasses since middle school and almost never take them off except when sleeping. When taking a photo, if you take off your glasses, you will have a pair of big, dull "dead fish eyes", which is so ugly! Fortunately, Mengman helped out. She said firmly at the time: "I don't take off my glasses. If I take off my glasses, I can't see anything." I chuckled and agreed. So, the two of us dressed in ancient costumes and glasses, and swaggered through the Tang Dynasty, creating a "good story". After the show was broadcast, some friends actually made fun of our glasses. I said "nonsense" seriously: "I bought the glasses at the Hu merchant stall in Datang West Market. There are rare gadgets from all over the world there. The world is really amazing!" We have advanced the invention of glasses by hundreds of years!" I also "quibbled": "To say the least, wearing glasses just means that we are time travelers!" I didn't expect that small glasses would become a hobby! The lively "closed eyes" made everyone happy.

The visiting group was at the "Internet Celebrity Check-in Store" in Chang'an City and bought a few horseshoe cakes that the locals liked to eat. I originally thought it was just a prop or something, and since it was extremely hot, I didn’t really want to eat it. But Mengman didn't have a meal in the morning, so he really chewed it, and Xiaosa also ate it deliciously. So I had to pretend to eat along, but when I tried it, the cake was actually hot, fresh, crispy, and very delicious. After a while, the three of us had eaten all the horseshoe cakes, so much so that Mengman wanted Xiao Sa to buy more. The seafood you eat on the Chaozhou streets at the back is also genuine and fresh seafood. This is enough to show the careful and attentive preparation of the show. When it was officially broadcast, I wrote a limerick "Eating Horseshoe Cake in the Tang Dynasty" and sent it to Moments: "Chang'an City sells Horseshoe Cake, and I feel close to each other when I first taste it. Meng Jiao ate it that day, and he was so proud of the flowers. Early spring! "

"The Master's Biography" visiting group (Sa Beining, Yang Yu, Gu Shuguang)

When filming an episode of Su Xun, Xiao Sa, Yang Yu and I stood on the bridge in Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty. A drama that praises the prosperity of the market. Yang Yu and I couldn't wait to start the lecture on the bridge. We talked a lot, such as "the city is full of pearls, and the households are full of luxury", "there are hundreds of thousands of homes", the world's cities are so prosperous, and in front of us is a real-life version of Qingming Riverside Picture...Xiao Sa stood by and watched our "performance" quietly without saying a word. The more we talked, the more guilty we became, and finally we could no longer talk. Xiao Sa joked: "You are outputting like crazy, but I haven't turned on my computer yet!" Yang Yu and I looked at each other, only to realize that we were busy in vain. First, we were embarrassed, and then we laughed so hard that we almost fell off the bridge. Later, we lamented: "It was so easy to steal the show, but we still didn't succeed! Xiao Sa is too cunning!"

After getting off the bridge, the visiting group wandered on the streets of Bianjing, choosing restaurants, and the waiters from each shop surrounded us. , I tried my best to attract customers, the main store, the best food and drink in Tokyo, the beautiful women serving as wine... I couldn't get away for a while.I suddenly said: "There are so many restaurants, and there was no in the Song Dynasty. How do we choose?" At that time, I thought it was a "God-given sentence" and I was smug. Afterwards, the editor and director joked: "It was ruthlessly deleted because it was suspected of being a free product placement for" I couldn't help but clasp my hands and laugh.

At the end of the two episodes of Han Yu, Xiao Sa took Han Yu through time to Chaozhou to see the new look of the "Seaside Zou Lu" era. When they arrived at Changli Road Primary School, the Chinese teacher in the classroom was teaching Han Yu's "Horses". The young teacher wearing a white shirt in front of you is clean and fresh, as if you have seen him before somewhere; if you look carefully, you will find that he is actually the actor who plays the role of the Twelve Lang in ancient costume! Next, the elderly Han Yu and the young Chinese teacher who traveled to the present time looked at each other affectionately, as if they had known each other before, but they hesitated to speak... When reviewing the film, I immediately thought of the eternal masterpiece "Sacrifice to the Twelve Lang Wen", "One At the end of the sky, in the corner of the earth...the sky is the sky, it has its limits!" I couldn't help but be immersed in it, and I wanted to cry. "This feeling can be recalled later, but it was already lost at that time." It seems that the long reincarnation of the past and present happened in the moment of meeting again. This metaphorical journey is one of the most touching moments for me. Unfortunately, the version that was later aired was not adopted, which is a bit of a pity.

The eight "thousand-year-old masters" have rejuvenated their youth

The summer vacation of 2023 will be unforgettable. The two days when I was filming Han Yu were the hottest days of summer. I was on the bank of Taihu Lake in the south of the Yangtze River. I wore a wig on my head, a futou on the outside, and two layers of ancient clothes on the inside and outside, sweating like rain. The makeup artist wiped off my sweat and reapplied my makeup over and over again. Not to mention the round-necked robe I wore outside, even the thin, close-fitting gown underneath got soaked through more than once. But there was no complaint in my heart at all. All I could think about was the beautiful articles of the Eight Great Masters. The most amazing thing is that those famous quotes and golden sentences from the Eight Great Masters are running rapidly in my mind, and they come to me one after another, and they become a good way to relieve the heat on the set.

During the break between shooting, I closed my eyes and rested my mind, thinking of "Han Ruchao, Liu Ruquan, Ou Rulan, Su Ruhai", and I instantly felt refreshed while floating on the water. Han Yu not only had a famous saying: "When a gentleman is in his position, he will think about dying in his official position; before he is in position, he will think about revising his words to clarify his way." "The heart-warming scene. Liu Zongyuan not only had the ideal of governing the country to "select the people from the world and make them competent in their posts; the people who live in the world and make them secure their careers", he also had the lonely swan song of "a man with a boat and a hat, fishing alone in the snow in the cold river". Ouyang Xiu not only has the wise theory that "worry and labor can rejuvenate a country, but leisure and leisure can destroy one's life", he also has the wise words of "life is full of love and ignorance, and this hatred has nothing to do with the wind and the moon". Su Shi not only had the devotion to the country that he "had the heart to serve the country even if he died for it", but also had the charming amorous feelings of "wanting to compare the West Lake to the West, it is always appropriate to put on light makeup and heavy makeup". Famous quotes from the Eight Great Masters, such as the beautiful jade tree and the red arrow ganoderma, are really calming and naturally cooling!

How can Liu Zongyuan (played by Chen Xiao) and Sa Beining

relieve the heat? There is a breeze in the gathering of eight houses. Ha ha! It may be my unique invention to use the famous sayings of the Eight Great Masters to cool off the heat.

Du Fu's masterpiece "Dream of Li Bai" depicts the longing for Li Bai in his dream, affectionately:

Old friends come into my dream, knowing that I will remember each other forever. I'm afraid it's not a life-long soul, and the road is far and unpredictable. When the soul comes, the maple leaves are green, but when the soul returns to the gate, it will be black. You are trapped in a snare, why do you have wings? The setting moon fills the beams of the house, hesitatingly illuminating the colors.

can be described as confusing and hazy, both illusory and real. This strange and unique tune of eternity has a close connection with me, and it can quite well describe the situation and mentality of me participating in the time travel of "The Biography of the Grand Master".

Traveling through the Tang and Song Dynasties is like a good dream. Although it is virtual, it does not hinder the sincerity of feelings, the authenticity of experience, and the real aftertaste. After this "intimate contact", the Eight Great Masters seemed to me to have transformed from unattainable sages to familiar "old friends" that I could remember in my dreams. Our cognition and understanding of the Eight Great Masters soared from the two-dimensional paper, encapsulating the magnificence of literature, mixed with the rolling dust of history, and landed in their respective three-dimensional legendary lives. This may be the most affectionate meaning of "The Biography of the Grand Master".

The fate of life is indeed wonderful. I never expected that this "hot" program would have a direct relationship with me and a wonderful relationship. From joining the cultural tour group, participating in filming, to serving as a guidance expert, providing comments on scripts, reviewing sample films, to reviewing "materials" and writing my own articles, I was deeply involved and enjoyed it throughout.

"Thousands of people have left me!" The articles, style and ambition of the eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties have been interpreted and sublimated through the interpretation and sublimation of "The Biography of the Grand Masters" over thousands of years, making them refreshing, lifelike and awe-inspiring. The youthful narrative and expression of the program have rejuvenated the eight "thousand-year-old masters" and gained the attention and pursuit of contemporary young people. It is surprising! This is the largest and most effective dissemination and popularization of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties and their articles since the rise of vernacular writing after the May 4th Movement! The effect is so good that it has never been achieved before.

Although the eight people have long gone away, they are watching us tenderly in the sky. They are noble and interesting souls. They are majestic and tall, their writing is rich and mellow, and their character is loyal, clear and sharp. They are always worthy of being cherished, loved and passed down by the Chinese people. I firmly believe that the great articles, great wisdom and great feelings of the eight great masters will be with the Chinese nation, protecting China's prosperity, peace and prosperity, and long-lasting cultural heritage.

Author: Gu Shuguang

Text: Gu Shuguang Editor: Wu Dongkun Editor: Shu Ming

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